ITT we compare this to our pc

CPU: i win with a 3.7ghz i7 920

GPU: i lose with my gt760

RAM: i win with 12gb

HD: equal

Looks like a PS2, haha! xD

CPU: i lose with a 2.20Ghz i7-4702MQ

GPU: i lose with my Geforce 820M

RAM: equal

HD: i lose with my 128 GB SSD

CPU: I5-6600k, no idea if this is a better CPU

GPU: GTX970, yeah nah

RAM 16 gigs, better

HDD: 128gig SSD and a 3TB HDD, much better


So to get 60 FPS you're playing modern games at medium now.

6600k is way better

>RAM: i win with 12gb
doesnt the bonex have 12gb ddr5? pretty sure they said that in the conference

Really depends on the game.

Most of the time I can do high and hit 60fps no worries, but then a game like Dood Sex MD or Hitman comes along and I have to drop it down.

Hitman is the worst, no matter what I do, that cunt drops to 45fps.

CPU: i7-4790k overclocked to 4.7GHz, win there.
GPU: Two GTX 1080 in SLI. Defiantly win there.

My PC can handle anything that isn't poorly optimized at native 4K, 60 FPS and above maxed. I think I win.


3GB is dedicated to the OS, so I guess he's factoring that in.

I should say this is at 1080p

4K isn't even worth thinking about on a 970.

How much was your setup?

omg fellow neogaffers.

this is triggering !!


unless you shit it up with RGB GAYMAN shit thats a 1400-1600 USD area

7700kaby OC'ed to 4.6
32gb Ram
512SSD w/ 5tb HDD

>Ryzen 1800X
>32GB DDR4 3200mhz

CPU: i5 7600K @ 4ghz. I win? Or no? Jaguar has more cores...

GPU: GTX1080 underclocked to 1700mhz. I lose? Or no? It's a GTX1080... it runs most games well at 1080p but only runs a few well at 4K.

RAM: 16GB DDR4. I lose? They use faster memory in the Scorpio I believe.

Overall: 50/50. I lose in the sense the Scorpio should perform nearly the same as my PC, for half the price.


Not him but nah, same graphics card and not one game has dropped below 60 fps on ultra

I won the game of more money than sense.
Could use a better monitor though, probably going 1440p/144hz instead of 4k since the high refresh rate meme is too good to give up.

>all those rams
>only 480 gfx

number of cores past 4 doesnt mean much about games, core speed is much more important.

CPU: i7-5930K 3.5GHz

GPU: GTX Titan X


With a 500GB SSD and a 4TB HDD

I laugh at the Xbox's existence.

i7 3660
Gtx 1070
32 gigs of ram
120gig ssd
1T hdd

Because of PTSD from 10 years ago of having
4GB of RAM
a 512mb GPU
500GB storage
never again
also, waiting for Navi, this rx 480 is good enough for 1080p