They lost: Chapter 2. Aftermath

Now that sony lost E3 by a landslide.
How does that change the industry environment?

Sony has no games for 2017 and possibly none for 2018 (delays).

What's the point of owning a PS4 this year, what new games you going to buy?

The new fifa ?

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't wait to see dunkey XD retarded ass grovel at microsofts feet.

fat fuck should get no pitty.

Or Sony is waiting until PSX to reveal more?

>forza and crackdown is literally microsofts only games for 2017

Sony still has more interesting games than Microsoft even on an off year

This E3 is literally nothing.

Maybe Battlefront 2 was good enough for showing us actual gameplay

Pretty sure the Spider-Man gameplay had more destruction than the new version of Crackdown.

what utter shit, i didn't want to watch the full cutscene movie of any of the games shown on youtube

>No Ape Escape 4
>Show movie games, zombieshit and "KNACK 2 BABY"

>they lost
They did?

Only losing I see here is that Nintendo lost another "exclusive."

Dad of War, Days Gone, Destiny 2, MonHun World, Spider-Man, and DBZ all look dope as fuck. I'm lined up for next year. Surprised we didn't see Red Dead 2 though.

Good thing they didn't fall for the Ape Escape meme, they would have been laughed out of there

I guarantee Sony will move to digital e3 conferences just like Nintendo in the next 3 years, if not 2018.

They literally spent all that money on an auditorium just to showcase a trailer reel. That Shaun schmuck only came on-stage twice to spout some stupid shit for 2 minutes at a time.

With the negative reaction they got from 2017 and all that money literally wasted, I'm pretty sure they are not gonna bother with traditional e3 conferences anymore. You can even tell this year they didn't really care.

>What's the point of owning a PS4 this year
Really, when the two competitors are releasing the next gen of consoles after the PS4 and the Sony GOTY Persona 5 was on PS3 a last gen console, what is the point of PS4?

E3 has been shit this year, but dont act like Sony still havent got TGS, Gamescom, Paris Games Week and even Sony's own Playstation Experience to show more shit off.

>You can even tell this year they didn't really care.
Why should they? They knew they didn't have any games for this year, and are probably planning the PS5 to be announced/released a couple years from now.

i would have never believe that sony would bail this hard

the guys know how to bullshit and release fake trailers on the regular
so why this time was different?
is this the first time Sony was sincere?

>No Souls/FROM game at any of the conferences.

They all lost, shit E3, glad I went to bed.

This is a good time to ask but how did they decide who won?

Over the years we used report cards and shared views but this year there was a graph. I had no idea I should have voted.

>Sony has no games for 2017

Matterfall - August 15
Uncharted The Lost Legacy - August 22
Everybody's Golf - August 29
Knack 2 - September 5
Gran Turismo Sport - Fall

>Playstation Experience
After how big the last one was they're probably saving a lot for PSX 2017.

>audio issues
>0 seconds, yes literally 0 seconds, of gameplay

Why even hold a """"conference""""

They will never do it.
They do not want to look disconnected from the fans, so it always will be live show, not internet prerecord.

>Dad of War, Days Gone, Destiny 2, MonHun World, Spider-Man, and DBZ all look dope as fuck.
You have very, very low standards. Monster Hunter may be good, but I wouldn't expect much from the rest.

I'm excited about the Shadow of the Colussus remake
Because I've never played it

>I guarantee Sony will move to digital e3

Sony‘s conferences literally live off production value and crowd pops. If anything they'll spend even MORE next year

Wait for TGS

So an indie game, some DLC, a golf game that nobody really cares about, a sequel to one of the worst PS exclusives, and GT which will probably be delayed another 5-10 years. Great.

Microsoft lost the hardest as usual because Sony at least had shitty exclusives and a decent looking remake of SotC. Nintendo is going to win E3 for sure.

>sony niggers

>Game published by a billion dollar corporation

Imagine being this retarded and embarrassing yourself this hard lads

No one won this E3 user, besides maybe Ubisoft, but all their games are multiplat.

So nothing changes except the quality of games for the next 6 months looks pretty awful

>Expecting rumors from a retarded shill to come true

you are a victim of your own hype

This is so fucking pathetic. I cant believe you guys eat up MORE uncharted rehashing.

Who the fuck didnt get tired of LE EPIN SETPIECES RUN N GUN after 2?

They have been more games released on ps4 this year so far than there has been for xbox all year. Its actually kinda pathetic.

Publishing != developing you idiot.

Except the MS guys are saying they won by a landslide and they have a chart.
Please explain to me where they got it.

Yeah this seemed very much like a treading the water conference until a new hardware tease next year for a 2019 release, hence the lack of 'coming in two years!' game demos.

>Xcucks trying this hard

wew lad

>publishers and developers are the same company with every game
Imagine being this retarded and embarrassing yourself this hard lads

I didn't care for any rumors, I just wanted a game from FROM, anything really, not BB2 or some crazy shit.

>Sony has no games for 2017 and possibly none for 2018

They had a terrible press conference, I'll give you that, but what you said is bullshit. Besides, Sony has always left its goodies to TGS.

>It's a xXBONEXx shitposter samefags thread after thread in a poor attempt to manipulate the impressionable minds of Sup Forums into parroting his insincere opinion

Don't own a ps4 yet, but was planning to get one anyway. With the monhun reveal I'm completely sold as soon as that paycheck rolls in.

As far as microsoft stuff goes, most of the stuff I was hype for I will be able to also play on my PC.
I don't think nintendo will have anything I want that will make me get a switch anytime soon. But I'll probably pick up a switch as soon as they announce the inevitable "switch 2.0"

Bethesda was probably the worst so far, in my opinion.

cry more xbots ;)

There's always TGS.

Think of your favorite game that came out of this year's E3.

it's playable on the PS4

Pretty much what I thought, Every game that got a release date is set for early to mid 2018, they're probably already working on a new PlayStation.

>implies that he has a gaming PC and doesnt need xbox
>will buy monhun for ps4 eventhough its also on PC


kys lying shill

Isnt Ni No Kuni 2 out this year? Plus one of those indie VR games should have been cut from the show in favour of showing the VR support in GT Sport.

It was a whole lot of nothing this year. I know they don't show off much Jap games, but still, the lack of anything other than SOTC and MH was fucking terrible. Shadow of the Colossus and Spider-Man seemed to be the only things worth a shit. I'll probably just get MH for the Switch, since this one didn't seem very Monster Hunter-y.

>Isnt Ni No Kuni 2 out this year?
Could be. The fuckers still haven't given us a release date. This could have been the perfect opportunity, but no.

>winning and losing E3
What a gay meme. There wasn't really anything special from anyone. Microsoft showed a bunch of multiplats and their XBONEX, but no major exclusives. They even managed to make Crackdown look worse.

The only positives were pixel Blade Runner, Monster Hunter, SoC, a fucking RABBIDS game with Mario, DBZ fightan, and Wolfenstein.

t. gook souls shill

Spiderman didn't even look good. Half of it was a QTE, and the other half was just Batman. The swinging didn't look fun at all.

November 10

The only upcoming PS4 game I care about is Gundam Versus

Zero fucks was given for this year's E3

I loved the Arkham games, so i'm happy to be playing one as a character i like better. The QTEs i'll give you, and i hope they aren't all over the game, but otherwise, yeah, i'm happy for Spider-Man: Arkham City

I'm looking at new sites now, and it seems this only just came out. Why the fuck didn't they leave it for their conference? Fucking fags.

Can someone tell if xbox has any exclusive games?

Replace (((Wolfenstein))) with Evil Within 2

That's just Sony Interactive Entertainment published games. It doesn't include stuff like Crash Bandicoot which is PS4 exclusive (for now at least)

>which is PS4 exclusive
It's already been confirmed that it isn't.

I'm just guessing the QTE's are just for th big setpiece moments

>w-wait for TGS
>w-wait for PSX
Remember when Sonyfags said E3 was everything?
I still do. Fuck Sonyfags, just right their overhyped conference flopped


That's a fundamental problem with the game design. The big setpieces should be playable. If you have to make them QTEs to make them work, then you failed.

TGS is nothing but PSX is legitimately big now. But that's in December, if they were going to announce something they would have done it now

Uncharted: The lost legacy is actually a stand alone game and a DLC. Hotshot golf won't be a staple franchise for every PS gen if no one cared about and Knack actually outsold both The Order 1886 and Drive Club hence it got a sequel. This may not be a big deal for you since you are not familiar with it but to Sonybros it's actually a good amount of titles for second half of the year.

>Uncharted: The lost legacy is actually a stand alone
Just because they charge $40 and stick it on a disk doesn't make the 10 hour DLC a full game.

Oh it's coming out for PC? Well then I'm fucking retarded.
It will just come down to which system my friends are playing on in that case.

Still, I never played the last guardian, I wanna play spiderman because fuck you I like spiderman. And there's a couple other older ps4 games I wanna try that have already been released.

Call me a shill if you want. I don't give a fuck.
Sorry but there's no reason for me to buy an xbone. Kinda annoyed I have to update to windows 10, but I'll probably get around to a new PC build within the next year anyway. So fuck it, I'll "upgrade."

The first Uncharted is like 8 hours

>Luterally nothing but games, no bullshit showmanship or dance numbers or cars lowering from the ceiling
>no sports or racing
>Sotc remake, spiderman, uncharted and monster hunter all looked good

why are people bitching again?

DBZ, Uncharted, SotC, MH, Ni no Kuni, Spiderman, Crash and BloodBorne: weeb edition are all on PS4 and showed up. There's still games from this year I haven't picked up. There's still TGS and PSX. There's also still a ton of untranslated Japanese games. I'm doing pretty great right now. Enjoy your $500 Forza machine.

The new game the Until Dawn team made looks cool butI have no friends so whatever

looks like Sony is preparing for PS5

pretty sure they'll announce one next year

>Damage controlling a conference where the biggest announcement was PC gamings scraps

Playstation is already having a stellar year, and we already have all the games announced last year to look forward to.

Im sure we'll see ff7, kh3 and death stranding at tgs or paris. Im happy as fuck to own a ps4 right now desu senpai

MS is still mad that 95% of the games shown are all multiplats.
This butthurt will continue for some time.

>Multiplats that run worse
>Press X To Spidey

The delusion is glorious

That would literally be the dumbest thing they could do.

>pc gaming scraps


i guarantee any of your""""""pc scraps"""""""" have sold 10 times more on ps4

>Switchcuck thinking anyone takes him seriously
That's cute.

I missed the entire E3, why did microsoft/xbox win? I know about creation club and the afro thing, anything else I should know?

Only SOTC and Spiderman looked good. MH seemed like it's a spin off veering far from the core of the game, and the rest of the games looked pretty boring. They could have knocked it out of the park, but they went with a safe hit and ran to first base.

>people already forgetting that the majority of the ps4 exclusives came out early in the year

>Remember when Sonyfags said E3 was everything?
That's Xcucks, faggot. They're already doing it because of the turd that was the MS conference.

$0.01 has been placed in your account

More like 100%

>Sonyfags on suicide watch

Question, why would sony need to shill the PS4 when it recently just got to 70M units shipped in less than 4 years since it launched?
Usually shilling happens when you're failing hard and desperare, see the Xbone and WiiU.

>getting MH

seeing the numerous threads of Nintendards bashing the New MH as not a Monster hunter is enough keks for me

How much you wanna bet there's more Overwatch users on PC than PS4?

No, it's Ubisoft

As an XB1 owner I would have just been fine with just MS published first party games even if they are on PC. But no, literally just Forza and Ori (Ori is cool though)

Shitposting aside is anyone else excited for days gone? It looks like it will be intense, and I love games where you can make enemies fight each other

Still a loss no matter how you cut it dude

>Suicide watch
>Over a meh conference

At least I'm not being asked to pay $499 for the privilege of timed exclusive indie games at 4K :^)

>Th-They improved the gameplay because there's no hardware limitations so it's #NotmyMH!
Their tears are fucking delicious.

>why would sony need to shill the PS4 when it recently just got to 70M units shipped in less than 4 year
This is a lie. They just got to 60 this April.

Why is there still so much QTEs in games? What the actual fuck? Who wants this stuff? All this cutting edge graphical power is wasted on movie wannabe games yet again.

Sony showed the most unvideogamey, unexicitng piece of shit ever graced e3. Sonyfriends should just kill themselves.

Well I think there was one platformer or something, but yeah, that could be true as well. MS really had not "Microsoft" show at all this year.

Nintendo still gets their own portable MH, they'll probably will continue to make more portable MH in the future 'cause that's there the money is at.
