Can anyone here still deny that this fuck has become senile?

can anyone here still deny that this fuck has become senile?
after all these years he suddenly goes back to E3. He goes to a press conference that isn't nintendo, which almost never happens. Hell, he barely shows up in directs anymore
and for what?

it's not for the gameplay or anything, just the rabbids. When they pitched this idea to him all they had was mario x rabbids and he gave it the green light.
who knows how many business proposals in the past he denied. But this? yeah this is a great concept

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It's almost like Nintendo is getting with the times and appealing to a wider audience instead of their niche market and in turn making more money. Hmmmmmmm...

Can't wait for Miyamoto to retire, retarded shit like the Starfox game for Wii U is his fault

>muh grorious japanese honorur

lol shut up weeb

he's happy to make video games and money

do normies even give a shit about rabbids anymore?

Not really. It honestly feels less annoying than the literal ripoff minions are. It's fucking crazy, I know. The rabbids were cool at first, before Rayman went and died and they became more shit. They are like minions with a past dipped in greatness. I dunno. Guess we all just ignore the autism. Sure sounds more appealing than bitching at this point. And I love me some bitching.

I don't usually defend him or Nintendo in fact I hope their event today is bad because I cant imagine theirs ever being good, but it seemed obvious to me that the reason he did this was the guy wanted to meet him and Shiggy was basically sending some charity to a pleb. It was nice of him even if the game looks like shit, hard to hate him for this.

show some respect he invented jumpman

This. If anything, Nintendo becoming less autistic with their IPs can only be good for business in the long run... Provided they don't whore out their licenses like Sega did.


He's trying to be "hip and cool", just let him. Not like he's going to do any harm in it (he's not going to be working THAT much longer after all), younger devs will be the future anyways and I'm sure he put his trust in the right people r-right?

Yeah. Let's hope they can keep "muh honnirubru tradishun" and not become awful. But who knows. Time will tell. For now, they are taking a step in the right direction.

What are you doing?

Except rabbids were a 7th gen thing and nobody fucking liked them because they were essentially proto-minions.

no, nobody fucking cares about this shit anymore
and honestly after the 2 first games, I don't think even soccer moms cared anymore. Yet ubi kept pushing them past their prime
one of the most forced franchises in history

>a wider audience
you mean only ubisoft employees

Smoking a bowl and browsing on my phone at a friend's house and playing vidya. You?

It wasnt like that at all? Just look

Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool.

What are you babbling about OP?

Your stupidity is out of this world. It IS a wider audience. It's all about advertising advertising advertising. More people saw, more people will buy.

Most likely, Apparently SMO is mostly done by young devs and are already doing it better than what Siggy did

It felt good seeing miyamoto on the stage again after so many years.

nobody likes the rabbids anymore user
and minions have pretty much replaced them regardless
the only people who this could appeal to are the ones who made it

You know nothing about the wider market don't you? People see Mario and silly loud rabbits. They will buy idiot. That's the whole fucking point. Go back to school.

pls go ubisoft head of marketing

>2 worlds collide
what the fuck is the rabbids world even? it's just a bunch of minigames, there's literally no cohesive world in the rabbids game

To be fair, rabbits looks great in this game, much batter than nintendo bland original characters.

It's literally marketing 101. Just because you are dumb doesn't mean I'm wrong shill.

>there's literally no cohesive world in the rabbids game
Implying mario have cohesive and detailed world.

We should enjoy it while we can. One day, he's gonna die.
Enjoy the things you cherish before it's too late.

But he done nothing in this game. It is all ubi.

>Nintendo becoming less autistic with their IPs can only be good for business in the long run
Why? Why does Sup Forums use that word for everything? How does a business become less autistic with their IPs?

The guy wants to retire but Ninty doesn't want him to.


Isn´t this the italian developer of rabbids x mari-o?

One autistic trait, is to be very particular about what goes where, and how things should be done properly. If the autistic finds that their order has been undone, then they freak out. This behavior typically ends one of two ways. Either everyone else leaves the autist alone with their things. Or the autist alienates themselves, so no one can touch their things.

I'm actually speaking from experience, as someone with 2 autistic nephews. One in particular gets real weird about doing things the way he feels is acceptable. And when it doesn't, he loses his shit.

In his own fucking words he stated that he basically sees all other game developers as his rivals, even those he's partnering with like Ubisoft. And I'm willing to bet that it also applies to his actual staff over at Nintendo, at certain times.

that´s how it sometimes should be done, user.

During Nes-n64, when yamauchi was still president, he had some divisions and let them battle against each other.

>We had a Mario trailer with shitty licensed music and selfies in it

What an age to live

Nothing. Just your daily Miyamoto bitching thread full of conjecture.

Weeb 9000 lvl