Why does no one ever make a game where the baddies are the Jews?

Why does no one ever make a game where the baddies are the Jews?

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Gaming and fiction in general are about escaping reality otherwise it would be a sim.

Because the jews own the sponsors that these shitty videogames companies need to exists. Same with your mass media.

We are ruled by the international je... I mean, bank.


Came here to post this.

I mean they are right. Watching neo nazis get upset that people hate Nazis and fascism is pretty pathetic.

i'm starting to get annoyed/bored that all you ever do in a ww2 game is shoot nazis

i want to shoot soviets

>tfw no Rzhev Meatgrinder mission

Except the Nazis were actually the good guys who fought to free the people of the world from the grasp of international central bankers.

Now they are remembered as "evil" because said bankers have so much influence they literally rewrite history to suit their narrative.

I think shooting nazi's is fine since it's pretty relevant again.

>MUH hollow meaningless buzzwords to make up for how much of an untalented hack i am and how worthless my journalism non-skills are, me, faglord mcshitballs

nice meme faggot Nazi wannabe

the Nazis in Wolfenstein are literally cartoon villains.


Did you miss the subplot of the first reboot where a secretive cabal of Jewish technomancers had been affecting world history at their whim for hundreds of years?

Which makes it even more pathetic neo nazis are offended by them.

Soviets were based, but it would be cool to finally have a WW2 game, where you kill some americucks, leafs and britshits

Daily reminder that Hitler stated publicly and privately that he believed no race was inferior and that while Aryans must be the leaders of western civilization all races were welcome and accepted under him as his goals were not racial supremacy or extermination but the survival of a culture which he viewed as collapsing.

Daily reminder Hitler in every known order, letter, and document ever written by or about him and every recording of him that in all of this he never once talks about murdering anyone or exterminating any race and does not ever mention a Final Solution or a Holocaust.

Daily reminder that the Red Cross and the Red Army tallied the total number of dead civilians in all liberated prison camps at around 321,000, with most of this being attributed by combat doctors to disease and starvation. Only around 25-50,000 Jews and other groups were murdered by Nazis during WWII and these actions were condemned by Nazi officers and Hitler himself, and those Nazi officers who took the Aryan ideals too far were punished, often very harshly.

Daily reminder that Hitler and Nazi Germany are demonized because he was the last person with the balls to fight back and because he nearly won he is now slandered and revised in every negative way possible as the ruling organizations he spoke against are terrified that it will all happen again and that they may lose their nearly-unchallenged power.

>Soviets were based
isn't it past your bed time

You think I'm joking but I was actually being serious.
Libya was also liberated because they didn't want to be controlled by a (((central bank))), as did Iraq and Afghanistan.
Now we're liberating the last 4 countries on the planet not currently controlled by a Rothschild central bank; Syria, North Korea, Cuba and Iran.

>The alt-right is upset about the new Wolfenstein

Daily reminder fascism is a non-theistic cult that requires blood sacrifices and constant war and violence to somehow keep national cohesion. It's literally a religion for cucks who want to be subjugated. Even Islam is better.

>Why does no one ever make a game where the baddies are the Jews?

Because that is a straight-up retarded idea, and retards have historically been very bad at shipping playable games, let alone profitable ones.

There is literally nothing wrong with Fascism.

>he says in a thread where people try to defend the nazis
even commies are better than fascists.

>no race was inferior
>while Aryans must be the leaders of western civilization
logic isn't your strong suit I see

well, at least Islam won some wars in its history

mmmh.. maybe because jews haven't started an armer conflict to genocide a whole race and kill thousands of people to try to conquer Europe?

good goy

It is incompatible with western civilization, like Islam.

>even commies are better than fascists.
[citation needed]

There was literally no difference between them.

Well, at least one of them was

It's actually 11:38, my retarded 14 year old friend with IQ equal 88

It's true though, regardless if you believe in the Holocaust or not, the Nazi atrocities against the people of European nations should never be forgotten. Germans are not saints.

It's more cause Iraq, Libya and Syria were the only Arab nationalist countries left in the world opposing Zionism.

Afghanistan was a case of CIA assets (the Taliban and bin laden) going rogue and America intervening to throw the rug over their own mess and reassert control over the opium drug trade.

Why do you think the US is still there? Do you really think the entire US army can't defeat some illiterate goat herders with Kalashnikovs in 16 years? US needs to stay to control its opium.

Culture is race dummy. If Japan was displaced by hispanics it wouldn't remain Japan.

Wasn't there also that one guy who made tests in the supposed gas chambers and found out that those would have leaked and killed everyone in the camp and that he also found no traces of the gas in the walls or anywhere whatsoever?

>mao alone killed over 4 times the amount of deaths in the supposed holocaust
>this doesn't include the genocide of the christians in russia, and the holodomor
go to bed

Uh, I guess better at mass murder. Better at starving their own populations and plundering their farmers.

>be jewish
>get treated like shit in europe
>finally get your own country in the middle east
>treat your neighbours like shit


Maybe move on with your life, you fucking loser.

Fascist countries don't exist anymore. The few that did exist were annihilated within short time. Communist countries still exist and some of them are fairly old now. At least commies can prop up their totalitarian state for longer than a decade.


>what is Bolshevism?
>what is Palestine?


Fascism didn't have the chance to kill m8. It was stamped out before it got far. Nazis killed well over ten million people in their very short time (counting more than just the camps). If it had spread the entire continent, their death toll would easily dwarf even the tai ping rebellion. You'd have a death toll in the hundreds of millions.

Since fascism literally is founded in mass murder, it's probably shitty that it's worse at that.

>yet being the lone entity that will/has destroyed europe is worse
snownigger germans are bad no doubt,they ruined europe 3 times in a century. but jews are worse.

Oh whats that?

>muh Hoholmor

What if the hispanics were weebs that hated their country of origin and had tantrum feats everytime someone pointed out they are not actually japenese until everyone started calling them japanese just to silence their autistic screeching?

>fascist countries require entire coalitions to take down
>communist countries revert to 3rd world status and stay that way forever
wow really made me think :)

nice fake news, buddy.

won the war
put man into space
some regimes collapsed relatively peacefully, one actually turned itself into world's emerging second superpower

so what you're saying is race a social construct??

>won the war
doesn't exist anymore and the ones that do are incredibly irrelevant
>put man into space
nazi technology
>some regimes collapsed relatively peacefully, one actually turned itself into world's emerging second superpower
see first line

Well you did at again Sup Forums. You managed to throw such an "ironical" shit fit that you're once again, filling the pockets of the people you hate.

Seriously all that journalists need to do these days, is for you to do their work for them.

do they drag white people out of their houses and shoot them? If the white race dies out because they are not reproducing its their own fault.

>The few that did exist were annihilated within short time

Spain, 1939-1974...short time...

Yes, a guy with an ART DEGREE wikiwand.com/en/Fred_A._Leuchter

No, social constructs are the products of races.

I'm saying culture is a racial construct.

Facisim is a distincly modern policy. You don't want to keep your civ in that state forever, but it's great when you need to be on a total war footing.

i wonder what sort of chemical engineering degrees the people that made this image have

No they are too cowardly to do that, they have to use brainwashing on children from a very early age along with constant propaganda.

>doesn't exist anymore
Neither do Nazis. The argument was strictly commies vs Nazis, and commies had a better run.
>nazi technology
That's a meme, Korolev was a very talented engineer and his designs are way more complex than primitive Nazi stuff.

This is why:


>point to any one aspect you think is dumb
>lump it all together so you're either supporting the protags or the Nazis

Why is it always this? Can I not say all these coincidental "diversity quotas" and WII throwing in KKK + Black-power commies is just going all-out on today's climate for tumblr good-boy-points? And that they're only propagating racism as a result?

Doesn't mean I support Hitler or any Neo-Nazis or fascists, just hating the opposite extreme that you're apparently evil for criticizing.

but there is: Under Siege and Under Ashes
pic related, screenshot of one of the games

Where did the 10 million Ukranians go?
It was either collectivization or genocide, either is the fault of the communist soviet union.

Reminder this is why they come to bait at every given chance

You're more likely to be shot by us once the war in this nation turns hot. My advice to everyone is to document every leftist you know, they are the enemy.

its not the nazis you obtuse ass, it is the new 'muh civil rights' setting. They did the exact same with Mafia 3. Two franchises that should have nothing to do with 1960's 'muh kkk civil rights racism eyo hol up white boy' garbage.

Obvious propaganda.

You sniveling lefty faggots playing dumb, and always viewing everything in a vacuum, and never owning up to a single fucking thing you do, is really getting on my fucking nerves. Sack up and stop being a little pissant bitch boy, I don't want to have to fight and kill worthless faggots.

wikipedia link

>"The alt right are all nazis and we should be afraid!"
>Source is random anonymous Sup Forums posts anyone could have written and youtube comments from a five year old

I feel bad for this guy to be honest, I mean, you go to school to be a journalist and you think you're going to change the world and cover events and whatnot. But you fuck up and now you're writing blog snippets based on internet communities.

if culture is a racial construct then why celebrate diversity?

>and commies had a better run
objectively wrong
living in poverty while sending rockets into space does not count as having a "better run"
>commies have better technology than the nazis
will keep that in mind next time i buy an appliance or electrical product from the people that came after the commies

So has v/ been completely taken over by pol/

What matters is the ARGUMENT, the counter research done by the Institute for Forensic Research ,
Here's something for you

1) Attack the argument not who is arguing
2) Tu quoque

It's in the fucking sixties, man. Of course there is going to be black power

>living in poverty while sending rockets into space does not count as having a "better run"
It does when you compare it to Nazis' "mobilize the entire country to fight the war, lose said war spectacularly". Commie ideology might be dumb and their economical policies aren't sustainable, but at least they aren't Nazis - the laughing stock of ideologies.

>Holocaust didn't happen
>muh 10 gorillion hohols killed by Stalin himself
Firstly, officially in famine of 32-33 died 7 million people and, secondly, cockholes weren't even the half of the victims.

"Sup Forums" has taken over the future of the world

it will not be stopped. Go ahead and try if you like - your current allies are faggots, trannies, feminists, diaspora jews and muslims. Strong fighting stock.

>What matters is the ARGUMENT
hmmm maybe they shouldn't have criticised the guy for having an arts degree then

also the Institute for Forensic Research doesn't exist

nothing wrong about that. everybody does that.
even the people who brainwashed you. you are just helping their agenda like a useful tool. nothing more.

In alternate-reality 'murica that never even had a Cold/Korean/Vietnam War era because Hydra-Germany took over?

I'm not saying history should be ignored or rewritten, but we all know they were very much aware of the scenario and allegories they were rolling with.

>fuck those nazis
>using nazi language

>oh hey, let's invest extra work to remove a coloring effect so the people we are going to KILL don't know we're killing them ;)
Sounds fishy, honestly. Up to thid day I never even knew Zyklon B had a blue coloration originally, so why the fuck would half starved jews know?

I mean, some arts graduee doesn't have much credibility, true, but some of those debunks seem pretty "oh vey, the nazis were true !".

>It does when you compare
but it doesn't when you compare it to mobilising the entire country to fight the war, win the war then still remain a shithole
why do you think so many people fled west instead of east when they surrendered?

but there are many games where corporations are the bad guys

It's developed by Machine Games, Sweden. This is a cultural export of Sweden, so go ahead and take from that what you will.

I didn't say the holocaust didn't happen.
But by claiming the Holodomor didn't you've got that tin foil hat on pretty hard. Just shows how desperate you are to defend your economic system that keeps failing.

>win the war then still remain a shithole
Akshully life in USSR wasn't all that bad until like the 80s when the economy starting collapsing.
>why do you think so many people fled west instead of east when they surrendered?
Because life in the West was better? Actual West > Commies > Nazis.

Commiland: totalitarian shithole that at least accomplished something of note.
Naziland: totalitarian shithole which most notable achievement is starting and losing the largest war known to mankind.

my grandparents were occupied by nazis and soviets and they said soviets were worse

>Akshully life in USSR wasn't all that bad until like the 80s
oh sure it wasn't bad but compared to even west germany it was terrible
>Actual West > Commies > Nazis.
cool opinion

Holodomor is the termin invented by hohols, which means, that they were purposely starved to death by ebil Stalin, but whole USSR suffered from famine, so holodomor didn't happen.
And i'm pretty pretty sure, that you are hypocritical aut-right, which deniying holocaust, but believing in hoholmor.

A game about Murder Incorporated during the 30s or hunting down a rogue mossad agent across today's middle east may actually be interesting.

>ANTIFA cuckold dreaming about shooting """Nazis"""
It's not you people who have most of the guns in US, you know. If anything ever happens, you are going to get slaughtered.

More like, Sup Forums is now adopting Sup Forums views because insane leftists won't leave our vidya the fuck alone.

>More like, Sup Forums is now adopting Sup Forums views because insane leftists won't leave our vidya the fuck alone.

Then why did 10 million people die in Ukraine but those kinds of numbers weren't seen anywhere else on the planet?
And by your own justification then, collectivization must have lead to said deaths, as there has never been a greater famine relative to a nation's population dying.

>denying holocaust but believing in holodomor
No actually I believe both happened.
You're just the retarded pinko that denies the holodomor but believes in the holocaust. Let me guess, you've got a big old USSR flag hanging up in your room. And based on your shitty English I'm guessing it's not your native language either. Probably a brainwashed frenchie or something, they tend to be cucks that bend over backwards for communism.

It's always fun reading burgers talk about communism. I guess it really is the New Roman Empire, when you become so rich and powerful, you just start decaying from your own boredom.