
There is like 1 billion pajeet programmers without a job and they want to hire a muslim shit.

these people should have been on the london bridge.

Other urls found in this thread:


if they dont bring back /ourspidey/ i'll be convinced

>purely political

I think that money played a pretty significant role as well.

>the tutorial of the game is Peter dying
>You have to play as Miles
>It's a fucking Miles origin story
>At best they'll have Pete be a costume / unlockable voice for open world stuff

They're basically hinting at the fact that they're pulling a fucking MGS2 on people, except no one except Marvel and SJWs like Miles STATIC SHOCK Morales.

"View Insomniac Games’ video statement on current US immigration policy"

what the fuck?

just go make a damn video game and mind your own business you dumb fags

>ratings disabled
>comments disabled

>There totally isn't an agenda being pushed here.

>The media isn't being used as a weapon against whites.

>Video game company
>Statement on US immigration
>rating disabled
>comments disabled

then don't buy their games. Spidey was created by a kike (Stan Lee) anyways, if you care that much about "pol itics" you should never have consumed any of his media at all.

>tfw Spyro was one of the first games I ever played
>since then always had a soft-spot for Insomniac and have played/enjoyed most of their titles
>sometimes even dreamed of working for them in the future
>could tell in recent years the company has changed with new developers and all that
>now this shit

so long old friend

Unf, just look at those thighs and those abs.

That's Tobey, right?

>How dare these people hire people they want to hire. Think of the Indians.
the fuck is this post

Everyone looks fucking miserable

>Comments are disabled for this video.
every time.

Immigration policy affects Silicon Valley and video game development because they're no longer able to hire workers from overseas that really really need that Visa and thus will overwork themselves for piss poor pay just to stay on that Visa so they can move to the US.

It's essentially modern slave labour, with the new immigration policy companies are now expected to be competitive and find skilled workers within the USA and thus not have to pay low wages anymore.

>jesus chrsit what the fuck is this shit i just want to make video games man, im not even from this country i dont care give me my apple station and let me work

This is the death of wonder

>immigration ban will harm our company
>a ban on Muslim countries that has links to terrorism and was recommended by obama

do these fucks pay attention to world events?

The one black dude in the back is like
>Why am I back here?
>I'm diverse too

Literally what's the point for making this video

>"I just wanted to make video games"

>a million neets on Sup Forums can't get a job anywhere
>game companies are apparently looking for programmers in saudi arabia

stop buying western games

I agree with some of those but what is wrong with the last picture?

>comments and ratings are disabled

I want to drink tea with that Asain grandma

>want to hire.
They don't want or need them. It's just disgusting virtue signaling to get some "good boy" points by the pseudo-progressive press

I feel like the only hobby I could enjoy and escape from my shithole excuse of a life in is being destroyed right in front of me and I am powerless to do anything to stop it. Every single game now needs to have the developers liberal agenda injected into it. I unironically want to die. Please just let it end. There is nothing else for me to enjoy in life.

Christ, I feel the exact same way, only replace Spyro with Ratchet and Clank. Sometimes I wonder what video games ever did to deserve this. I just want it all to end.

>what is wrong with the last picture?
it's not pictured, but it changed from
america = good, nazis = bad
commies = good, nazis = bad

>Comments are disabled for this video.

Even Sup Forums is more diverse

Good, you're being forced into finding something that actually makes your life worth living, beyond what you're using to escape from it. Go out and be somebody.

This is what you get for voting Trump. Now find another hobby or deal with it.

this some next level white guild cuckold tier trash for real lmao

insomniac is an absolute shit company, they have barely made any game worth of note, the only reason they've gotten attention is because there are so few good playstation exclusives. This video is just yet another reason to avoid their shitty games.

Gotta make room for 1/8 Cherokee in the front.

More like programmer circlejerking. If everyone followed the yellow brick road to money, we'd have a lot of what the Japs have (which ain't good, either).

>Insomniac Games on immigration.
Fuck off trying to make money off the struggle of my and many peoples suffering these corporate dickbags give as much a fart about the situation for those trying to get a better life in america.

most of the games they made recently were great but completely underperformed


You have to go back.

>make your voice heard
>but we won't allow you to post mean comments or you'll show we're wrong

How are they morally wrong? There's nothing morally right about ripping people from their homes and sending them somewhere they don't want to be. If anything they're cowards because they don't think anyone with common sense can't BTFO any Sup Forumstards prepared to raid the comments section with their horse shit.

I'm actually starting to grow more optimistic about SJWs essentially taking over the videogame industry. I think this might actually have an unintended effect, and might end up curing the manchild epidemic. It reminds me of this Simpsons episode. Just replace Itchy and Scratchy with videogames, and Marge with SJWs.


>There's nothing morally right about ripping people from their homes and sending them somewhere they don't want to be.
What did you mean by this?

They lost my respect after Tools of Destruction.

it's a fucking political statement you retard

If it's so wrong change the law. It should be easy to allow anyone who wants to stay in your country if everyone agrees.

>These fucks think they're saving the world by making video games
I fucking hate all these smug bastards
Nice bait
A (you) for your troubles

yeah best spidey we will get

>gotta make sure I say morally multiple times so I don't get called out on the real issues

he is talking about spiderman and shows video and picture to support his claims


>If it's so wrong change the law
Unfortunately we live in a democracy and the majority is wrong.

You have to go back, taco.

>the real issues
Like people of two different races getting married, or people identifying as a different gender? Because that's all the Right seems to care about these days, while Leftists tackle the actual issues that affect everyone's lives like wage disparity and climate change.

First of all, those issues are nonsense. Second, the Right you are talking about is in its death throes and is being replaced with something more relevant.

The Left isn't doing shit. They're upholding the status quo as much as the Right.

Bullshit, all the alt-right does is endlessly attack non-issues like what I've stated. They spend all of their time mocking an extreme minority to justify being racist shitheads.

The difference is that the Left can eventually evolve into something worthwhile, while the Far-Right is only going to make the world a worse place.

>Illegally enter a country
>cause problems for everyone from crime to enabling shitty employers who will hire you to save a buck
>get told to leave

wooow thats bullshit!

I don't think communists are going to evolve into something worthwhile.

>blocks your racism

>it's serious

>all illegals are criminals
>criminals should be sent back to their home countries so that they can cause trouble for other people (why not just execute them?)
Shitty employers wouldn't be an issue if the undocumented immigrants were given amnesty. Next?

>all leftists are communists
Nice meme

>the Far-Right is only going to make the world a worse place

reagan gave a few millions amnesty and look what happened, they brought their whole fucking family over

>(why not just execute them?)
Too many cucks.

imagine just throwing a Molotov in the middle of that

>all illegals are criminals
by definition of the word criminal, yes

>so that they can cause trouble for other people
not my fucking problem

>There are no problems with just letting anyone into your country without background checks and having an entirely different culture than said country
Wow you should be president too kid and make sure we all get free ice cream

100% about money. 'We want cheap foreign labor instead of paying a decent wage to an american!'

>will hurt our company
which countries are banned? Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen? Do they even have computers there or people who are skilled enough to use them?
>muh racism
>muh religious discrimination
weren't those countries banned because they don't have biometric passports?


Illegals are criminals or they wouldn't be here illegaly. Are you not understand omg that word Mr. Soros?

What is even the point of this video?

No one cares what some video game company thinks about US politics.

>Do they even have computers there or people who are skilled enough to use them?

Yes, actually.

Thanks. Now I'm not going to buy Spider-Man. I really wanted to play it too.

They really expect me to buy a PS4 for a fucking Spider-Man game? What is their problem? Fuck them.

The idea of another high school kid getting bitten by a superpower-causing spider is beyond retarded to me, even by comic book standards. Silk can also fuck off.

That's my only problem with Miles as someone who has never read his books.

Literally me as well
>Loved Spyro and Ratchet and Clank a lot while growing up
>legitimately dreamed to work for Insomniac making Ratchet and Clank games
>Idolized Ted Price and viewed him as a hero I wanted to be like
>With nothing but an English degree and a friend who could program he started a company that would go onto to make 2 generation defining franchises and had fun doing it
>I wanted to be just like him
>Then everything started to go south as well as my dream to one day start a studio with a couple of friends

>all illegals are criminals

soulless faces with empty communist eyes

What has this to do with videogames?