
Intel wins yet again. Core i9 available next week.

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good guy make sure you buy those 1000 dollar processor so you can play your 60fps games now!

Waiting on optimized motherboards for i9.

>good guy make sure you buy those 1000 dollar processor so you can play your 60fps games now!

the 18core version is $3499.

>tfw office crapware mobo
can i drop these on an H110M?


89% the number of cores and better at nearly everything else, for half the price. Intel fucked up big time and everyone knows it.

even better

Enjoy getting jew'd.

No. It would be bottlenecked the moment you locked it in.

>even linusshilltips is shook about intel
Enjoy getting jew'd

Get a ThreadRipper

I9? I can imagine that would be kind of pointless. You dont need more then an i5 for gaming as anything more is really just wasted cash. This is comeing from someone who wasted cash on a top range i7.

>18 cores
For what purpose?

Stream while you stream.

You're dumber than a console gamer if you think these i9's are a good buy.

So you can heat your entire neighborhood during the winter.

Intel: 16 PCIe lanes on """mainstream""" cpus
Ryzen comes with 24 on the CPU and top end threadripper goes up to 64.

>TDP: 140W

It's like Intel decided to go full bulldozer.

and is still slower

I said this on Sup Forums and people shit all over me

but its true

You have to delid to oc the i9 7900x, and it does 90c even with delidding at 4.8GHz using a binned sample.

It actually comes with free game exclusive to intel.
Called "Delid This 2: Toothpaste Strikes Back".
Suck it AMD FAGS.

>Toothpaste and Jew Goo win again

>$10 has been deposited into your Starbucks accounts