All these black characters getting represented but what about other races...

All these black characters getting represented but what about other races? it's either white or black an a generic slanted asian but what about filipinos? We consists more than 50% U.S military personnel. Don't believe me? Just look at the navy or marines corps I mean we practically own those branches but we are never represented in any shooter games.

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Tekken 7

I never get tired of this meme

not even a relevant character.

Bullet fodder

Begging for inclusion is pathetic. Go make a video game if you really want to see flips in vidya

T. Flip

You'll never have a game where a shitty seanigger is the main protagonist. Enjoy what you have zipperhead. Also, go back to your shitty islands.

>colonial spanish wipe out all males and breed with the women
>Americans come in and make it it's military base
>japs invade and kill tons of Pinos
>america let's it go because of how retarded the Pinoys are and how much resources are wasted keeping it up

Let's face it, the Philippines are the Africa of Asia

Your kind are literally just asian mexicans and as a bonus you have ISIS groups in addition to the rampant drug trafficking.

They have Rodrigo Duterte already, you son of a bitch.


thats korean. thats like saying nigger to a white person.

yea what about Cambodians only 1 in MGR

and what about sexy asian girls

flips are already over represented

At least use the right term retard

Doesn't matter, you gooks are all shit.

I genuinely wonder who made this image and why they choose the most pathetic looking males in existence for the background.

>it's another episode of a dumb kid thinking that everyone's a gook

Front Mission 3 had some play time and a mech pilot from the Philippines.

Lmao at the gook. White cocks are craved by your women while asian males are not wanted even by your own.

Some tumblrfag who is lowkey fucking with swag fags

Aren't you guys getting invaded by ISIS or some shit? don't you have bigger problems then representation in that case?

Like you know, getting you actual IRL population genocide'd.

Le triggered chinkophile face
Flatface, rottencrotch, gook. It's all the same shit and only a slant or wannabe would care about muh terminology.

learn your insults otherwise your underage is showing

You arr rook same, gook.

Middle class flipfag here. A lot of us are usually rabid westaboos or casualfags.

Between spouting dead memes and virtue signaling issues that don't remotely affect the stupid shit our country's up to, most of us are pretty fucked. It's like many of us from teens to twenties are larping American liberals.

Because we are retarded, bro. Who the fuck even plays video games aside from fucking MOBAs in the Philippines?

You mean almost everyone right? Jesus, this country sucks ass

>mfw a gook is implying there's a difference
>mfw someone implies dogeaters have """"""""""culture""""""""

mga bakla

>that don't remotely affect the stupid shit our country's up to

Very fucked. I annoys the crap out of me that most of us talk like some badly worded 9fag meme.

Who watching the most powerful anime of the season?

umm excuse me? we have blacks... and chimps... and women

I thought races did not exist. And yet now different shades of black, brown, yellow and white all want to be different races.

And what's worse is every flip "gaymer" only fucking plays Dota or LoL, and it sucks so much shit that people who are "fans" of a certain franchise know jackshit and only the surface level of the games. Almost everyone is a fucking pretentious dick head who can't play a game right outside of MOBA for two shits

Uni flipfag here, virtue signalling faggots are a very small minority here contrary to the (((MSM))) is saying
We shrug them off as radical commies who wont shut the fuck up
The dead memes are spot on though, when the normies everywhere else isusing Sup Forums leftover memes the normies here till eat Sup Forums leftovers like its 2008
You underestimated the amount of weebs here though, even not being a weeb here is considered an outsider or a koreaboo