.Hack//G.U. Last Recode

CC2 has just announced .Hack//G.U. Last Recode, a remaster of the three .Hack//G.U. games for PS4 and PC.

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PC won again

That's pretty great. Why no remasters of the originals, though?

Some more info I found about it:
The game will release this year, but it's still unknown if it'll be the first of three or the whole trilogy in one.
The magazine will bring more details in a couple of days.

I wonder that too. I guess because the originals may be more outdated and harder to remake.

what the FUCK
hopefully they'll remaster the four .hack episodes if it sells well enough

>and PC
We simply can't stop winning, can we?


I hope to god they don't add DLC shit to this.

Please don't ruin one of my favorite games holy fuck

its just a matter of time until IMOQ copies stop being worth hundreds i guess

Thats fucking sweet

PC? the fucking kid in me just screamed, this never came out in europe so thank FUCK i'll finally have this damn game

but all 7 are on ps2? id agree if the first ones were on ps1 but its the same gen

Don't tell me they're actually trying to push .hack again. Nobody liked the games, nobody liked the series, nobody liked the novels. Everything was objectively trash.

is this just the same game(s) with better textures/ui/resolution or are they actually revamping mechanics?

Fucking bullshit
If this is real I'll ______

>While no further details were shared about the new title, they say that it won’t be a simple HD remaster but a newly reborn .hack//G.U. with enhanced graphics, systems, and elements that’ll make it feel like a new game.

>The title is being made as part of the .hack series’ 15th anniversary. Daisuke Uchiyama who was the producer of the .hack and .hack//G.U. games and now a corporate executive officer of Bandai Namco talks more about the game in an interview with CyberConnect2 CEO Hiroshi Matsuyama, who is currently working on the HD remaster.

>While no further details were shared about the new title, they say that it won’t be a simple HD remaster but a newly reborn .hack//G.U. with enhanced graphics, systems, and elements that’ll make it feel like a new game.

Good shit.

bro you could have always emulated them
im even downloading the gu trilogy right now

Holy shit this is legitimately the best news ever

Fucking finally, please give us IMOQ too CC2 my niggas

>western release never ever

>CC2 dropped FF7R for this

GU trilogy were probably some of the best games on PS2

Western release or suicide

Sanjuro and Mistral best party setup in Infection.

Sanjuro for the badass jappo swordsman, and Mistral for the qt housewife who's pretty fun.


Meanwhile, Konami doesn't even remember Castlevania's 30th anniversary.

I 100%ed the main series, glad I never bothered with GU so I can do it now.

Only ever watched the prequel anime, which was a turd except for


Shit anime that didn't deserve best op of that year.

That's pretty neat. I hope it gets a US release and that IMOQ gets the same treatment down the line. Though it is still pretty odd not to do IMOQ first, but I guess they could skirt around dropping new players into the sequel series by including the Terminal Disc which goes over the events of IMOQ.


Just like every other pre-seventh generation game, we Yuropoors never got these. Can some kind user sum up shortly what these games are about?

i don't want to just emulate them, bro. i want to play them properly.


It's on PC. Western release is practically guaranteed.

>Remasters of edgelord and his friends that seemingly hate him.

>No remasters of an Innocent boy and his friend get dragged into a adventure about a prophecy of cyber oldgods.

Man I cant fucking stand Haseo and his band of assholes.

Cant wait for another SAO shit. So excited!!


Yeeeeeeeeees! Is this a sequel to the oh hack series?

>Try to get into IMOQ a couple times
>Always drop it at the first game
The characters, world, and story is so interesting, but the gameplay is so mediocre, and the difficulty balancing is all over the fucking place.

this. if it was destined for japan exclusive they'd put it on ps4 and nothing else since pc games sell like shit over there i'd imagine

I've only ever played .//Infection but how come it feels more of an MMO than any other actual MMO?

Also, the localization was dongs.

>Spends hundred hours trying to revive Shino
>"Hey, let's go find Ovan."

Good god she deserves all the negativity.

G.U. improved the gameplay quite a bit, although the characters, world and story got a little bit worse too.


who was the canon marriage ending anyways? atoli or shino?

More social and can't solo easily

i would've prefered the original serie first

I never understood why they made Sora (Haseo) the MC of G.U.. Sora was a villain.

Difficulty shouldn't be a problem due to how exp is scaled. As long at you're not like 10 levels under the level of the area you should be perfectly fine. It isn't until the 3rd and 4th games where slightly more thought is required than just being at the right levels.



Just give us the games on PS4 already. You dont even have to upgrade them, just put them all together. Thats all I ask. You can even charge $40 a piece, I dont care, just do it fuuuuck

>and the difficulty balancing is all over the fucking place
What did you have issues with? IIRC the only difficult bit of Infection was the final boss.

Last time I played the game I remember getting to some giant butterfly/moth boss that was a huge fucking cunt and made me quit playing. I've beaten Ninja Gaiden Black on the harder difficulties, so it's not like I'm terrible at games or anything.

Nice. Thanks for the info OP

This. G.U was trash

You play a single-player mmo and help scripted npcs dungeoncrawl on maps generated with keyword combinations.

Combat is real-time on the game field.

There are also "out of game" moments where you are looking at a fake pc desktop reading messages (from your in-game friends) and forum posts about weird stuff happening in the game (glitches, cool zones, rare items).

Also has anime tie-ins to .hack//sign and the Liminality disks packaged with the first 4 games (Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, Quarantine)

What this nigga said, the only hard part of the first game is the very end, and you can deal with it with judicious Item use and shit

That's neat

Shouldn't you be busy sucking Digibro's cock?

I can't believe it. Me and my friend yesterday were literally talking about how we would buy these HD remasters of GU if they were real. And it fucking happens the next day. This is insane. I really love these games.

The only "hard" parts of the game(s) were the infected dungeons and post-game dungeons where managing your data corruption was required.

Skeith was a really retarded difficulty boost for me for some reason.

It's not a very good series. Combat is repetitive and stale. Unless you have watching //sign it's really not worth your time.

Atoli. Shino only craves for Ovan's dick.

Ryou lost his memory of his time playing The World. He also has a connection to Skeith since he was turned into his wand.

If you were at the same level as the area and having issues then all I can say is probably bring a Wavemaster with you. Magic is op as shit and having a second party member with healing abilities is always helpful.

Agreed. Do people actually unironically like GU?

GU does several things better than IMOQ. It also does several things worse than IMOQ. Both series are good bad.

Fuck yes. Full on unironically. I'm obsessed with the GU series. I played and completed all three parts and 100% them all twice.

I played the first game, halfway through the game I got bored and threw the disc in the trash. I burned myself a copy

GU is fun, despite Sasuke being the main character.

Despite memes, yeah, Haseo is great.

Do you still remember the spells name Sup Forums. Some of them flow off the tongue nicely.
>La Rue Zot
>Gi Vak Don
>Pha Rai Kruz

Yeah. Was a fun little series of characters.

Better have dual audio this time.

Speaking of audio, you think they will have problem with the original english dub? The .hack dub is union and you know, the whole SAG strike thing...

I love GU, I guess I can get why people dislike it, but fuck, dat combat holy shit. The gameplay is great, but the story is bananas, I can see why people dislike it.

I forgot about those. I remember a couple skill triggers, like REaper's Dance! and JUSTICE!



Kinda same as you, played the full trilogy, not to 100% but 1st dub, 2nd undub.

This is personally some of the best news this E3 had.

Ok, thanks.

Heh. "Single-player MMO" is often used as a derogatory term to describe a game, but I always post FF XII in every 3x3 thread. Gonna keep my eyes open about this.

I'd hug you right now man. This is the greatest news.

I vaguely remember the modifiers for spells but not the elements.

>repth is garbage
>suddenly La Repth is carrying you for days
It's too bad Kite was a twinblade and your caster companions were never available 100% of the time. Even fucking mistral no-shows on you.

And the Sword Art Online clones start pouring in...



It's single-player in the sense that every NPC has a script they follow. You do see other "players" both in town and in the game fields (cutscenes mostly). The big issue is their scripts only change a few times in the game. You will see player "tim" 100 times but probably will only check his dialogue and see something new 5 times in 20 hours of gameplay.

The way we use "singleplayer mmo" is more like "empty world"


I feel you my dude. Post your favorites since there's a ton for me GU scene


It's more like Phantasy Star Online but with more RPG elements and NPCs.

>.hack on PC

>SAO not on PC

SAO is so terrible Bandai Namco don't even want to port the game to PC

SAO games are pretty bad from what I've seen.

Why the edgelord games? Starting with the original series makes more sense imo

Δ Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground


Add Gabi as party member!

They are exceptionally bland and repetitive even by GUs standards.
t.vita owner

I don't know my favorite scene honestly. I definitely remember that scene.

But I can post my favorite song.


This this

*sphincter reflexively clenches*

I was just about to go and buy the other GU games! I think I still will

>PC release

Bamco would be crazy to not localize the game

Second one was trash, haven't tried the third one.
The first one was fucking excellent.

Probably wouldn't be coming to PC if there wasn't gonna be a western release. PC gaming is all but dead in Japan.


And you just posted the 1 city theme that replaced my "desktop's" background music. Good god that feature was the best, used it on both GU and the older games when I found it.

Have an underrated one. Most people would post I Am Here for this type but I feel this one doesn't get enough love. Doesn't help its only heard once I think

I wonder why they announce PC release on Famitsu?

IIRC all Bandai Namco PC ports (Tales, Naruto, God Eater etc) do not have Japanese version

I still have the original GU games and a ps2, i hope they'll end up doing this for the originals as well since my dumb child self sold them all.

>Gabi was never a party member