
final fantasy a shill reborn, heavenshill, shillblood thread

>some random woodwailer instead of Geva
What were they thinking

she's right under him you blind nerd

who is the best scion?

I want to marry Raya-O-face

Paplymo has been, objectively, the most useful of them all

How do I use HRT to hide my voice from my fc before I kill myself?

I just hope Stormblood gives us a character you can care about as much as him

Intending to start playing FFXIV for the first time next week. How long would it take for me to get through the Realm Reborn content to get to Heavensward, and then also how long to get to Stormblood?

a fuckn
long time

I guess
Also this is apparently the leader of the woodwailer
Another dead npc since 1.0.

It still hurts.

How do you deal with the trend of VoIP being used in almost every Free Company? Especially if you haven't taken HRT or had your voice change through it.

Basically - I'm a pre-everything transgender man who wants to make friends in the game, but with almost every healthy and tight-knit Free Company I've seen or been in advertising VoIP heavily, I'm finding that very difficult.

Beyond just being shy, it's an issue of how people will react to my voice. It's very high-pitched, so it's very likely they'll assume I'm either a 12-year-old boy or a girl who just likes playing male characters. Even if they don't care, they're likely to be a little wary of me because of it, since it makes me look like a liar if I tell them I'm male and come into VoIP sounding the way I do.

One of the few solutions I can think of until I actually start HRT is being in an FC that is 100% LGBT+ friendly and/or coming out to them before I ever step into VoIP, but even that doesn't feel pleasant at all, as even then I'm not guaranteed to be safe because of some of the stigma within the community. Some of the nicest people I've ever met have bashed trans people as soon as they're brought up, so I don't feel comfortable coming out to everyone in the FC chat at any given time just so that they'll understand, in a sense. Thank you to everyone who pointed out the phrasing here. What I meant to say was more along the lines of: Even people who I've been getting along really well with can end up being transphobic, so coming out to an FC chat as a whole can be very nerve-wracking. They're not nice people if they don't respect me, and that's something I have to keep reminding myself.

The only other solution is avoiding VoIP entirely, or listening in without ever speaking, which I've tried, and it doesn't help matters at all. You miss a lot of camaraderie if you avoid it, and being a lurker without being able to join in on the conversation just feels pretty sad.

A long time. A month at minimum if you poopsock.

Fuck off Balmung.

Why was there a proto ultima in Dun Scaith?

Nobody gives a shit. F2M trannies have it easy. People will just think you're young, or have a youthful voice.

Now if you were M2F you'd be fucked.

holy shit dude.
not even trying to be rude but take that elsewhere before you get flamed to hell and back.

Jesus. Would you guys recommend me to get the level jump or is the story of ARR worth it?

Also, what is poopsock?

How bad at video games are you that a 150 hours campaign takes you a month to complete while not doing anything else

So 5.0 will be in Garlemald and include a gunshield tank class, right?

I was gonna say Louisoix, but that was before the Scions were a thing. I guess I'd have to agree with Paplymo then, he's got the accomplishment of escaping Ul'Dah with Lyse pretty much completely unharmed, a feat nobody else managed save the WoL/Alphinaud who had sizeable help. He then stalled a Bahamut level threat for quite a while.

I guess that's more telling how little the other scions actually accomplish without your help than him being particularly impressive though.

Please stop posting this shit every thread.

maybe he leveled a gathering class

Old MMO terminology that means playing the game so much you have to poo into a sock at your desk to keep playing longer.

this is a story based mmo, don't be in a rush to get to endgame raiding. just play it though and enjoy it.

maybe 150 hours if you focus on just steamrolling through the MSQ's, but theres plenty of shit to distract you on the way.

It's no wonder people like you off themselves so much, jesus.

Certainly not her.
Unless you mean as a cum dump, then she's adequate at best.

Does Cid count? Because Cid has done a lot more than anyone else. Even though he may not have stopped a bahamut-level threat, whenever you came to him for help, he had a solution.

>maybe 150 hours if you focus on just steamrolling through the MSQ's, but theres plenty of shit to distract you on the way.
That's not what that user was asking


What's a red mage's favorite clothing brand?

Don't worry about bumrushing your way to endgame. Take your time and enjoy the story with its side content. It'll be worth it in the end, trust me.

I don't think he's technically a member of the Scions, and just considers himself and his organization a friend. But yeah Cid is consistently the most helpful NPC ally you have, and the dude has never failed anything you've asked of him, despite always being busy as fuck.

I dont want to shit on this game too much but it's just not that good.

Like, I want to compare it to WoW, but actually I'm going to compare it to TOR:

I really feel like gameplay wise, mechanic wise they're both on the same similar level, but my issue is that TOR you actually want to participate in the story, in FFXIV you just don't. It's just not engaging enough.

but I think the biggest thing by far that pissed me off about FFXIV is the lack of character customization. I'm talking builds and itemization. There's basically none of it. Couple that with the fact that items can be transfered cross class over means that if you were to join a raiding free company they would most likely be telling you to switch to the most useful class for them.

Then there's small nitpicky things like having to grind for ilevel just to "unlock" the expansion. So you're basically grinding content that isn't even end-game and as soon as you unlock the expansion you can instantly just buy better gear straight off the vendors.

Now- I don't play WoW either. In fact I play EVE, but I used to play WoW and I think all WoW variants are absolute garbage at this point.

It's really sad. Final Fantasy is a great universe and sometimes I think the IP on a whole is better than Warcraft, but if you're just looking for a good IP just play SWTOR.

"I don't have a mic."

That's literally all you need to say. Unplug your mic if you have one, join in on conversation but never speak, only use text chat to respond to other people, and no one will bat aneye.

Now fuck off, faggot.

Im going to boost me an Astrologian on Friday and you cant stop me

>but my issue is that TOR you actually want to participate in the story, in FFXIV you just don't. It's just not engaging enough.
o p i n i o n

>I guess that's more telling how little the other scions actually accomplish
Pretty much. Though Papalymo had his moments, like you mentioned.
It's funny how the Scions were willing to throw themselves into self-sacrifice when Papalymo and Yda were the first to stay behind and the only two to make it out.

They were just random goons, for fuck's sake, you useless bunch of cunts.

I don't think you'll have to level jump, you'll probably be 52 or so around the end of ARR, the XP increase to the MSQ is crazy.

I ain't even gonna begin to read all that, nigga

Are all garlean women as ugly as Lucia

If i'm working like 4 days a week, but have most evenings and days off to play it, how long do you think it would take?

150 hours is 6.25 days.

I'd say anything past 6 hours a day is poopsocking. 150/6 is 25 days total of every day gaming.

A month is probably about right for someone really focused on it. And they won't just stick to the MSQ, there's other things that will catch their attention.

Nael is pretty cute

>Let's add fucking spires and spikes everywhere
I fucking hate FF architecture
Interior design is rad as fuck though

>there's other things that will catch their attention.
There's a reason people highly recommend to stick to MSQ the first time round.

It's really fucking not though.

See in TOR your character grows, gains allies and makes decisions in the story.

In FFXIV there's probably a good 400 quests that you have to do just for the main story alone. Keep in mind that only probably 20-30 of these have actual story that is relevant- for example: Most of the time you need to go do "side quests" to progress the main story by "gaining trust" and this type of thing is commonplace.

You might finish 1 significant part of the story, then it's go do another 10 - 15 quests that have nothing to do with it.

This is not my OPINION. This is a fact.

>actually I'm going to compare it to TOR
> you were to join a raiding free company they would most likely be telling you to switch to the most useful class for them
>but if you're just looking for a good IP just play SWTOR

If you stick to JUST the MSQ I think you'll be fine. Again, xp in the MSQ has been increased again, you will be over the required levels, which isn't a bad thing.

cool dude you're free to think that
go make a swtor thread


Just boost like me, izi pizi

I haven't played XIV or an MMO in a while, could you tell me what MSQ is?

I'm about to spend the rest of my lore on a WHM weapon talk me out of it please

we've only seen 3 one of which we haven't seen the face of, just wait til the garlean expac.

main scenario/story quests
basically the main plot of the game, behind which 90% of the content is locked

Do it faggot

And by lore I mean scripture

Jesus fuck, me and a friend just started this the other day and just hit level 15.
Is the story worth it?

hahaha i am grinding to get level 60 mnk because i want to know what it feels look cool but be completely fucking useless

grinding my credit card on mog station, that is

it gets decent like 30-40 hours in
which isn't a joke and is kind of a big problem for new players

after level 40+, yes, 1-39 is worthless padding with a few interesting moments in-between them

Most of Sup Forums would say no, but the majority of the fanbase would say yes.
I loved it, but it does drag, a lot of sidequests are more filler than shonen series.

Play it like a Final Fantasy game the end game is really not worth the skip.

>the level 30-50 ARR storyline is decent
>level 53, in between ARR and HW will suck till the very end of it
>level 54+ for you will be godlike because Heavensward

>NIN is going back to 2.3 level of broken

Jesus fuck.

Which of you people wants to run potd 51-60 on odin right now untill they get bored like, probably 2-3 runs if we lucky?


Take it from someone who started not too long ago and is about to finish it:
It suck ass until 45
It's not even about the scenario being cock or anything, it'sj ust a lot of small nuisance like endless backtracking, 60% of the quest will be "go say that to the NPC 3 feets away from me and come back to tell me what he said" and shit like that

>rotation is becoming 2.0 Paladin tier
But at what cost?

Okay then. Now for my "opinion"

The Raids are all garbage. Boring. Nothing to them. The game is unplayable with any kind of lag. (For example if you go up to even 75ms, good luck)

The best way to level is via the worlds worst dungeon. Meant to be a gimmick and like the old FF RPG's, ends up just being an absolutely awful rogue-like where you just kill 5-10 enemies and then teleport to the next level which is exactly the same again.

Character customization is absolutely shit. You have 5 human races with 1-2 things added on and then made them call something different.



Literally an Elezen head with a third eye taped on it. Not surprising, since all Garleans have the Elezen skeleton on their animations.

But 2.0 PLD only use 1 combo.

3.0 pld.

>The Raids are all garbage. Boring. Nothing to them. The game is unplayable with any kind of lag. (For example if you go up to even 75ms, good luck)
So you are literally retarded and unable to even begin to function. Not even going into your opinion on the raids, but calling the game unplayable at even 75ms is just so far into shitter territory you'll clearly never recover.

Do nero and cid have elezen skeletons?

You're on fucking crack. As someone that cleared all NiM content on TOR, and then switched to FF14, TOR NiM content is like FF14 HM content. The raids in FF14 outclass ToR by a siginificant margin. The only raid that can actually stand up to FF14 is Dread Palace NiM.

How does this game compare to the other Final Fantasy games? Asking people who know the series well. Not really interested in the MMO part but I'm playing through the ones I've not played.

Correction, TOR NiM content is like FF14 Normal Mode content mechanics-wise.

and yet, I think TOR is garbage. FFXIV is garbage. And WoW is garbage.

Imagine that. You're still playing garbage.

It's not really much an improvement. Hell, in ARR content you'll only have two finishers so have fun hitting the same four buttons over and over again.

I really wish they at least kept Shadow Fang separate and just added a separate DoT on Dancing Edge instead.

It's different, don't expect it to play like other FFs. It's an MMO with an FF coat of paint.

o k


where are the prelim notes

Get the skip potions. Dont listen to people telling you the story is good, youll burn out by the time you reach heavensward and be skipping most cutscenes anyway

then why the fuck are you in this thread crying about how garbage you think this game is

i mean like, you're entertaining me so thanks for the entertainment i guess

I think even the biggest XIV shill admits that the ARR story is horse shit. Don't bother getting a jump potion though, you're basically paying to not play the game at that point.

Don't listen to this guy. The story starts out lame but it gets better the further you go and once it starts rolling you'll be glad you paid attention to the earlier, comparatively drearier stuff.

Why is it a mainline game?

Take a deep hard think about what you're saying

You're really dumb, your iq must be 80-90.

yeah, it will start to get good once you get to coerthas for the first time. before that though, its pretty much just typical mmo filler shit; no debate about that there

Same reason 11 was a mainline game. Because japs don't give a fuck. 11 had a better story.

Probably to trap suckers like yourself.

The initital Story Arc (ARR) is very MMO like, mainly your character doing odd jobs for people until a traditional FF Summon needs to be killed. The expansion storyline (Heavensward/HW) is a lot more reminicent of traditional FF journeys, in which you and a party of misfits travel through a new region to chat with an ancient dragon and hopefully prevent a war.

We'll know what Stormblood is like in a week.

i guess so because i dont get it so explain it to me

desu it sounds like you're talking out of your ass at this point

>not enjoying the autism of the titan feast

oh lord how could i forget that

titan ex is still one of my most favorite boss fights like ever

I like the ARR story
it starts off acceptably small in scale for a novice adventurer, slowly picks up with you tackling more and more powerful enemies
>then titan happens and we dont talk about titan
and after that it picks up again slowly (garuda is kinda shittish but at least its got Cid), ending at a strong finish with praetorium
that said 2.1-2.55 storyline is agonizing until the very end