You lied to me Sup Forums

You lied to me Sup Forums

You lied to me once again, you said if I don't buy SJW games that this diversity madness will stop.

I didn't buy Watch Dogs 2, I didn't buy Mass Effect Andromeda.

Both games bombed yet the studios still got money to make more games like Far Cry 5, Assassin's Creed Origins or Anthem and they are stronger than before.

Why did you lie to me.

At least you didn't play them.

AI-chan, NO!

These games take years, OP. You know this. There won't be any rollback in the tide until 2020 at the earliest.


Notice the big MUH DIVERSITY shit is now corporate. They're always behind.
The Last Night is a sign of things to come.

Vote with your wallet and purchase games that don't promote this pc bullshit. They'll eventually learn. Especially since non leftist America are the biggest spenders overall.

Pull the trigger, Ai-chan

Wtf where is her afro?!

>I didn't buy Watch Dogs 2, I didn't buy Mass Effect Andromeda.

Yeah, you didn't have to pay money to play shit games. What are you complaining about? Can't wait for PBS btw

SJW reporting, I'm getting Far Cry 5 just to spite you. And also for the dog.

Sorry but video games are catering to a more diverse amount of people who love their take on creativity and diversity in video games.

Maybe if you hate it so much, you should quit gaming since it doesn't pander to your old racist ways anymore.

You knew it was coming the moment Hollywood stepped onto the stereotype token diversity meme train.

Television, comic books, cartoons, etc.

Monkey see, monkey do. And the gaming industry, especially, is nothing but a bunch of glorified monkey's in suits chasing money trail the last big trend.

And to be honest, it's a vicious cycle that's not going to get any better until people who actually have a passion for gameplay and "fun" are the ones making games again.

How is Far Cry 5 SJW?

Obviously it's heavy handed commentary, but it's not social justice. It's about a cult. Do you personally identify with a hillbilly death cult or something?

Is black people literally existing in video games enough to trigger you?

It's like SJW's and hot women.

Won't matter. Your movement's spending power will never reach because your very system of beliefs constricts your earning power.

Serious answer user, play older games for now.
There are hundreds of games available that mighty interest you.

Pick one or two games a year that you like, a few years and this trend will be over.

A tiny canoe with a hole can sink in seconds, the Titanic took hours to sink.

Stop bitching and buy whatever you please.


>watch dogs and mass effect have politcial agendas
>don't buy
>company says okay let's try something else.
>does it for far cry and other games
>they don't work out
>hey maybe this plan isn't working let's stop
>focus on making better games
>video games dont have political agendas

It's not too hard.
Keep doing it for far cry and assassin's creed.
Alternatively you can tweet or send messages to the devs or companies to tell them and when they see low sales they can make the connections.

Wow, it's almost like AAA games have dominated the industry for years without your opinion meaning anything.

When are you going to realize Sup Forums is a vocal minority?

I FUCKING HATE being red pilled sometimes. Maybe I would be able to enjoy video games if I was a normie.

That's fine. Your mode of thinking is soon going to be irrelevant. The political landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift and you have no idea.

Epic thread OP


Why are you a SJW? Serious question.

They'll have to stop eventually.

Marvel comics has gone 6 something years before finally realizing that racial pandering and (((diversity))) has cost them millions in sales as well as global credibility.

Just keep voting with your wallet.

>I waste money to boost my superiority complex.

Uh, cool dude. Keep on keeping on?

>black guy in ancient egypt is now sjw
what about the tanned italian? or the native american? or the pirate?

I think dishonored and perhaps bgnevil might feel a bit forced, especially since the black female with afro trend is so spparent but an egyptian in ancient egypt? come on


please, just kys

No fuck off I saw Gods of Egypt and all main characters were WHITE!


I don't understand what OP is taking issue with. If they don't like those games just don't play them. Are they bothered by the more general trend of society gradually becoming more progressive as time goes on?

That's not what it's about and you know that.

Egyptians were most likely of European origin.

who is this cute girl

I was really happy when they announced they'd stop with the diversity pandering. I hope Bendis gets the fucking boot and they return to actual good stories with the original heroes.

Sup Forums has become a parody of itself. This board needs to be split into /vpol/ so we can actually discuss video games

Wew, I've always felt like a lot of Sup Forums tier posts sound like a bizarre RP session and posts like these prove me right. I remember pre-election there were threads on Sup Forums dedicated to preparing for another civil war and how Sup Forums would attack the "SJW strongholds" of the college campuses of the Northeastern US.

>That's not what it's about and you know that.
Yeah. It's about women and minorities in prominent roles instead o f just being side characters. It really shouldn't matter much either way, but the way people freak out about it on this board kind of goes to show why it's necessary to have diversity in games.

Perhaps this is the last gasp for diversity, so it's a huuuuge push. It's going to fail, but when it's time to hail mary you do everything you can.

>Vote with your wallet
the money gets taxed from you anyways no matter what you do


A lot of Sup Forums is right wingers doing some bizarre LARP session because they feel so disaffected by society and they think their racial identity gives them some sort of purpose.

when I get asked to prove white genocide exists I will show them this years e3. fucking nigger invaders

It probably sounds weird because you have no idea it's happening around you, lol. Also, not Sup Forums, just observant.


>Far Cry 5
>A game with three shown black characters
>Two of them are sidekicks to the white main character, along with two other white sidekicks
>And one of them a bad guy
>SJW game


Why do threads calling out this kind of garbage get deleted and these threads don't? It's not actually video games.

It's pretty funny though.

a few years ago it was "if group x wants representation why don't they make their own games!" now it's happening and some people are losing it.

So vague and mysterious, user. I'm sure you know what you're taling about.

>that's not what this is about

You retards complained about the detroit game because ONE of the playable characters is an android that LOOKS black.

Not to mention bf1 and cod ww2 (protip: black people were in both world wars)

It's discussing the industry situation whetever you like it or not (((goldberg)))


It's a trend that will pass when those that are pushing it see how poorly it effects sales.

The same thing happened in comic books when they tried pushing this toxic shit.

>The Last Night is a sign of things to come.

Pathetic alt-right babies apologizing on stage to an audience of thousands?

They're not stopping though.

They're doubling down. It was the vice president of sales and marketing who said it in a small comment. The rest of the company is ignoring him.

is he even black? to me he looked arabic

Keep up the groupthink, the mods will support you, it seems.

I wouldn't consider it necessary. It doesn't actually help anything. I do agree the response is usually ridiculous.

Yes. If that apology had to happen, it's because the current status quo is against that mode of thought currently. In history, what happens to the status quo every time?

Yeah, I forget that blacks were actually the majority of soldiers of both World Wars and the Jews whitewashed history to make people believe it was actually white people that fought most of the war.

Thanks for the red pill, my Afro-American friend.

Nice strawman

I want to lewd the AI, i want to do impure things to her

Me too. But I just want to kill white people desu.

They'll sooner go bankrupt than admit they were wrong about everything. Not that it matters, Disney already got Marvel's IPs to churn movies out of, which is what really matters.

>modern devs too cowardly to include swastikas in a WW2 game
Was this done because of historical accuracy too, user?

Is the alt right the new SJW's?

>western "games"
Who fucking cares? They've always been garbage.

Nice non-sequitur.

We all do.

Only online atm. They will be in several more years once they're the ones more in power.

>Why did you lie to me.
apparently SJWs do buy games then.

Do you even know what that means?

They are. In the United States at least. And they still act like they're powerless against the leftist menace or whatever.

Pretty much. Just look at how similar their complaints are with the SJWs. Little bunch of baby snowflakes manchildren.

Dev is not altright.
Altright is a bogeyman created in US to create 'evil' counterpart to SJWs.
Europe is different than US. Look how french election went.
Still, here in Europe we allow both sides to talk. Even with current immigration policies.
USA is not a world. It heavily affects the world (and dictates gaming industry) but we are not (you).
Current situation of vidya industry is happening because of whole world pandering to US. We don't really use Tumblr nor Twitter as much as you guys.

Most Sup Forums posters aren't even white lol
Get off your high horse, asshole

>focus on making better games
They're AAA companies, they don't focus on better games.

Incorrect. They worship D.T., sure, but he's just a start of it. Again, look to the general status quo; what you can and cannot say still hasn't changed much. It won't be long though, and then the exact moralist bullshit we see from the left will come from the right, but the former will have handed off their megaphone to the latter.

I hate the "just ignore them and they will go away" type of people. Grow a fucking spine and fight for what you believe in.

However, making your own game only makes twitterverse sjw hambeasts harass you and extort you out of the industry

isn't that only if you sperg out on twitter or social media? Just stop bringing politics in to it and you'll be fine.

having black characters doesn't make a game SJW, retard

Serious question. Why are they pushing so much of their political agendas in games nowadays? Most of the people who play games probably don't go out to vote.

>posting about niggers on Sup Forums is fighting

>Most of the people who play games probably don't go out to vote.
You answered your own question. Games are meant to keep young people home, so the elites have no opposition.

>Grow a fucking spine and fight for what you believe in
Freedom of speech and expression

because its not a political agenda

Because there's an untapped market. Number of white males are decreasing and effectively their purchasing power due to the imminent white genocide.

Why would you weant to play (((western))) garbage anyway?

This wave of vidya poz is the last stand of game studios infested with white SJWs, they are throwing everything hoping thsi blatant pandering capitalizes on the post-Trump butthurt leftist demographic (it won't) or the non-existent hordes of brown gamers that "want representation". Muds don't buy this garbage, to be fair at least they have good taste in gaming and most buy Japanese fighting games.

Social media became a battleground last election, with political parties and think tanks literally throwing millions on campaigns to "correct the record" on popular sites.

Games and entertainment media are just a natural transition from there.

Not that surprising, but just let it sink in the next time you see something really blatant: marketers are literally paid to shillpost.

There's a reason why they go after entertainment: They've already "corrected" books, but then found out that no one fucking reads, so they go after entertainment instead.

I used to be pretty sexist and hate feminism and all that back when I was like, 14, but after spending time around other people, primarily girls, and actually listening to what they have to say I realized I was just being immature and was lashing out against females because I didn't like that they were hurting my man feelings by calling out sexism and shit, turns out that's not what was happening at all, and no one was persecuting me at a personal level.
It took a lot of inner growth on my part, but I had friends to help, so when I see threads like this I can't help but wonder how isolated you guys must be to wind up like this. I feel sorry for you, but only a little, since being racist is generally frowned upon anyways.
Aren't all video games a waste of money? There's other things I want too, I'm turning into an idiort these days.
Commendable, I'm prepared to love my Nazi eating dog.

As much as I hate niggers, jews and muslims, I'm glad I'm not white right now. I can blend in with the other POCs that are being "dominated" by the white boogeyman.
If I had to choose though, I'd rather have white overlords than those 3 above. At least white people can do cool shit and there is proof. Those 3 will just bring down the human race back to the middle ages.

Sup Forums is the most split board retard, we don't need another split. Go hang out on /vp/ with the rest of tumblr if you're so triggered

nice bait

also 9s a shit

This site is pure garbage

>he doesn;t want a board that actually discusses video games instead of the sjw boogeyman
sup nu-Sup Forums

leave then.

Its a popular trend from this century
Give it a few years and it'll die down

You can already see it dying down becuase its not "cool" anymore
People want to feel like no one gets them, When most media comes out saying "We get you!"
Makes them wonder what they're rebelling against.

Jesus, after fc5 spectacle you fags been on shitposting/baiting/falseflagging overdrive!

>nu-Sup Forums
Nice strawman, I've been here since before reggie's body was ready. Sup Forums has been racist since it's inception and only became well known due to the habbo raids. You're no better than the kids whining about anime

>Give it a few years and it'll die down
Highly doubt it.