Why are western devs allergic to good female design?

Why are western devs allergic to good female design?


What game?

>good female design
>post android wearing a miniskirt exposing more than half her body without armor
Thats not a very good example but its true that western games have been shit for the past few years or so

Western nerds used to make their own hot girls, now they're cucked and make ugly girls to please real life women.

i'm a full on weeb but if you consider what you posted good female design please RMA yourself

i prefer my games to be separate from my masturbation material, one of the reasons i can't stand shit like senran kagura

t. fake/nu-weeb

That's a shit design. Post fap material that isn't a clusterfuck at least.

t. SJW cumshitter


i have nothing to prove to you
i just prefer actual porn games to dumb fapbait

>no true weeb

>RMA yourself

At least post a Caseal



>LE Sup Forums BOOGEYMAN!!

t. reddit shill

they are not sexually repressed

"muh dik" does not mean good character design.

It does actually, unless you're a nu-male pozzie.

you're retarded. i love the full fanservice look

also, elphelt has great character design

This right here
Quite sad, in the end they aren't even getting pussy at all

I'm sad PSO looks like this now.
I much preferred the old aesthetic. It was cool and actually gave a shit about male characters too.



>Brown tomboy
>Short shorts with only the middle part
Now that's innovation

It doesn't actually, unless you're a pathetic, desperate khv. Japan sells thousands of shitty games using uninspired interchangeable designs as hooks knowing you can't resist the tits and ass that elude you in real life.

>le virgin nerd meme

t. male feminist redditor

Japan makes great designs all right.

Nigger, a game full of amazing designs and you post the shitty one.

Pardon OP's incompetence, this game is actually full of pretty nice shit.

This. Japanese deva need to get a look at this brilliant, beautiful female design on the left here.

Some pointers:
1. Does it appeal to straight men? If it does, remove whatever those elements are that make it appealing.
2. Is the design attractive? If it is, then beat her with the ugly stick.
3. Does your local ugly fat woman wearing a "This is what a feminist looks like" shirt approve of it? If she does, then you're on the right track!

Needs less humanoid face. I can't get off to this.

>sluttier = good
There is more to life than masturbation you dumb weebs


Don't you normalfags constantly preach that sex and procreation is the meaning of life? Masturbation is pretty much that, except solo for losers.

This good enough?

We need new Frazetta tier shit.


no, it's just that you faggots on the other side of the spectrum of SJWs are just as bad as those scum and slightly more useless

Yeah yeah, that's more on track. Needs even less human girl features though, particularly in the chest region.

A character that causes boners is better than a character that is completely forgettable. It IS good character design if it can arouse people.

>but muh sexualization is just a cheap tactic when designing a character

Sex sells for a reason. If you want to try to pretend you're above everyone else because you don't find a fictional character sexually attractive and call it "bad design" I've got news for you: you're actually just a faggot and you need to get over yourself.


Nice false equivalence, redditor shill.

eastern character design is absolute shit



Is there an updated version of this with the abortion that was this E3 in comparison with Japanese designs like 2B, the entirety of Persona 5 and even Kat?

Weeb post BTFO

>that cortana

This is the ideal female form

Say no more

Why do Sup Forums manchild cucks shitpost anime girl one liner bait threads to get (Yous)? Fuck off back to you shitposting waste of my time fuck off with your endless reposts

That's a real bonermancer right there.

So at what point do you start fapping to industrial machinery?

There's a less cherrypicked one somewhere that actually includes attractive western made characters.
However, the take away from that one is that the west designs women of all different levels of attractiveness, while Japan nearly always makes women pretty.

Basically, It comes down to do you want game content to reflect reality or be idealized?

>tfw you'll never be on hormone blockers

All I've got is this

Cortana is hot though. Every other Western female needs to go though

>while Japan nearly always makes women pretty

That's the stuff, yeah. Those curves are to die for, with 7 different settings for those with a little bit of a wild side and spring loaded...toast holders(?) for that little extra omph.

When we get Anime Construction games.
That gif is really cool though.

What are you implying with this image? Top is trash while bottom is pretty cute.

Looks like trashy waifufag-pandering crap. Nothing good about it

>an egyptian wearing indian armor

That's racist.

I imply nothing but fuel to flames

anime looks sexier than video games atm think im just gonna watch anime

Not for me

Look at your examples of "not pretty" and then take another look at the examples in

It all good until I fucking saw her face I could have a bad bad nightmare tonight. Shit skin btw

Bottom in both of these are qts. I want to pat their heads.

The fat chick in Borderlands is intentionally ugly though. It's an ingame joke, whether funny or not.
It'd be the equivalent of posting Hanako instead of Naoto.

I know it's cherrypicked, but they could've tried a little harder.

>half Egyptian and half First Nation or whatever the Maple flavored Indians are called in Leafland
Only half racist

sometimes they get it right

It's not a meme if it's true.
>A character that causes boners is better than a character that is completely forgettable.
Except they are completely forgettable after you jerk off. Devs know it doesn't take much to arouse you losers. You don't have standards, which is why they can sell shitty games, anime, and manga using uninspired designs thousands of other works have.

You don't care about good character design, you care about filling the void an actual sex life would have.

Adorable, but it's as said. Where they make shitty sexless designs, nips make lazy interchangeable designs to entice you to buy their garbage.
