Ok, what's the deal with the videogame companies and trying to appeal to the black community now for some reason?

No, I'm not actually a Sup Forums shitposter, I'm a black guy trying to figure out what kind of skinny white guy and dyed hear dyke decided that they wanted to represent us with female versions of Samuel L. Jackson's character in Pulp Fiction.

I've never actually understood the need of representing anyone in fiction, I've played in the shoes of hundreds of non-black people, then I get to the one black guy: 'watch ur ass WHITEBOI! HAHAAA!'. Seriously, and now they are doing the same but with females with a damn 80s afro. If you actually think this is something that someone like myself would want, you are sadly mistaken and the pandering is kinda sad. I wish devs would just let their imagination do the work and not some shitty company move to win the approval of X or Y community.

Nigga having 1 black person as a side character is not appealing to the black community. If anything its calling out your ass as a racist for getting triggered that black people exist.

Wow, you're a black person and you don't care about black representation? You're really fucking cool! Can I be your friend, please? Where can I subscribe to your blog?
BTW, you're totally right. Any self-respecting white male will look at a nigger main character and go "I'm not buying this". If he doesn't care, he's scum.

I don't care one way or another and don't see what the big deal is. Not bothering to read your wall of text, either.

It's the current big meme.

And it will only go away once another meme arrives to replace it.


Wow it really makes you think that the best game of 2017 has a white male as the main protagonist

>>I'm not Sup Forums, I'm a black guy, like you!
Whatever. I don't see what the deal is, there have been games with exclusively white people for ages, either that or ye old token black sidekick. What's wrong with having a black lead?

I really want to know why almost all new games had a black female character.
There isn't a way for me to care enough to rephrase that so it sounds better but hopefully you guys know what I'm talking about.
After I saw it so many times last night I began to question if this was ordered somehow. Through all these different companies. Like if the order was to represent black females for whatever agenda.
Sounds like paranoia but why was it so fucking common? I know there is something more in the works than, "lek. She black! She strobk ! Xd"

The ass creed guy doesn't look black at all


Just americans.

wow stop dominating western culture like let me have a chance please? I see people that are not me and I want me to ne in what you're doing, so make that happen right now

Seems like a waste of time trying to market things to black people since they just steal what they want. But on a serious note, the middle class white people who work at video game companies lived a life without passion, drive, motivation, or culture, so they adopt another one, stick it on their vidja gaems so that culture and people will hail them as representatives and honorary members.

Disgregard politics, post BLACKED Mugi

They're trying to appeal to a market that doesn't exist. Just because some thug ass niggers play EA sports games with the money they have left over from dealing crack and welfare these pathetic libtards think they might be interested in something more intellectual than walking and scratching their ass at the same time.

He's not, he's Semitic. Though we don't know much of his ancestry.
Well Lurk has been part of the cast since Dishonored 1 and an important part of the story of 2. Plus it allows for the female/male character gimmick with Daud.
FC5 has a character creator, so nothing surprising there.
A non white in Egypt. Who knew.
And killing white Nazis, a faction defined by race purity and being white, in a game about killing Nazis. Nothing surprising at all there.

B&G2 is just hilarious.

>Appealing to the black community
So I guess it's better to have the loud stereotype afro girl with a gun? I wouldn't have cared if the characters were different, but they all looked the same.

The only ones that were even close to that were Wolfenstien and BGE2, and the latter made sense in context.

It's not like silent 30 yo white guys with brown hair that are protagonists in 90% of games look any different

Only loud one was in wolfenstein in which every character was an exagerrated stereotype. But you dont care about any of them, just the 1 black chick

>Almost all games
>Two games
>Both side characters
>Black People exsist


>doesn't look black at all
only in US

>Wow, you're a black person and you don't care about black representation?
No, not really

Is because they have a political agenda, and they have to put all their SJW bullshit in their games now.

They're not, they're trying to appease Anita and the other white 20-something social studies graduates. As far as i can tell from the few black people i know none of them give a single fuck about it. It's all libtards and libtards alone.

A gay twink manlet*

worst game of the decade between 2007-2017**

Shitpost is not a argument my friend.

I get what you're saying and agree that there's a sameface white guy syndrome worse than early 00's anime but don't drag my boy Snake.

I know user its so racist of them to have a few black side characters dumb libtards its only right if it's white

How dare you

I think it's heavy funding behind the scenes to push this agenda into the games.

What's the agenda user? Rofl

Agreed. Like pirates too. Why the fuck are they appealing the the pirate demographic? Fuck that. Also mythical beasts? Come on game developers dragons hardly even play video gaymes. Boycott now!!!


Appeal to black guys and you might get a 1% bump in sales from black guys and fat white women (and their orbiters).

Meanwhile white guys will still buy the game anyway.

So it's a no lose situation.

I want a blacksploitation game.

Games shouldn't be about politics or hidden agendas, they should be about fun and imagination.

And then we have people like this manipulating opinions. It's propaganda.

But does every game need them? Does every game need a colourful and diverse cast of characters? No, they don't and in some cases it can take away from the experience. The world isn't like that. When you walk into your work you don't see a fucking rainbow of ethnicities. Real life isn't like the music video for that YMCA song, you fruitcake.

I have rabid jungle fever and want ebony girls to sit on my face.
SJWs and their obsession with tokenism have only served to make my dick harder and made me objectify women even more.

Wow, what kind of losers talk about rape culture and shit on a video game forum?

so is Sup Forums you retard, just you fell for the anti pc side and they fell for the pro pc side. Or all the same fag, two sides of the same coin.

I'm mostly with you there, I'm asian and growing up the one character I identified with and connected to was pic related

It's nice getting positive representation sometimes but interesting characters are way more important

Kind of the same but only sometimes, i find that black women are very hit or miss but mostly miss. A hot black woman is really hot but they're very rare.

>so is Sup Forums you retard, just you fell for the anti pc side and they fell for the pro pc side. Or all the same fag, two sides of the same coin.
You defend this? Look who's the real retard.

Political pressure through the corrupt video-game media which has the power to utterly destroy a games marketing if it doesn't follow their ideology
Following the trends of shows and movies
Following the current zeitgeist that dictates that pandering to minorities is virtuous by default
Shifting demographics since white people are becoming a minority in the near future
Companies getting forced through "diversity workshops"

>Companies getting forced through "diversity workshops"

>work in software development
>company goes through this shit
>lots of men get paid off and a bunch of women get hired in their place
>work output decreased by 20% in the span of a week
Forced diversity doesn't work in the workplace, it encourages hiring underqualified people simply because of their sex or race. I can't tell you how many times i've conducted interviews when the clear preferable candidate wasn't hired because they were a white man.

>if it's good enough for white protagonists it's good enough for me

er no I dont defend it. I'm saying its a shitty extreme opinion like yours. Come talk to me when you're out of school, pal.

>he can't enjoy a game unless his race is being represented

You're so gay it hurts

It's not two games
Seriously all almost all of the new games released feature a black woman, in some sort of a role in the spotlight.
I'm not going to go look all the names of these shitty games up but take a look for yourself.

One very important reason is that creative people tend to stand further on something which psychiatrists call the "openess" scale. They're generally, for a lack of a better word, a bit softer and more empathic to other people. This means they are far more likely to have a leftist political viewpoint. (Conservatises are generally less good at creating new things, but far superior in maintaining them)

Combine this with the fact that for the last 25 year African Americans, while only being 13% of the US population, have had a very significant influence on our modern culture. Music, street culture, fashion, you name it. Blacks are generally seen as more laid back and with a better sense of humor.

Yet they're also still a minority and a lot of them are living in impoverished environments (so do a lot of white Americans but that's not my point right now).
This gives a lot of leftists the idea that they have to "protect" this minority by also giving them a role in their medium. They think they're doing everyone a favor, and they might for some people.

Video games protaganist and the majority of its casts has been white men, because the people making and buying them we're white men. Most people (me included) don't mind a diverse cast of characters from different cultures and races. It only becomes an issue when people notice characters from different races are pushed so hard for good boy points in the majority of their games without any good reasons (BF1 and the African American German soldiers) that they start complaining about.

This gives a lot of game devs the idea that there is still a lot of racism out there and so they start pushing it even harder to "protect" the minorities. You end in a circle, until you arrive at this years E3 where the majority of AAA feature these characters. Whether some do serve a story or marketing purpose I will leave in the middle for you to decide per individual game.

>he didn't play San Andreas
Sucks to be you.

Is this Sup Forums or /BET/ or in this case /BVG/ or better yet /NVG/
I'll let you figure out the last one

Looks like the demographic that makes the most video games, and plays video games the most

>it's not a concerted effort it's just coincidence


this is what you guys get for liking rap music in school

I never said it was a coincidence, learn to read.

Blaming one set of people for everything wrong in your life isn't going to make it stop either way.

An agenda doesn't have to immediately equate to some dastardly Jew rubbing his hands together. It is that but I digress.
The agenda could be simply more shoehorned diversity in vidya.
For what reason is met with speculation.
I think the world is learning to hate the white hetero male and no one example would be enough to support this claim.
All to convenient to have a screech-goat.

I thought that persons post was pretty thoughtful and I'm dissapointed that all you could muster was a lame jew meme in response. regards

the niggers in gta were always cool. there wasn't that kikey marxist subversive stench that all these new games reek of

Does if you murder them all.

japs are faggots that make the protag in like 90% of their media a scrawny twink

I never said you said it was a coincidence

In fact, I'm pointing out the lack of you pointing out that this is clearly a concerted efforts by certain (((parties)))

Learn to read.

I'm disappointed that some retarded faggot who can't spell disappointed thought he could speak to me

what's with all these Sup Forums threads

That's because GTA is made in Scotland

Far Cry
Beyond good and evil.

>calling out spelling errors in shitpost central
oh you really are just the worst kind of person. bye

High percentage of ignorant consumerism.
Why put any effort into games that autistic fucking white people like you are going to bitch moan and complain about any small detail they fuck up when they could easily target a game to black people much cheaper and turn a profit PLUS you will buy it.
Look at 2k, madden, etc. Niggas love those games and theyve been the same game with different numbers on the cover since 2k11

The games at E3 almost all had shoehorned black characters, it makes sense that Sup Forums would be talking about it.

I normally don't agree with Sup Forums but the pandering was extremely blatant this year. There is no doubt in my mind theat they are going to continue to shoehorn different flavours of people into games from now on. Expect a trans protag next year.

go cry about it on reddit you uneducated slob

Post them black anime characters.

Hardmode:Good ones

Dante Must Die mode:No stereotypes

You're really gonna suck up to Sup Forums for brownie points? You're worse than the niggers that chimp out on the daily.

I think my favorite vidya black guy is Marcus from Watch Dogs 2. Cool guy, self made and with humble origins. Not much of a stereotype, doesn't dwell on the hood shit and fucks bitches left and right. Just a normal guy. Shame devs trying to force diversity end up using stereotypes time and time again.

The horror! Can't wait for it to happen and to see Sup Forums (or more accurately, Sup Forums) melt down.


Reminder: all your autistic screeching about this dumb shit ends up on Reddit and NeoGaf, stop crying and play games where you choose the protag like Skyrim or something.

Doing something because you want to be progressive is one thing, but doing it because you're pandering is cancer and they are most definitely pandering.

If you're doing it for your own benefit you don't have to tell everyone how multicultural you are and pat yourself on the back on livestream.

Breton master race.

Good to see you ignore the argument completely because OP is a black guy.

him and venom from the same game

This reads like Jordan Peterson pasta mixed with something I don't recognize.


He's a nigger, of course I'm gonna ignore him. He should stay put on instagram instead of trying to suck up here like a nigress in heat.

I dunno but I'm gonna lay off of Sup Forums for a few days for things to cool down.

>Post them black anime characters.

Blablabla, your playing videogames bro, 99% off them revolve around violence, the black woman with an afro is the stereotype that fits in this kind of setting. Would u rather play as a lovely big momma good at cooking and sharing love or a black hairdresser way to pretty and fragile to make sense as a protagonist in such a setting? Max Payne, Trevor, every fucking (either black or white) COD guy theyre all stereotypes. Just like all video game protagonists/stereo types: they have to be streetsmart, agile and likable..

If the selling point is diversity then it is a shit game. That is not how you sell a product.

I think it's interesting that the board of directors for these companies are so out of touch with society that they'd do something stupid like whitewash a simple thing like a WW2 game.

The other games, ok. But a WW2 game? I can't help but think they're terrified that anything otherwise would inspire white consumers to become Nazis or something stupid like that in the age of Trump.

At the end of the day it's a business

You are all literally missing the point.

If a developer designs a game around their artistic vision, and they see their MC as a white dude, black chick, asian twink, whatever, that's fine. It's their design for the character.

The problem is when their artistic vision is forced upon them by outside influences. That's why most of these newer games have their characters look out of place or shoehorned into them. It degrades the quality of the characters, and of the story/game itself, just to satisfy a diversity quota.

Let the developers make the games they want to make, and stop trying to force your standards onto their creative process. That's the real problem.

CoD: WWII's selling point isn't diversity you cockmongler. They haven't mentioned it once.

You're not smart, developers want to do this by themselves. This post explains it better.

Who the fuck plays video games and actually thinks "This isn't like the real world! I hate this!"

that would be the "outside influences" I'm referring to. As long as the character is designed properly for the game their being portrayed in, it's fine. There shouldn't be a problem what ethnicity the character is.

It's kind of like the OG Metroid. No one cared that Samus was a girl until it was revealed. That's because they did the character right (granted it was kind of difficult to give them any meaningful expression with the tech back then, but the point still stands).

They don't need to. Did you see the trailer? That's what a trailer is.

Is there any real way to tell the difference between an artist who's vision was influenced by outside sources, and just an artist who wanted a black/asian/hispanic person in that role?

I mean for some people the character may look out of place so they'll complain regardless. Personally I don't give shit either way who i'm playing as, I feel more inclined to play a female in games a a male because the dude option is usually pretty generic.

Pic related with some stereotype but still a bro

Black guy from Black lagoon

Afro Samurai

>as a black dude myself

Wait, you should be glad that Ubisoft hates white people.

It is for retarded kids from Sup Forums

When the game is meant to have an authentic or realistic aesthetic but does things that don't make sense. Like having a shitload of black people in a medieval Europe setting, Kingdom Come is a good example of this, if they had a whole pile of black people in it it wouldn't be an authentic experience anymore.