Gaming is dead

So, to sum up this year's E3:

>WE WUZ SPIDERMAN (Miles Morales)

>being this triggered

Kill yourself


You forgot Knack 2.

>Sup Forums hates diversity now

what the fuck happened?

there is nothing you can do about it, this is just the way things are now


Is that one pozzed too?

Does someone want to tell OP that only 15% of the people on earth are white.

wait... is that a black woman with a afro?

that really is original-- WAIT A SECOND!

Why are you so butthurt about brown people

You've clearly never met a nigger in your life. Lucky you.

It's actually about less than 7%, you mongoloid

>look, the characters are not white males! this shouldn't be allowed!


Yea, everyone else is a black wymen with giant aphro

I don't really care, but are game devs incapable of designing a black woman without giving her an afro?

after concerns that e3 has been all too white and male in the past, i'm really glad this year was totally inclusive. videogames arent just for fat white guys anymore

Is being black a political statement now.

You guys are SJW's.

>16 youtube links

All white, but all look different, all diff personalties, it isn't that she isn't white

it's that they're ALL the exact same sterotype, a black woman with a afro


But at this rate, user, whites will be a minority in gaming soon enough. Then we'll feel powerless and unrepresented and no race deserves that.

Kys libcuck faggot
you do not belong here

And? Is that some kind a crime now?

That's a black person with white person hair.

I don't usually lel at WE WUZ and the such, but


god damn it Sup Forums

Did blacks fight in WW2 tho ?

>we went to have qt negresses across the board as protagonists

i'm pretty fine with that

>all diff personalties

And you've played each of these unreleased games and determined all the black women have the same personality? No, so fuck off.

2 words:


It's just the current "in" look.

Remember when they were handing out this cut to every female character they could?

Then go outside and start purging or shut the fuck up

that isn't how it works, if you're white, you DON'T get to be represented any more, because we've always been represented

it's there turn now

I think that is the line of logic

tell me when that happens

Nigger, you really can't be this deluded.

Don't forget the female soldier voice in the COD WWII trailer.

all of there personalties are in the trailers, sweetheart

You're on Sup Forums, friend. The delusion here knows no bounds.

I dont mind black protagonists at all, but Im kinda pissed abpit beyond good and evil 2.
Not because of the black protagonist, but because Jade was an amazing protagonist and I wished she would remain the protagonist.
Also, it geniuenly seems very forced with the generic afro black woman design.

As far as AC origins goes, The characters dont even look black, if they were I would be triggered by the historical inaccuracy rather than them being black.
I would be equally pissed off if they made them White or Chinese, because neither makes any fucking sense in "ancient" Egypt

you realize you can kill the nigger in detroit and just play the other characters right?

Sup Forums here.

Are you guys memeing or what? You can't seriously be this booty blasted that there are non-white people in video games.

nu-male game devs are performing an experiment, here. Just don't buy any of these game and they'll get the message.

you dont even play as her you stupid fuck

>Sup Forums

No one cares about the opinion of a board that obsesses over watching sweaty black men chase a leather egg.

>you stupid fuck
My feelings are officially hurt

yes they are most of the stupid fags from Sup Forums they where making threads on there about the same shit now they come here crying

That line of logic would work if being represented as white meant absolutely fuck all in any videogames before.

It's a meme. Most people here just pretend to be racist for free (You)'s

This is the whitest E3 ever made, given the fact it is squarely aimed at the white hipsters of san francisco.
No fun, only politics and cinematics.
DBZ is the only game for black people in this E3.

This is why new games are absolute shit.

Developers are filling their teams with STRONG WOMYN and PEOPLE OF COLOR in order to fill their diversity quota. Except these people aren't skilled and get patted on the back for every thing they do because they're not white males. This is why Mass Effect Andromeda is such a fucking disaster of a game.

This is why Witcher series has always been good. Polish people don't give a fuck about western political notions of diversity and hire skilled people.

>dat insecurity
So that's the answer to your question right there.

Do you honestly see any of those charters with any real personality? That's what the argument seems to be. It's just pandering to a small demographic of people, moral busybodies, that don't really play or buy video games. All the while cashing out on tropes and stereotypes.

Those GDC videos are insulting. What the FUCK does you wanting a dick up your ass have to do with 'your place in the gaming community'? There is literally no connection between your gender identity and sitting at home playing video games.

it's a fucking video game

>watching pleb sportsball

Nice logic, leftist cumshitter.

The black people on your hobby are there because they're good and bring money.
On ours, its a fucking quota shit that will just hurt black people in the long run.

>Mass Effect Andromeda is such a fucking disaster of a game.
Because it was buggy as hell at it's release.

Sometimes you have to wonder who can possibly behind it all.

If only we had a hint.

This is not the point. The point is how SUDDENLY they're all doing it and WE are supposed to believe it's a coincidence. This is the issue.

And I just realize dyour picture even shows characteters from 20 years ago. At first I thought it's just this E3. Retard.

>Do you honestly see any of those charters with any real personality?
We've seen minutes of hour-long games. You're the one defining these characters with tropes and stereotypes.

I read that as "Inconceivable Iron Man" at first lol

>On ours
bitch are you retarded

>Egyptians are niggers

>It's just pandering to a small demographic of people

I'm a white guy and I'm fine with black people in vidya. Hell, I already pre-ordered FC5 and will pre-order Wolfenstein 2

And these STRONG WOMYN and PEOPLE OF COLOR are leftists who hate guns (ironic), religion, and everything that has made the west good. So every game is a political message now. Every game is about destroying WESTERN HISTORY and destroying any sort of pride that people of european descent have.

Video games are such a fucking joke nowadays.

What the fuck happened to my hobby? I want to go back.

this be a plot to make people get annoyed and tired of it

best ruse ever

1. I don't see how having black characters in vidya hurts black people.
2. If you hate it so much why don't you make your own white only games?

I can feel the diversity washing over me. It's beautiful.

>You're the one defining these characters with tropes and stereotypes.
OK fag. We'll see about that.
Nigger, you know exactly what I mean when I say pandering. Nice try.

A bit yes, but you should not use black people as a shield for criticism and politics, you should use em when you can make a cool character that is also black.
And there's plenty of room for that, but no, they're written as white then slapped a black color and a communist flag.

It's not just buggy just look at the fucking models and animations.

THIS ISN'T ABOUT BEING OK with black people in video games. This is about being upset that developers are going OUT OF THEIR WAY to put black people in video games in order to feel GOOD about themselves. If you think about it one can perceive it as racist because they're not including many people of other races.

You are at the same level that all those leftist who doesn't shut up because muh patriachy.

Just enjoy the fucking game.
What a cancer you are.

Sup Forums even Sup Forums is tired of your shit.

calm your tits ffs

Remember when you would go into Blockbuster and rent a game, and there would be that sense of wonder and joy at all the fucking things possible and everything in that game, no politics, no hidden agendas, just a fucking video game, remember that glorious feeling as a kid?

look at this damn picture, look at this thread, and look at all of this years e3

ironic, but these are dark times

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! the thread (safe zone edition)

Why no hispanic girls

Well, you see, when you keep implying that the black characters are there just for filling a progressive quota or worse, to shield games from criticism, you poison the well for any actual good attempt that could actually make them more common.

My ancestor...

>are going OUT OF THEIR WAY

Artistic license. Deal with it

I'd take this over typical white brown-haired dude any day

you Sup Forums has become shit when he starts getting triggered like sjw.

man you idiots sound fucking retarded blacks have been in video games for years why are you now shitting your pants about it now


Found the problem.

What. you some kind of racist or something?

In the future there simply wont be white people. Everyone will be a mixed mongrel. Deal with it.

I can't honestly tell them apart.

>Artistic license. Deal with it
The customer is always right. Deal with it.

>progressive quota
Nice paranoia
>shield games from criticism
Because Mafia3 and Andromeda didn't get panned by critics

Yes, so white people must tailor their creations specifically for blacks, who don't create anything but the occasional degenerate """"dance"""" fad.

>le why don't you make your own game xD
Maybe people don't know how to program games . maybe people don't have the money , maybe people don't have original ideas for games . Who knew right ?

Sup Forums

it's like the tried to copy oblivions character creator, but, as a joke, but then really just went


>brown people SCARE me
>video games are my only safe space from evil brown sjws
>they add THESE

They did, but they served in segregated units lead by white officers. Almost all of them were deployed in logistical roles (truck drivers etc.), but a black tank battalion (761st) existed and saw combat in the Battle of the Bulge. Also during the Battle of the Bulge 200 black volunteers were formed into platoons (again segregated and lead by white officers) and sent to the front to replace losses in the absence of white reinforcements, where they were well-regarded by the white officers that lead them.

All of this is going to be completely ignored in CoD and we're going to get the token badass black guy in a white unit right from D-Day, I guarantee it.

We do not hate diversity, just people forcing it to complete their political agenda.

How is that an argument? Why shouldn't we be upset that developers are purposely pushing black protagonists in their games just to satisfy a political end?

Also there are no black antagonists in any of these games. So they also believe that black people cannot to harm.

It's their game, so they can make their characters white, asian or black. It's their choice. Don't like it, don't buy it.


Everything SJW touch turns to shit because their ideals trump gameplay, aesthetics, Q&A, and everything else. Bioware has gone to shit because of this and still the trend continues.

Just dont buy those games and move on.