
>being this retarded

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Read a book, retard

clearly not british army you stupid cunts

Who cares, its a multiplayer

>fantasy elements in a videogame
Yeah, I sort of expected that.

>Book and picture titled; Holy shit! We found a woman on battlefield! Unbelievable discovery made! Doctors are shocked by this revelation.

I wonder why they made a book about it.

>No swastikas
>Blacks fighting with white troops
>Women fighting along side men

CoD 2 was the last good call of duty. You can't even debate that

Its a video game. Its Call of Duty.

Why do you insist on being retarded?

Black Ops 1

I bet you think you're being funny

You know what else didn't happen in real life that everyone seems to ignore about previous WW2 cod games.

Packs of trained dogs didn't tear men to pieces periodically.

It's a fucking video game WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT ANY OF THAT BULLSHIT. If the game is fun surely that's the only qualifier it needs


lol, the shitty faggot gun skins garbage was the final nail in the coffin for these shitty games. No one older than 12 plays CoD anymore

This is a propaganda image just FYI.

>frontline fighter

Off yourself.

video games

why dont they just avoid the outcry and set it in an alternate timeline or something.
oh right because that would take effort

lol who cares kiddo women play video games too, get over it

Then why not just say fuck it and have gay clowns running around shooting guns in it? Same logic, after all

They need to save something for the DLC

Call Of Duty : SJW II

>American soldier is shown to be female

Fucking nu-Sup Forums

There are no American females in the game.

Can someone explain to me when we started expecting realism and historical accuracy out of Call of Duty and Battlefield? Is it just to serve as a soap box to bitch about women an minorities?

who cares, play the game

What's with those shitty gun sounds?

Call of Duty had pea shooters for guns since Modern Warfare

pretty much


Sup Forums is full of autistic virgins, so this shit is expected

In most armies, no.

For the Ruskies they had whomever they could get in the army so it wasn't entirely uncommon to see female combatants. Particularly during the defense of russia but some also participated in the offensive. Hell, some of their best snipers were grils because they tended to be able to get to a wider variety of vantage points than bulkier dudes.

That said if there are shoehorned women combatants in any other faction outside of multiplayer I'm calling bullshit.

There were women in the russian army, but as far as i remember, that's about it. I think there was a famous(in russia) all-female sturmovik squadron.

>no real helmet
>those flashy clothes
>fucking shorts

The French really wanted her to be killed, didn't they?

>Implying we're not gonna get Tyrone and Shequaniqua forced down our throats in single player

Didn't they say character customisation will be in this, if that's the case then everyone's just gonna play a white guy anyway.

>They ACTUALLY MANAGED to put women in CoD

HAHAHHA video game industry is cucked beyond multiverse

She didn't fight anyone. It's a staged picture for propaganda just like this one


who gives a fuck

>Not playing as a nignog in order to piss off white cucks
It's like you hate fun.

Fucking really?
On a political building too they replace swastikas with the iron cross?

Yea let's just pretend all our problems in history never existed, that surely will never backfire or anything.

See, that's cool, because it actually happened and is historically accurate. Then there's the shit where they just shoehorn in women into the front lines because "muh diversity in video games"

>Sup Forums continues to be a bastion of historical knowledge

>girl soldier

ANNNNDDD dropped

>autistic screeching ensues

>put swastikas
>get banned in Germany before you can say lebensraum
>lose the biggest gaming market in Europe

At least we got a pat on the back by people on the internet!

>create swastika texture
>create iron cross texture
>set them up to the same meshes
>put a line of code in that checks if it's the German version. If it is, use the iron cross, else use the swastika
Wow so hard and time consuming

I just want WaW 2, please god let this be it

im offended by the sounds of the guns. why do they all sound like toys?

>Multiplayer Reveal=/=Single Player

Otherwise it is just a hint that there is player customizability in multiplayer.

>>put a line of code in that checks if it's the German version

Get outta here with your common sense garbage, time is money. why bother making extra versions if you know people will buy millions of whatever you shit out anyway?

>paratroopers dropping straight onto a dense urban area
it's shit

people who hate false propaganda

That was in Advanced Warfare.

>The time of WW2 in the states was a time of Jim Crow laws and the nineteenth amendment still wasn't a national thing
>Lets combat sexism and racism by making history look like these problems didn't exist!
I swear, these people.

>no black or brown germans
come one guys it's 2017
we all know that you can be black or brown and be german
why are all the game devs such raging racists only letting you shoot whites.
where is the diversity?

Videogames are not propaganda, child.

It looks kinda fun. Awaiting the microtransaction dance taunts and other dumb shit.

ANYTHING can be used as propaganda

you're an idiot.

but it's definitively true that anything can be used as propaganda...

naive fuck
if it's media, it can be turend into propaganda

that's not the point


>the start of cosmetic microtransactions

I don't think it is good to assume that a game like call of duty and battlefield will be realistic when it is just a video game made for entertainment and not historical accuracy but it isn't healthy to have blind hate and anger all the time in this world.

Please have peace in your soul and mind.

>woman on the frontlines


it's just for multiplayer so that we can dream of playing as a female soldier, it's just for customization at this point as long they don't reduce their fucking hitboxes like some fps games.
>call of duty finest hour has playable russian female sniper
>medal of honor european assault as a french female resistance member
>nobody say anything
>cod wwii announce female for multiplayer
>everyone triggered

fucking wish we're done with this era of triggering and ego centered news websites

>Those simple mid-2000s animations
>No swastikas because it wouldn't be German-friendly
>Shitty Western front, only Allies are playable
When will video game devs get their shit together?

You are way too innocent to be on this hell board.

Please leave for the sake of yourself.

She looks like the kind of girl that would whore herself out on Instagram.

>Please have peace in your soul and mind.
Fuck off with your hippie bullshit, Gandhi.

Games weren't so clearly political back then. Besides, those examples of yours were rooted in historical fact (although the female snipers could've been just soviet propaganda, idk).

Glorifying something like that is different from changing the whole military and culture of the time to suit your political agenda.

post GDC screens about how games should be politicized.

To be fair, the real women who racked up kills in WW2 actually looked like they could crush your skull with their bare hands

uh no that's called maturity

>there was no western front beyond d-day, battle for caen,market garden,battle of the bulge and operation dragoon

fuck these unoriginal cunts
atleast they were the middle eastern front and the italian front in battlekek 1


its just videogames. its fantasy. why do you care

dude its just a video game, relax. You should be more worried about the people who allow themselves to be swayed by video games, not the games itself

Have some qt Russian snipers

I'll have the middle one thanks

Why do you fucking care?
Why are you bitching about minor issues?
It's not battlefield where they threw the historical accuracy out the window and added tons of fully automatic weapons, and lots of tanks and thus changing gameplay to modern age bullshit.
This one is actually good.

There were no US or British women fighting in WW2 on the front lines. No one is denying the Russians.

>Russian snipers
Don't make me laugh

will you guys ever get bored of this shit

You'd have to have all the swatsika files taken out as well at the very least.

gameplay looks like garbage desu

As much as I like Simo, he never fought against female snipers. Heck he never even participated in the continuation war because he got comatosed after the winter war.

Still based as fuck though.

woman never fought even in the red army as front line infantry
the closest to it were specialized sniper corps
generally having woman in the ranks with men is seen as a bad sign since it showed how desperate the forces are

Still not bad though. Even one of the youngest female snipers managed to rack more kills than America's best.


Wait where are the swastikas?

They are fighting against Germans, right?

Yeah, that's the point. A vast majority of people seem to fall prey to the propaganda - or maybe they're just too occupied with bread and circus that they either don't care or aren't experienced enough with these subtle lies.

I cannot change all the millions of people around me, but I can change a few individuals in my time - and I'd rather those few be the influential ones.

The Heer, to be precise. The Waffen SS is nowhere in sight

wow sounds like you got it all figured out!

Didn't watch Ubisoft or go on Sup Forums while it was happening. Is the protagonist of FC5 really a black woman?

The soldier holding the trench gun at 1:28 in the trailer is female and has an American accent when she says "cover me."

Either the 'French Resistance' have American voices or it's an American.


The russians have used women's batallions since WW1 as a propaganda tool to shame the men into fighting harder. Might not have been their main purpose in WW2, but that's how it started.

Why was there no bullets in that MG42

Video games went from brainless entertainment to propaganda vehicles.

Source; the fucking devs themselves.

here's a tip: people you have to "save" from video game indoctrination are not smart enough to be influential

>Source: one single presentation in a single conference

lol shut up pol

>a single dev = the whole industry

The mental gymnastics you go through to maintain a constant aura of victimhood is truly fascinating

have you not been watching e3 at all