Monster Hunter "purists" everywhere online are saying this game is "westernized garbage"

>Monster Hunter "purists" everywhere online are saying this game is "westernized garbage"

you purists can fuck off and suck my cock. this is the dream MH game.

Other urls found in this thread:

your dream is shit user

>yet another thread where a non-member of the community who has never touched a MH game tells long standing MH fans how their game should play


>people that buy the same game over and over are afraid of change
Why does this not surprise me?

What games do you like, user? Would you like it if your favorite game suddenly had its core gameplay completely changed just for kicks? Would you like to see something you enjoy become a watered down imitation of what made you fall in love with the series in the first place?

No, of course you wouldn't. To say otherwise would be a blatant lie. Think before you speak next time.

>much awaited HD MH still has ps2 graphics
I am laughing so fucking hard, this series is trash, Crapcom bringing this and mvc is just a slap in the face

>maybe smug rhetorical questions that leave no room to debate will force my opinion
Think I'll side with OP on this one, MH purists seem like fags.

>non-member of the community
good to see fgc logic is spreading

So you admit that you have no counterpoint and you're only here to shitpost?

Literally 1 trailer released and you're making huge judgement calls. Fuck off nig.

>their game

>Can't even find a counterpoint

Maybe you're the fag.

Shit dream for a shit pleb.

Do we know anything about the mechanics? How is it different?

They're just mad because it's finally going to be a good game in the MH series and they're gonna lose their niche-ass artificial difficulty barrier, so they won't get to feel superior for autistically investing time gitting gud anymore.

Reminds me of splinter cell. Point made, but I don't think new monster Hunter looks bad, but I get why long time fans would be pissed.


Fuck off grandpa, nobody cares about call of duty of monster hunting

I never understood this mentality. If it's not a real monster hunter game according to you then why don't you just skip it instead of whining online about it?

>make a counter argument to a shit opinion
Why would he even bother

The purist know shit.

According to the trailer for all we know is that they implemented mechanics but did not remove any.

You are not forced to jump or use the environment to hunt.

If you so desire you can kill monsters in the same old way that you've done 1000000 times before.

They are just haters that instead of being glad that the franchise is getting another game while their games remain untouched spout shit claiming to know more than the people working on the game.

Except that the previous installments still exist.

I never quite understood the desire for new content in another installment with no change to anything in the game, and yet such an avid distaste for DLC from the core of this board. If there isn't some massive change to a game in the next installment, there is literally not reason to buy it. Just keep playing the old one.

>if you don't like it just don't talk about it

that's retarded, this is a board for discussion, not for positive circlejerking, if you want that, go to reddit.

The trailer shows a substantial departure from what the series traditionally offers. There's a difference between making tweaks and improvements to existing systems and completely throwing out what fans have come to expect and love from the series. When a new game from a series I enjoy is announced, I want to be excited and look forward to something I know I'll like. I don't like being made to question whether or not I want to continue to support a game which is gravitating away from core mechanics I enjoyed in previous installments.

Again, what games do you like? Why do you like those games? Would you still like those games if core mechanics were dropped in favor of radically different mechanics which don't mesh well with the established setting?

Because I enjoy Monster Hunter and I don't want to have something I enjoy taken from me, especially when it's being given to those who do not have the same passion for the series as I do.

>if you don't like it just don't talk about it
I asked you why you don't skip it. As in simply not play it. I never said you are not allowed to talk about it.

>Because I enjoy Monster Hunter and I don't want to have something I enjoy taken from me
The main argument I read is that it's not a real monster hunter. Just treat it like it's not monster hunter then and your problem should be fixed.

> This is a board for negative circle jerking, not positive circle jerking

You can't call bitching about change "discussion" and call welcoming change "circle jerking" unless you want your opinion discarded entirely.

PC coming after console potential of mods this could be great for capcom like what the gta v community is like

>Capcom changing the formula of a beloved game series that needed no changing
Because that worked so well the last times it happened, didn't it?

Well i was a fallout fan pre-2008, i still can't forgive a single sperglord on the bethesda softworks team.

good thing i did neither of those, learn to read.
>I never said you are not allowed to talk about it.
>why don't you just skip it instead of whining online about it?

I'm still waiting to see the facts before I judge it.

It looks like MH, but I will say that something seems off.

The developers have confirmed that this is not a spinoff title, so yes, it is a "real" Monster Hunter. I'm not going to plug my ears and pretend its something else, that's retarded.

I want to enjoy this new game, but after analyzing the information immediately presented to us, I have a lot of strong concerns. I'd like to write them off as unwarranted, but that's completely foolish. I want more information, especially if it can dispel my concerns, but as of now I can only cross my fingers and try to convince myself that these changes aren't going to compromise why I got into the series in the first place.

> I don't want to share my passion with newcomers

That makes you a faggot. A completely abhorrent faggot that doesn't deserve your fucking passion. The greedy desire to close off your passion makes you a cancer to the community, and the main reason developers would rather leave you in the dust and cater to normalfags exclusively. Fuck you, you killed gaming.

I'm fucking glad you feel like shit about this. You deserve it. I hope it becomes more casualized than a Bethesda game you sack of shit.

> autistic screeching intensifies

Why the fuck are we infested with these reddit-tier faggots all of a sudden? Please just get the fuck out.

Because the game is not announced for Nintendo.

Every mechanic in previous games is in this.

You dont want stealth? Dont use it, I'm sure certain monsters will be vulnerable to it but If you are that hardcore I figure you dont have a problem soloing G ranks with green sword and shield.

not that user, but what he views as his passion is traditional monster hunter 1-4

the leaks said this game would be targeting a western audience I.E not the audience of monster hunter 1-4

so it isn't "his passion" that is being shared, it's going to be an extremely casualized version of monster hunter (assuming from the leak of course, we don't know for certain yet)

and if it succeeds, then the trend of modern gaming will continue and further iterations of the series will be even further dumbed down until its a shadow of its former self

Of course all of this is all assuming a great deal when we really don't know much at all about the game just yet.

Just play the old games like you've been doing for the past 10 years instead of bitching.

If newcomers want to join the community, they are more than welcome to. There's nothing stopping them from picking up the game and playing. If they have no interest, then that's fine too, nobody is making them.

The problem stems from taking a game which has a long standing and established fanbase and greatly changing core aspects the fanbase has developed fondness for. All this does it cause unrest among those in the fanbase. The newcomers (assuming this is their first exposure) now have an inaccurate view of what the core values of the game were once about, and are disconnected from the rest of the community. Those who still do not care for the games will remain on the outside (except now they just shitpost for the sake of causing drama) and still do not join in.

Nobody benefits from something like this. Well, nobody except those who like starting console war threads.

What about those like me that stopped playing after MHFU since the series became a cashgrab with absolutely no innovation and relied on their stupid fanbase to buy the game regardless of how little changes there are?

World was made for a Western audience who don't understand why zones are broken up like they are and people too fucking stupid to understand the very difficult concept of 'move away from the giant shrieking rampage beast before using a potion.' I dunno if that was supposed to be Royal Ludroth towards the end or what. Is this a tie-in to the godawful-sounding movie?

Monster Hunter World seems like it's the Final Fantasy Mystic Quest of Monster Hunter games.

We'd better not be getting this over Double Cross. If XX gets localized, this trash heap can do whatever it wants.

>hurr people who like monster hunter dont like this game
>i hate monster hunter but i like this game because it's nothing like monster hunter durr

ITT faggots who bought a switch and now their meme machine is pointless when every other console, including pc, is getting a MH game.

eat shit

>Heavy Bowgun spraying bullets like an SMG
>hunter can move WHILE shooting
What next? Will they make it so you can move while doing the GS charge attack? Fucking disgusting

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "absolutely no innovation" in terms of evolving the series. Each game adds a bit more depth to every weapon's combat abilities and gives those who use those weapons more options and variety in their play. Improving monster designs, animations, and hit detection are also positive improvements made over time. I can see how the "release game and then the definitive edition later" marketing approach can seem like a cash grab, but that isn't really what the argument being made here is.

For the record, I'm of the opinion that Generations/XX are mediocre games and that Hunting Arts are a detriment which make the implementation of styles look worse due to their inclusion.

I'm cautiously optimistic. All we can really do is wait and see how it actually plays.
I've always thought the idea of an open world MH in which you actually stalk and hunt monsters sounded neat. The trailer was lackluster because it was hard to tell what the combat was actually like. I wasn't wowed by the MH4 trailer, but I ended up putting hundreds of hours into 4U. It all just depends on whether or not they preserve the core combat mechanics.
But considering they're coming out with another 'normal' MH game later this summer, even if MHW is hot garbage it doesn't really matter. If it really is a huge departure, im sure they'll keep making standard MH games, too.

Apparently the idea of playing Monster Hunter on a real controller is just too much for these "purists" to handle. It's ok though, they can stick to their casual handhelds while we enjoy the real game.

>Generations is okay
>Worlds isn't

Why are nintenbros so fucking retarded

MH 4 is the worst fucking game I ever bought .. it's like a half a game

>Take a franchise
>Remove gameplay mechanics & challenge
>Add better muh grafix
Tada! You make the best game ever for retards. Final Fantasy 7, and now that. I'm afraid about Resident Evil 2 Remake now.

>That feel when PC and Switch
>Get the best of both worlds

What mechanics got removed?

>It's a both camps judge that game by a trailer that barely showed anything episode

>turbo-autists dedicatedly shitpost every thread acting like they're psychics and can predict everything this game will be, even tons of shit that isn't shown
The MH fanbase on Sup Forums is the worst fanbase ever.
t. someone who has played and completed every game.

>You are not forced to jump or use the environment to hunt.
A part of the community it too autistic not to use the optimal strategy, even if they hate it and have the option to stay with the old and true styles.

That is assumign they dont change the movesets and animations altogether in this

>Remove gameplay mechanics & challenge

how did you conclude that from a cinematic trailer, showcasing new features?

when they release actual gameplay with the hud on i can't wait for nintendofags to get even more butthurt LOL

>afraid of a game with 2 attack buttons being watered down

I think it will be ok. Monster Hunter is always changing and doing new things.

They could literally make it a Last of Us clone and I won't give a shit as long as they continue making traditional, Japanese MH games. But until they announce a real MH5, this game is going in the garbage.

GameFAQs are known to be quite the MH purists and they had a poll in which the "purists" got BTFO with votes saying that experienced players are interested, winning by a landslide.

No OP, those arent purists. Its the casuals who play MH and then drop it halfway through. Because now their favorite go-to time sink is different, and they cannot comprehend it.

just a little bit more of "gameplay"
inb4 everyone bitch about the bloody screen

>just pretend it isn't what the title says
>as Sup Forumseogaf parades around how they "stole" "MonHun" from the evil Nintendo

>follow the glowy lights
>press X to mount
>press X to stay on monster if you fall off
>press X to zip around the environment and never get hit
N-Not casualized at all! H-h-hardcore.

>tfw can't say anything good about MHW because it will label be as a non-fan
Boy I sure do love videogames.

Honestly, I think this is the natural evolution of Monster Hunter. The problem with their games is they boast that the game was a hunting game - They pretty nailed it on the combat mechanic, but the world was kind of bland, gameplay wise. Don't get me wrong - Climbing in MH4U was cheese as fuck. But my point is , we do not know how the game will truly play, outside of that westernized trailer.

It might be the perfect Monster Hunter, if the combat is the same as MH4U without I.Glaives, more mechanic that aren't hindrering to said point and a seamless experience.

Fuck me i have FGC flashbacks, the same fcking behaviour, you bitch all the time about wanting a new game and about how you're a niche fanbase and how much you want an hd monster hunter and blablabla but when a new game gets annouced you're like "pfff fuck this casual bullshit amirite, fuck these new players fucking noobs why does the game try to catter to them, i'm so done with this franchise yadda yadda yadda". Fucking pseudo elitists

Monster hunter gameplay has always been bad/boring/poorly executed, whatever you want to call it. It's never once been good, it's strength has always been that it operates within a very specific niche of very hardcore fans.

These fans have proved resistant to any type of quality of life, control, mechanical, or graphical improvement of any kind within another series of games. To them the monster hunter title matters more than any single or combined feature of the games. They will never say outright "The name matters more than the gameplay" however their only frame of reference revolves around monster hunter, if you bring up any other game, they'll have no specific or valid critiques, prepare to hear a lot of "It just doesn't feel like monster hunter" and "Well in monster hunter..." or "I might as well just stick with monster hunter then!!"

What are the problems with MH that have gone unaddressed for 13 years?
1. Excessive monster HP and speed.
Many if not every monster in the game has far more health than it ever needed. Some monsters have double or triple the amount of health they needed. Most monsters move excessively fast, which leads to unavoidable damage, long time players will say there is no unavoidable damage, then cry to their friends and in the general all day about how some monsters are just too fast and damage is unavoidable.
2. Excessive monster run-away.
Almost if not all monsters can run away to a different zone, enjoy 5-7 loading screens every 2 minutes, my favorite is when they run just as you reach the new area they are in. Most hunts times are 90% loading screens caused by monsters running.
3. Controls are still bad
They've not improved their control scheme since the first game, and this was the number one complaint most hardcore players had at the time, even though it's not improved hardcore players are "used to it" so they will merely tell you it "takes some getting used to but isnt bad" it took them over ten years to get used to it though.

They said the game was catered to westerner, therefore we can assume that trailer was in the same fashion. We cannot assume how it will play without having a showcase of how it play Monster vs Hunters.

They'll probably use the "Dark souls" difficulty card

>tfw can't say anything bad about MHW because it will label be as a nintentard

So what are these core mechanics that are apparently being thrown to the wolves, judging by the trailer?

>A big part of the appeal is the complexity of the combat, crafting, and drop system, as well as the arcadey nature of the gameplay that lends itself well to local co-op sessions

Not all change is for the better, especially when it removes more than it's adding to the formula.

holy you're so salty that your niche game is going to become popular as fuck

The trailer hasn't shown the core mechanics being removed, it's just exaggerating autists. They've confirmed all the base mechanics are still there.

>Muh Grapplings hook
>Muh environemental Hazard
>muh stealth
>Muh Bug that serve as UI
>Muh Climbing

It's laughable how some people are scared of changes. Most of those are actually a refresh in the series. What most fear, however, is they trivialized the combat gameplay for those aspects, because Capcom said they want to gain the western market.

No, not a purist but I'm waiting for reviews and if it's good, I'll pirate it. If it's shit, I'll just get monhun 5 for the switch or whatever when that comes

I've been playing since the one on the PS2 on every platform it's been on, which is almost certainly longer than most of you faggots. This one looks perfectly good. I'm convinced that the people raging at this are fanboys and autists. Who cares what platform a game is on?

Neither is exaggerating and assuming when you don't know shit yet about your claim being true.
Someone that works at Capcom already said potions, crafting, sharpness, and your general MH basics are still intact, so you can calm down and take your pills.

Will you pirate it on the Switch too? This is a mainline game after all, so that can't be a reason not to pay for it.

Isn't MH combat pretty straightforward to begin with? The only way they could make it simpler is by removing weapon gimmicks and buff items, and I don't see how that would draw in westerners.

4. Horrible weapon balance.
Theres 500 weapons! and 5 are ever remotely usable in any way for a series hunter per game. Weapons are buffed and nerfed indiscriminately between games, seemingly at random. The top weapon is rarely nerfed, the bottom weapons are rarely buffed, now enjoy these random ass completely unworthy nerfs and buff.
5. Excessive use of RNG
Monster hunter has no content. Theres about five hours worth of actual gameplay in a monster hunter game. Theres about ten years worth of RNG though. It's literally a single player game, they could have easily made targetted carves over the past 13 years, let players pick what they wanted most, but many players wear their soul crushing rng grinds as a badge of honor "ha look out autistic and ugly I look in my completely mismatched garbage set of armor! I grinded for 4,000 hours for this baby!" No hardcore MH vet every actually finishes their wishlist of things they wanted to make, even the most basic starter baby wishlists will always go unfinished, because they'll buy the next game before ever completing them.
6. Map design
10-15 loading screens per map is literally inexcusable. These maps are so fucking small and shitty, so many other games are able to display full cities even on the shitty handheld hardware, there is absolutely no reason for the loading screens to be like this. I literally have to assume that they want loading screens in the game to slow players down and pad gameplay time even further.

Theres more, so many more. But these are the tops for me.

>becoming popular in the west
Capcom would have to air a commercial during the Super Bowl to get normies to acknowledge its existence.

Not even trying to console war but if it's coming out on PC, I'm gonna pirate just because I know it'll be a full price game and I rarely buy full price games. If it was a console exclusive, I MIGHT buy it. I plan on getting a switch anyway so I'd probably buy it on the switch. Now that the new spiderman game is shit, I don't plan on getting a ps4 so I think I'm gonna pirate it


How the fuck was the gameplay changed?
Only change I see is better artstyle.

>muh game

Kill yourself

Why do you ruin a classic image with your fucking console war shit? The usual filename went untouched for years and you fuck it up.

It doesn't need to be Superbowl Commercial obvious. Regular commercials can and do work. Freedom Unite and Tri both had hugely successful television advertising campaigns in North America. MH4U was advertised all over the internet, though I don't recall any televised ads. I'm willing to bet MHW will at the very least be plastered all over dedicated gaming websites and the few gaming magazines that still exist, since it's being released on PS4 and Xbone as opposed to just 3DS. We're incredibly likely to see at least some TV and Youtube adverts, too.

Longtime fan here, always hit endgame and make perfect sets for 7+ weapon types.

Games gonna be good. Nothing in that trailer was rehash, meaning that the parts that weren't shown probably are. So it'll have the core hunting mechanics.

Entire trailer appeals to hardcore fans. No one else knows what they're looking at. 90% of the hunt is slapping a monster in the face, they focused on the other 10% which is all brand new.

How can you see this trailer and think they ruined the series? It's been bad since MHX, and this is a hunting centric direction they're headed. Dope as fuck

Because console warriors are desperate and pathetic.

I'm just happy it's coming to the xbox

just as dumb as the people saying it looks like shit when we saw basically nothing

Just like the Monster Hunter 4 first trailer.

I'm hyped for it after hearing it's still gonna have the core elements (health, stamina, sharpness bar) all I need to see is actual in game hunt. Extremely glad I won't have to play on a handheld anymore though.

People are really jumping the gun after seeing a small trailer for the game and for you that are crying about bland monster designs legit fuck off Gen 1 and Gen 2 had your generic European midevil dragons and monsters (Just look at Fatalis) MH is just going back to its roots of being a hunting game in a European setting.

I know we're all shitposting but capcom has literally fucking said old mechanic and gameplay hasn't changed much, they just showed off new fancy shit. Just like they fucking did with MH4.

Are they gonna post more gameplay soon?

There's a stream in 7 days.

My main concern is that they will lower monster HP and take out the grind, that may sound like a good thing, but you can only change so much before it stops being MH.

Its worth noting that this trailer was VERY bullshitified for the trailer. Look at the ORIGINAL MH4 trailer, where the player character didnt attack the monster at all and did puzzle platformer segments.

I DO hope the only thing they do to the combat is remove the anime bullshit from MHX / MHXX, but I fear they might go too far, hopefully capcom is too worried about sales to change it too much since japan will be the main market for this regardless.

Also no idea what the point of the stealth mechanics is unless there are still egg gathering quests or something.

The main two things in the trailer that truly looked out of place / different from gameplay norm too much to me were:
1. Grappling hook (in some contexts it seems fine, but others like dropping rocks on the monster seemed weird)
2. Hunters riding Remobra, really dont get what this is about.

Only played a bit of Monster Hunter Tri, apart from that didn't have contact with the genre at all.

How is what they've shown so far so different from the other games? Literally only jumping/environment? The enemy design and weapon handling looked pretty similar.

What's so shit storm inducing about it?

>The core of the gameplay revolves around there being 2 attack buttons

Quit strawmanning.