>Finally an actually new Monster Hunter game.
>People are asshurt instead of excited.
>Finally an actually new Monster Hunter game.
>People are asshurt instead of excited.
I'll tell you why
>PS4, Xbox One and PC get a Monster Hunter game made by the same team as MH1/MH2/MH3/MH4
>Switch gets an outsourced Monster Hunter 3DS port from 2015
It's because it will be even more casualized for the braindead normalfags
>follow the sparkles you dumb fuck and press x to awesome!
>finally a monster hunter game we can all e joy
>magically deducing this in 40 seconds of gameplay
Always the same with you MH autists. Always the same.
I think the reason why there are sparkles for gathering spots is because the environment is a lot more clustered.
I'm sure you'll be able to turn it off.
Is that seriously the only real argument?
aye, me and my wife son truly love this new Monster hunter World(tm) on our PS4(tm) Pro(tm)
Now if you'll excuse me, imma go get pegged by my wife
>let's spout bullshit and provide no evidence!
How will you react when world is announced for the switch tomorrow?
Vocal minority of shitposters
>Implying they aren't just showcasing new items.
The fucking armor he wears is the one that gives you fucking maphacks in the rest of the series, did you forget that?
>follow the sparkles
The extended five minute gameplay video shows the "sparkles" aren't a trail and only highlight a footprint before fucking off.
I'm a nintenbro and i think it looks good. Too bad for switch but i'll get it on PC i guess.
>PS4/Xbox One and PC are getting a new HD mainline Monster Hunter game made by the guys who made the first 4 games
>Nintendo Switch is getting a spin off 2015 3DS port
Gee, I don't know.
Probably because it doesn't look like any other monHun game before it. It Honestly reeks of Frontier.
>I like new things because they are new and others should toooooooo xDD ^^
God, I hate Sup Forums.
A lot of people already explaiend why the trailer is worrying. Maybe it's just the trailer, maybe not. But so far it looks shit to many people and there are good reasons.
It's not MH5. Quit wasting my time, Capcom.
It looks like washed out, colorless, westernized trash.
You mean nintenbros
It was a pretty nice Horizon Zero Dawn trailer.
>actually defending detective vision
Glad to know shitposters will defend absolute shit when its on PS4.
Most of the "explanations" are assumptions based off nothing, the same thing that's happened to every release since 3 when it's announced.
is vitanon free from his curse now?
Wasn't the combat slow paced and "strategic"? In that case it could get the support of a good part of the soul fanbases. But, yeah, good promotion and advertising will be needed.
The trailer looks nice and im sure that glowing bug thing can be turned off like many of the assisting hud functions from the other games.
Two words:
Delusional Nintenbros
You mean false flaggers
>making us buy a new console
Why would any loyal fans be excited about something that fucks you over for no reason?
>New Monster Hunter on every single platform except Nintendo
>People are asshurt
Pretty obvious who's asshurt.
>Finally an actually new Monster Hunter game.
As compared to the new Monster Hunter that came out in March? Sorry, I'm just trying to understand the necessity of unnecessary shit flinging.
>if i keep trying maybe my phatasm will manifest
>assumptions based off of nothing
>A MH game without a flagship monster
sh-shut up...
so does criticizing a minutes long trailer and judging the game to be bad without much basis.
for short: both sides are fucking cucks.
I like how he avoided saying it's a Mainline
I'm buying the game on PC.
I'm not defending anything, I'm calling out your stupidity and you showing you don't know what you're talking about.
>A MH game without a flagship monster
>proving my point by citing a baseless assumption
Good job, faglord.
PC, Xbox, and PlayStation are tired of only having a single spinoff. Time for Nintendo to get the MonHun spinoff treatment.
This was the one of the only looking game at e3 and i think monster hunter is shit
I'm pretty sure MH5 will use the same engine if everything goes well.
I for one am hype as fuck for this. After being disappointed by the shitshow that was XX this looks much better. And the best part is I don't need to buy a Nintendo Switch.
Indeed, snyponies have been upset for a while now. They really need the help
Not a single complain I have read have been reasonable. You are clearly filled with bias and for obvious reasons. Just don't complain about shitposting when you act like that.
> But so far it looks shit to many people and there are good reasons.
Sure, you shitposter.
>this is not a spin off
some as him if its indeed mainline and watch him avoid the question.
it's really not a fucking mystery
it's literally the same people who were gloating that they were getting monster hunter and sony fags weren't just a couple days ago
I'm holding off until we see extended gameplay from someone other than Capcom. Capcom is known for shitting the bed whenever they try to "westernize" their series.
If there's no flagship monster then what was the T-Rex with the inflatable scrotum on its head?
>False Flagger
There is enough butthurt in these threads for it to be real
I want the 'I don't have an argument so I'll just type >actually defending x' meme to stop
Community managers are ALWAYS faggots.
What does this change about MHW, you fucking baby?
>Kaname Fujiako is the lead director (has only been the director for the mainline Monster Hunter games)
>he thinks that's the reason why
So, what other great games came out of the Sony Conference that they can gloat about?
Oh wait
a MH multiplat was the only thing
>for short: both sides are fucking cucks.
They aren't. Being excited about the potential of a game isn't the same as shitting on it as hard as they can only because they are salty and butthurt.
there is no way that naked lizard is a flagship monster is not even show on the boxart.
I can't help but feel World is meant for western audiences, and they'll make MH5 if this bombs in Japan.
>I'm willing to spend as much as they want me to
You need to kill yourself ASAP
It's not about him being a fag, it's about him confirming that the game is a true MonHun game.
>New Monster Hunter except they changed fucking everything
>fans extremely cautious and unoptimistic over such radical sweeping changes to the entire core gameplay and a trailer that doesn't ease any of their fears at all
>People unironically bought a Switch for a new "Monster Hunter"
>Are only getting some spin off 2015 3DS port
Not an argument, bub. How about you actually show us what's really wrong instead of meming?
Monster Hunter has sped up as the iterations have come by, God Eater and Tokiwadan are nearly at the same speed and style of combat with monster hunter.
If I could escape the giant vortex of shitposting I might be able to be happy. Any MH that isn't 240p with a hand cramping controller is a win in my book. But a perceived change in formula to try to appeal to a different audience is a valid reason to be skeptical. I need to see more gameplay before I can decide how I feel about it. And like I said in the other thread, there's no fucking buzz about MHW at all. Everybody outside of these threads and Sup Forums says they were disappointed with the Sony conference, they just care about GoW and Days Gone.
If this game flops it's going to leave a huge gash in the series for the next few years and I don't fucking want that to happen.
link ? I saw the pastebin earlier but the video was deleted.
>Gets offed by Los like a little bitch
I refuse to believe that.
Do me a favor.
Look at the box art of actual mainline monster hunter games.
Then look at the box art of Monster Hunter World.
MHW doesn't have a monster on the tin.
>you don't know what you're talking about.
Ok so care to explain to me your vast knowledge of the green fireflies to me then?
Because it looked like it works exactly as detective vision does in all games its in
"Oh look, here is an obvious interaction, here let me showcase it to you in bright colors incase you are a blithering retard"
>No one is excited for it in the west
>it's already blowing up in their face as is
>No matter how much marketing they throw at it, like nintendo proved with Tri there are only so many people that will buy Monster Hunter. Sales probably cap at about 1.5million in the west across all platforms, 1 million on PS4 in Japan
Ask yourselves this.
If Capcom couldn't get Resident Evil VII to hit 2 million sales in the west even with all the help from Sony's marketing division, and they couldn't even get fucking Street Fighter V of all games to hit even a million sales with TONS of advertising paid for by Sony, then why do you guys honestly believe they'll be able to get a much more niche game like Monster Hunter to hit 3 million sales in the west?
Because that's what it would need. Without the handheld audience in Japan it's not going to sell well there at all, most people only buy Monster Hunter in Japan because it's the perfect game to play on their commutes, but you can't do that with World.
This game is a failure in waiting. The best case scenario is that it sells 3 million globally, gets a G version on Switch, and said G version sells 7-8 million globally.
The worst case scenario is that it sells 2 million or less globally across all platforms, Capcom loses a TON of money off of it, and stops bringing Monster Hunter to the west because they think if this can't capture the western market nothing can.
Get ready for the biggest blunder in the MH franchise. At least with Tri they barely had to spend anything on PS2.1 assets instead of the usual PS2 assets. They probably spent a fortune on this game.
It looks like fucking shit, that's what's wrong.
We can't judge the game based on a cinematic trailer. Basides, this is mainline Capcom. There's no way they will fuck up one of their multi-million dollar selling series.
>trusting a gayfaggot
Hows the aids?
>then what was the T-Rex with the inflatable scrotum on its head?
A larger-tier tutorial monster from a tutorial/early game level.
source on the box art?
Then I'm pretty sure it will get the support of the Dragon's Dogma fanbase, fast combat, open world an huge monsters are what we want
>game is evolving to be an actual fun game instead of boring grindmonkey garbage
>We can't judge the game based on a cinematic trailer
Looked like gameplay to me. Straight out of Uncharted.
I can't give you a link if the video was deleted. But from what I saw from it I am pretty sure the sparkles is to highlight clues when you find them and that's really it, there was never a lingering trail.
You guys are getting so desperate that you're now using boxart as proof of things.
Come the fuck on.
I hope you can turn that green highlighting shit off, it looks annoying.
I doubt it'll be as good as other MH games but I'll be able to enjoy it from my PC without paying for some console's internet service toll booth so I'm willing to like it.
>what we already got for the first 6 months
see Re6, lost planet, DmC,etc.
if someone can is capcom.
Compared to previous MH games, it's a massive step up
>he says that after SFV
>Show thing on trailer
>People form an opinion based on thing that was shown
Actually this. This game is going to kill off the franchise, I think, but I will help it fruitlessly by buying two copies one on PC one on PS4.
Why not compare the boxart and prove me wrong then?
>Swallowed by another lizard
>Smacked like a bitch by Rathalos
>Flagship monster
>Looks like it works exactly like detective vision in any game its in
>But this time the games on PS4
I mean i will gladly wait til actual gameplay is shown to hopefully be proven wrong, but it seems unlikely from what we have seen so far.
Capcom is the one company that loves to fuck up their series, famalam.
you need some water man.
>there's no fucking buzz about MHW at all.
Of course there isn't.
The only MonHun games that sold well in the west are those where Nintendo was in charge or publishing and advertising. Capcom as always thinks the game will sell without any advertisement and hype and will blame the west when it doesn't happen.
Just watch as there is absolutely no hype until launch except for diehard fans like. And even we will be skeptical because they want a wider audience which has never been a good sign for the original fans.
I hope I'm wrong.
You have a PC. Use it.
>tfw remembering all this butthurt when the game turns out to be amazing
Can't wait
Add another one to the pile, lets go
Because Switch's hardware is just that fucking garbage.
Hell, it can't even run BoTW properly - an in-house mainline that was initially developed for a previous-gen system.
I'd bet anything the green sparkle is just for the tutorial they were obviously showcasing on site
but you gotta fear-monger and twist it into this detective vision garbage, just to get your rocks off and push this "WESTERNIZATION!!! CASUALZATION!!!" trash
how you're even capable of breathing is beyond me
It's a strawman argument in the first place. You are so desperate to prove your hateboner right you're reaching for anything.