All these sonegros shitposting when

>all these sonegros shitposting when

>Star Wars Battlefront
>Destiny 2
>Sea of Thieves
>Monster Hunter World
>Wolfenstein 2: The new colossus
>Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
>Dragon Ball FightingZ
>all the other indies titles

>All on PC, true 4K and 144FPS
Master race literally won E3

Who cares, i'm just excited for this all new vidya we get this year.
It's quite a lot of great titles.

>Gay, "strong black female" shooter
>Fake MMO shooting shit
>Looks ok, but Windows 10 only
>Liberal propaganda
>Looks shit
>Minor Hype.
>Indie shit lol

We got one and a half decent games, calm down dickhead.

>w-who cares they are all shit! at least I have my Spuderman exclusive!

>PC player
>excited and hopeful about literally none of those titles

More of the same shit we get shoveled every year, reduxes and remasters and Game 2 The Next One with nothing learned from the previous installment, over and over for 70$ on release in who-gives-a-fuck-about-graphics.

you do understand that aside from two - three titles EVERYTHING looked sterile, cringy, shitty or just boring?
It's a fucking disgrace when the best part of e3 is:
>a midgen update to a console
>a couple of indie artsy platformers
>a sequel to slav shooter
>an autism grindfest while hunting monsters for xxx time

whats your favorite game?

It's funny how P.Cucks shitpost about 4k with 144fps, even though most of them play on outdated shit.

>even though most of them play on outdated shit.
We don't play on consoles though.

Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy V equally have my love.



>Literally gets all the women(videogames)

>Sonybros shitposting with MH World

It's hilarious how much they grasp at the glory before they get put back into place. People are gonna get this on PC just to spite them instead of ps4 and let that shit flop on their console

>Master race literally won E3
but they lost the battle against one extra chromosome

fucking hell

This just in, according to this poster: The switch from a conslole to a PC changes not just graphics and frames per second but also poor optimization and an antique game engine, and even completely REMOVES microtransactions!

But we won against Sony, user.

you're not me. ME is me. And in general, I hate jrpgs
From last couple of years or in general? I never had genuine fun on all levels in years.
I mean, witcher 3 was good, but combat and annoying technical details dragged it down. Doom was solid shooting but lacked the scope and more enemies on screen(engine limitations).
Last time I was really investend in a game I think was in first dark souls time.

put me in the screencap

>Star Wars Battlefront
>Destiny 2
>Sea of Thieves
Triple shit
>Monster Hunter World
>Wolfenstein 2
never got into the serioes
super shit
hell yea

You're missing Anthem and a way out, those games look good as hell. But I'll guess I'll hold my horses on Bioware until release.

Don't forget Bannerlord and Metro my nigger

Then respond faster, redditard, I want to see how this plays out.



I can't wait for Metro, bros.

Can we console masterrace bros (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft) finally get together and take care of the absolute cancer that is PC fucks and their small dick waving. We need to put them in their place. Stop infighting.

PC is literally 5 year old console exclusives, today™ *

*If you're lucky

Except we got all the good games on Today™®'s (this year, 2017™) E3 :^)

I don't care about any of that
I don't have 144hz 4k
I guess I got really nothing and should just kill myself

I can play games for 399 stretched out over at least 5 years. It's a good deal.

And since I started gaming in 1998 graphics were good enough for me when 720p became the standard. Everything else is just gravy. All this talk about frame rates and terraflops just bores me. I actually started out as a PC gamer back in the day incidentally.