Is it diversity if they're all stereotypes?

Is it diversity if they're all stereotypes?

Seeing as how "diversity" means "getting rid of white people"?



I really like the bottom right one, would tap that.

Don't know about the other three but you clearly didn't watch the BGE2 trailer because it makes sense in context and shes a qt

SJWs are morons. Who woulda guessed?

i have no problems with niggers on games for no reason at all , not like it matters to me
can i get good looking niggers at least?
they exists if you leave your basement , even if 90% of the ones you see are fucking monkey tier

in a perfect world eveybody is a nigger

>Denial with a good dose of projection

Imagine seething so hard about any black character you see in video games that you take a screenshot, make an ebin collage in ms paint and post about how le western devs are ruining your hobby

Imagine living this “life.

At least 3 of those aren't even the main character. Jesus christ you guys are ridiculous.

>we need more black people in video games
>lets make them all fucking BAD ASS black girls with afros who don't take no shit from nobody

That's pretty offensive

least they're not fat

dunno where you are seeing denial or projection but keep smoking that shit , seems good

I wouldn't mind a bit more thicc.

once polygon sets them straight, they'll change things up

i think next is cornrows

they don't even look that different, They can make a nigger character for all I care but at least make them distinguishable.

What did you expect from a group of people that experienced all their "diversity" through TV and movies?

I'm surprised "black guy that plays Yu-Gi-Oh cards" isn't more frequent since I encounter them more than "jive talking sassy black woman with an afro."


>since I encounter them more
The real world has nothing to do with this

There are already multiple threads about these chicks

i'm gonna enjoy the next 10 years of gaming
from space bald marine to afro nigger whore

Look at what pol does to people's brains, it's frightening

They could make so many different types of black characters, but they all end up blurring together because the people making them are albino white and have never actually interacted with a black person before.

Apparently, to some Sup Forumsbasement dwellers, black people look like anime characters, which means a mix of white and asian features (so no large flat nose, small to moderate lips, no protuberant jaw) but painted black.
Also, they think that correctly depicting a period is racist.
I don't know about Way Out and BGE2, but both Mafia 3 and Wolfenstein II are set up around the 70s, when the afro was big. It would be more shocking for those characters to not have an afro.

>go to school
>there is no school
>get stabbed with a spear as your infant son gets raped to cure Ooga's AIDS.
Yup. Perfect.
It's a tired old Hollywood meme and a very transparent token

yes. everyone is a sterotype on some level.

thats the joke retard

Didn't this use to be called blaxploitation? Liberals are the real racists

>It's a tired old Hollywood meme and a very transparent token

That's funny, actually. The people that used to do this were out of touch, old white guys. Now they're young hipsters.

Tokenism is racism

>only black people are considered diverse

Fuck Amerika

It doesn't because game devs don't live in the real world, especially leftist game devs.

have you meet an black american women? they so arragent and up tight it can drive people into insanity. not wierd some black guys perfer White girls.

lmao for real?
those are some fucking 50s Looney Tunes tier stereotypes

And to sjw's, apparently they all act like stereotypical "mmmmhmm, i'm a sassy black woman with a giant afro don't need no man". I haven't seen ANY black women inrl with a giant fro. Now go take your hrt and blog about how depressed you are on another site please.


>white male
>short black hair
>scruffy facial hair or clean shaven
>say hello to your male MC
This just in, video games reuse shitty tropes forever.

>I'm surprised "black guy that plays Yu-Gi-Oh cards"
still baffling that nigger actually good at playing card games like MTG

Blame welfare and single motherhood for turning black women into feral hambeasts.

Also this.

Why don't jews push for Hispanics to be in their media?

Why are there three people, and one bug eyed alien all sharing the same picture?

imagine being such a brainwashed, spineless cuck and not noticing what is happening to culture as a whole

first off where the hispanc asian characters at? they dont exist because they dont preach about racial injustice 24/7 . 2nd off its always the same afro slut

t. bob from ohio

Beyong good and evil girl have great tits.

or asians? or are they to privilege.

The fact that people call this diverse is scary

It's really not about equality is it

time to bring out the old warhorses...

God I cannot fucking stand that hair style, it looks fucking disgusting,

Who's that guy? He looks like a faggot.

>i have never watched blaxploitation movies before

Strangely enough, black woman and white man marriages tend to be very stable, but I guess it might be a statistical anomaly because it's not as common as other pairings.

They should just have a character creator in every game, so people who want to be represented can create whatever race/gender combination they want and I can make waifus in every game

I'm Mexican-American and I don't give a fuck about playing "a diverse character". If it were up to me, every video game character would just be anime characters. And if anyone says "well those are white/asian/or whatever", nope, they're there own race.

Because niggers were slaves just like the jews!

> nigger represent minority groups
I hate murica so fucking much.

It never has been.

Stop talking logical. You HAVE to play as a trans-gay xer or an empowered afro woman at least.

no, i'm actually a slav that's looking at the west in disbelief. you're committing cultural suicide on all fronts and you're not even aware of it. the amount of self-hate you people feel towards your own people is unprecedented.
shit's gonna hit the fan and it's not gonna be pretty. keep being a braindead escapist, you'll be the first one to go.

That's what happens when you give an unedcuated race any form of power, they dont know or understand what words mean. They dunno what Equality or diversity is either. In their minds, Compton is diverse because of all the nigger trash and everywhere else is racist because it has too many white people which are inherently evil because some of em owned slave a couple hundred years ago

To be fair, it's happened for time immemorial (and arguably more blatantly) and, frankly, sassy mocha vixens are FAR more preferable than unplayable (for non stereotypical niggers, that is) negroid grunts.

Having said that, the crescendo this (((diversity))) meme is reaching, is actually turning never-before-raycyst types (like moi) into very cynical onlookers... For example: I used to en passant use 'Rog in SF, but wouldn't touch the character in this day and Age.
>literally not racists
>would blow a hot black fenis if she was passable enough

Un-ironically doing more harm than good, is a lesson not learnt from the 'Drumpf phenomenon'.


>just like the jews!
In Egypt, and everyone knows the Egyptians were black.

well, not all black women are raised by a singal parent and lived on wellfare. some of them are smart and know the value of hard work and rasing kids.

It's like America has some sorr of eternal guilt with blacks and thereford are inclined to put them on a pedestal. Arabs, Hispanics, asians, polynesians etc. don't have a terrible history compared to blacks.

But that's just my theory.

Blaxploitation is a racist relic of the '60s. It's current year, we can do better.

I fucking love how much the colour of someone's skin bothers you petulant faggots

I live in America. It's not like you see on the internet.



my amigo, this Juan is alright don't deport him.

That specific pairing has a lower divorce rate than say, white man and asian woman, and to absolutely no one's surprise, much lower than black man white woman.

> street fighter
> black pandering
stop being a fucktard just for the sake of shitposting

BGE2 is just plain wrong...

>annoying niggers
at least they weren't the main characters
dunno whos the guy at the left botton side
fucking faggot
i find ryu more annoying to fight than that bison

Diversity is just a weasel word for less white people.

Arr rook same

Like 3 out of 4 of those games were set around the 60s, to not put these women with afro would be an insult to historical accuracy

Black people are disgusting, rude, mean, and generally repulsive. If you had ever spent time around them you would understand.

Cole Train isn't the best example since everyone in Gears of War is a grunting can of beef, he just happens to be black.

Tokenism bothers me. I don't really give a shit about skin color, but when a character only exists to get the diversity bux I don't care for it.
Especially since they're so cookie cutter.

US is at least working with what we know ad we have this pesky freedom of speech. Europe is getting buttfucked into real cultural murder and they're just taking it because they fight how to fight back. You Slavs still have the right idea, at least.

All of them except the Beyond Good & Evil one are fitting into their respective settings.

It's no different from all the bald white men we got for a few years

woit boi

it never was. thats the Point.

Historical accuracy doesn't matter, the message does.

>We couldn't have gotten one good blaxplotation game.
>Instead we got multiple shitty ones that'll be forgotten about in a year's time.

You're retarded it'd you think japanese games including Mike Tyson ripoffs is "diversity".

Well racists tend to be idiots, so it's not too surprising that they'd waste their time like that.

Bald white men appeal to the target audience and are cool.

Not really sure black panther is meant to be diverse tbqh famalam

Beyond Good and Evil>Mafia>A Way Out>Wolfenstien

At least appearance wise.

Shani does things to my dick

because white people are cooler and better

All those characters are good though. They're not pandered they're just black.
Don't drop Balrog just because there's a lot of stupid shit going around.

Not the women, they're waifish supermodels. And Carmine's a stick.

>know nothing of the personality of any of them beyond them being black and with an afro
>"they're all the same!!!!"

It's not diversity, nor was it ever intended to be, it's marketing.