spiderman looks awesome
Spiderman looks awesome
Fake 4K
I'm still looking forward to it.
Why do people keep saying it has moon swinging?
His threads clearly connected with buildings.
fake 4k? what?
>Slanted moon swinging braindead easy mook combat long tedious press X to not die on-rails boss battles
Whoa, "awesome".
all this had to do was be spiderman 2, but better
and it failed
seems simple, right?
Only capable on the almighty PS4
i only saw the trailer once and i dont think its entirely that bad. the QTEs look excessive on the mission they showed but i think its worth giving the game a chance before shitting on it.
then again, this is Sup Forums, god forbid you have a positive opinion on here.
>web swinging slow as fuck, no momentum
>hook mechanics from bam ham
>combat from bam ham
>qte's out the ass
>scripted uncharted shit
welp, at least it doesn't have moon swinging
It's literally just Amazing Spider-Man 2 with a shitload of QTEs (almost certainly instant death ones too) stuffed in there.
The character model? Sure does.
The game? Not so much.
It actually does. QTEs do look weird but I'm pretty sure that's just one sequence made specifically for a trailer. I'm hyped.
I was expecting it to be BamHam inspired or partially BamHam. I wasn't expecting it to literally be BamHam but with slower combat and QTE laden ""cinematic set piece"" moments.
I don't think my hype for a game has died this quickly before.
Did you just not play any of the Arkham games? I can't imagine anyone looking at an Arkham clone at this point and being anything but disappointed, at least on some level. I was expecting a brand new Spidey game something that broke the mold and gave us a new take on Spider Man, not Arkham City: Spidey Edition.
>I can't imagine anyone looking at an Arkham clone at this point and being anything but disappointed
That would imply the Arkham games are bad but they are so fucking good ill take every superhero having a arkham like game
It was a straight up arkham clone. That doesn't mean it's outright bad, but for all the hype to wind up being for an Arkham City clone when Arkham City already did it about as well as it could be done, is disappointing. It doesn't look bad, just disappointing. There's just nowhere to go wth that type of game beyond what Arkham City did. Origins and Knight were both pretty disappointing too, Asylum started it and City was the only other game like it we really needed.
Best Bane though, too bad Rocksteady fucked him over.
They're not bad they're just over done to hell at this point.
How many games directly stole Arkham combat at this point? At least a few dozen. Don't you want anything new? Are you really satisfied playing the same games over and over with a new coat of paint?
Yes as long as its Arkham level, people have been playing the same pokemon game for 20+years for fuck sake
>cum suit
Game looked pretty neat when it wasn't stuck in QTE hell