Shit, you think the reaction here is negative, you should see what 2chan are saying.
Shit, you think the reaction here is negative, you should see what 2chan are saying
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Spill the tea OP
That's just because Sony made them do a western focused trailer.
When Japan does shit it focuses on every single weapon.
Why don't you just live your japanese internet browser life and go back to 2ch, OP?
Why should I give a fuck what they're saying?
/neo v/ in action
you don't belong to this board you fucking normies. actually you should go back to facebook completely.
This, Japs are known for having the shittest taste on the planet.
They say it looks good though.
>why should i give a fuck what the people deciding the series' future are saying
What are Capcom going to do once this game utterly bombs in both the West and East?
Well, what are they saying, you chink faggot?
>people deciding the series' future
fuck off back to gaia please, and don't forget to dislodge that nippon micropenis from your asshole
Japs are the main audience for MH. The series' sales in the west pale in comparison to the millions they make over there
Kill yourself weeb chink dick rider
>2ch is japan
>Sup Forums is the rest of earth
fucking neck yourself retard, get some perspective
this. and weebs think any jap game is great
Don't get me wrong friendo, I think Japs make decent games, but as a demographic they're a bunch of filthy casuals.
>you must adopt random chinks opinions because they are japanese, thus superior compared to us dumb pig white americans
go jerk off to your JAV idol collection, dude.
Theyre saying it looks great. What the fuck are you talking about.
Jap games are normally good, it's the Jap fanbase which is cancer.
Everyone says that western fans are cancer yet the Japs unironically think pay2win mobile games are great and everything needs to be mobile.
You're also talking about people who will rate games 1 star on Amazon if their waifu doesn't get enough attention. They're autistic as fuck
At least give the link, you fucking mong.
>俺が予言する。 これは売れない。
>I'm predicting it now, it won't sell.
>It won't sell, so I don't see a problem.
>グラがPS3レベル 観客の反応は冷淡 ダメだろ
>It has PS3-like graphics and the audiences reacted indifferent. It's going to be a flop.
>Nah, I'll just wait for Monster Hunter 5 for the Switch
>これ海外市場向けだろ グラフィックショボすぎて恥ずかしかったわ 外人も鼻で笑ってんだろうな
>The game probably caters to players outside Japan. The graphics are so shoddy it's too embarrassing. I wonder if gaijins were also sneering.
couple of random japs didn't like it.
I should give a shit why?
>I'll wait for it on switch
wow so its like the morons here, salty they lost eh?
remind me where nintendo MH games graphics are again?
>>Nah, I'll just wait for Monster Hunter 5 for the Switch
Good to see pic related isn't an entirely western phenomenon.
>>The game probably caters to players outside Japan. The graphics are so shoddy it's too embarrassing. I wonder if gaijins were also sneering.
When have graphics ever been the strongpoint of an MH game though?
>main audience
Nigga 2ch gets blasted constantly by devs and industry figures as a notorious shithole over there. If you wanna talk about credibility then ANYTHING but 2ch would go.
Monster Hunter was always shit but it's even worse now it causes assblasted console warring.
You both get to play this shitty franchise, so go do it instead of crying on here.
how dare you bring sachiko into this
Has anyone here actually ever played any MH and watched the trailer? The trailer makes it look like the whole focus of this game is on environments (which people already criticize about 4 and X) and luring the monster into a precast trap (a tree for a pitfall-esque trap, under a rock to shoot the rock and have it crushed, clumps of branches in the water to make it slip).
You can always just jump onto the monster, even when it's in a trap. He did not stand in front of it and try to time his attacks properly to hit the wobbling head, no, he just jumps onto it and mashes buttons. Almost everything in the trailer seemed scripted, like a long corridor the monster is chasing you through.
It's not Monster Hunter. It could be a fun casual game but it shouldn't even be called Monster Hunter. There is no winner here. Quit the console warrior shit.
go look at the reveal trailer for mh4, that had barely any combat in it, just the hunter running from the monster. and we still saw standard greatsword animations. don't let 3 minutes of a reveal trailer throw you off for half a year.
>The graphics look like ps3 era stuff!
Then what does it make the 3ds games? Early ps2? And XX on Switch, early ps3?
>When have graphics ever been the strongpoint of an MH game though?
That's supposed to be World strong point tho.
Do you think maybe that's because the whole gimmick of that game was parkour? You think maybe it was some of that?
This. They'll also burn down a mangaka's house if he writes a popular female character to not be pure.
This is the only monster hunter game I've seen that doesn't look shit. Is looking shit the main appeal to real fans?
Having combat that doesn't revolve around overpowered stealth is an appeal
>This game is shit because it's aimed at westerners
>westerners opinions on the game don't matter, only easterners
Pick one, autists.
>2ch and Sup Forums are REEEEEEEEing in exactly the same ways
Most of japan was hyped as fuck. These are literally cherry picked comments lmao.
>random japs will decide the fate of a MonHun game aimed at the west.
If it's good, then it's good, if it's bad, then it's bad. Simple as that
Honestly I think it looks good. In fact, I wanna play it right now. I'm just kinda bummed I have to buy a ps4 to play it. Just doesn't seem worth it for one game. I'll wait for reviews and if people are saying it's amazing, I guess I'll take the dive and buy a ps4. I also really hope this doesn't replace the mainline series. Looks cool but don't kill my monhun
This game is simply a gateway to shitpost against Nintendo.
Because every real fan noticed the game is just a spin off by the way it looks, plays and even by the name itself.
The only ones that love to pretend it is a mainline title are those are try their darnest to shit on Nintendo because "muh console wars".
But 2chan is small and irrelevant, 2ch is Japan's biggest board