Why is every single character black now? What happened so suddenly...

Why is every single character black now? What happened so suddenly? I don't want to sound racist but I'm literally confused. It's cool and fresh, but why did it happen so suddenly? Like a huge explosion. Boom. Black.

Are there some contracts and weird businesses and stuff going on we don't know about? As a black guy myself I'm actually confused and even concerned. I know a lot of white are provoked by this, so why should they do it? I don't want people to hate me, man.

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>I don't want to sound racist
Stop being a pussy

>What happened so suddenly?
Your race died out while you were playing video games

Probably because of people like you asking this question like it somehow matters.

(((They))) are making their moves.
Did you really think 5 games having a black woman with a giant fro is just coincidence?
Open wide and swallow that cultural marxism goy.

>nigger characters
>nigger music dominating the charts
>niggers in movieswhere they don't belong
World is getting BLACKED

Devs realized it's actually ok to make games that don't have white male protagonists.

I didn't want to play this card but since I'm black myself I probably can't be racist against blacks. Not sure on the science here, tho.

Free controversy to sell their game or at least to market it.

"Cultural Marxism!!" Is basically code for "I'm a racist shitbag who can't fucking STAND to see non-whites get any attention!"

Americans think that the rest of the world care about their bullshit, when china, japan,europe, australia and new zealand don't buy their shit because nobody else cares they're going to shit themselves.


>Why is every single character black now?
I mean, after years upon years of white caucasican characters only, the bubble had to explode sooner or later.
This could have been dodged if devs would have included more different kind of characers in the past decades.


I don't like black people, I don't like seeing black people, I don't like being around black people.
Being racist is okay.

Sales have slowed recently so they are trying for mass-appeal right now. It's not unlike clickbait, you just throw a bunch of shit to the wall and hope it sticks.

What's the point, tho? And how does it help me or my family? I'm just trying to understand. I wish those pasty boys over there at Ubisoft for instace who design those brothers for their games would come out and tell us via Twitter what's the deal.

I don't understand. What I see it is that it stirs the fire. You don't stir the fire.

Fuck off back to Neogaf

Except when it's against you, right?

I'm working in the industry, not at an AAA developer but at a place mainstream enough to get wind of what's going on.

There's simply a lot of pressure to have 'representation' in games currently. The way it happens is corporate hires PR people who have sociology degrees from liberal universities, PR people tell corporate that the game needs black people, corporate tells artists to make the protagonist black. That's mostly the process but there is also pressure from fans and whatnot.

>(((pure coincidence)))

((who on the right tho, source pls))

I used to be one of the most acceptable liberal cuck, but years and years of SJWs bitching, media putting black dicks into our throat turned me into a racist unronically.

I don't know any black person who is happy about this except one gal and that's probably because she is obsessed with politics.

Except when these paid shills come out to force replies to any racism on here.

It is free (You)s.

So when the game doesn't sell they have something to blame

Gamergate wasn't a mistake.
It was just the prologue.

White way is the only way.

Same, all through my teenage years I was hardline socjus.

But why do those PR guys feed them these lies?

Trump/election backlash

Pretty easy to figure out when all the CEOs of game companies in the west are named goldstein and dickowitz

Because most of the developers live in their own bubble and desperately seek approval from that group/don't want to be kicked out and have their entire lives ruined over petty bullshit.

>Why is every single character black now? What happened so suddenly? I don't want to sound racist but I'm literally confused. It's cool and fresh, but why did it happen so suddenly? Like a huge explosion. Boom. Black.

Because devs realized that other people exist other than gruff white dudes and these people deserve to be represented too.

There is barely anything to be racist against white people about.

What are they going to say about me? "You have three less IQ points than asians on average, cracka!" ?

why does every 2017 tv not support 3d anymore?

umm sweetie i think the term you are looking for is PoC

Why shouldn't it be black?
Make your own game ith white characters if you don't like it.

You know, guys, this is actually racist. I don't want to be like this black meme kid yelling "DAT'S RAICISS", but man, you just see how it's forced and how suddenly it happens. This is my concern. There is no soul, no love. They just put them out and they all look the same, stereotypical afro and resting bitch face.

I say fuck this.

How can a flawed,unrealistic ideology be great for design?
It feels like a few people started shilling marxism and it somehow took on, like à shitty meme.

I just said, they come from liberal universities. Maybe you don't know about that environment.

This is good, the left should keep pushing so we get Trump again in 2020

watch out user those spooky marxists are coming to seize the means of production

>nigger in Kanck 2
i wonder how Dunkey feels about this. especially since hes kinda friend with Jontron

Exactly, stuff were kinda different back then. I don't remember any crazy SJWs around or media being this ass-blasted and forceful with this shit.
Exactly, this is not helping, all this push towards diversity is unronically making people racist, people like SJWs, Black Lives Matter, they are making and creating racists they want to deal with, fucking hell.

>Brown eyes
Those people are both black.

No one in the public eye will ever be allowed to discuss their true feelings on race.

>more Sup Forumsbr threads
Video games lmao

"white bois are pussies!"

>Sup Forums hates diversity now

what the fuck happened?

Pandering to a minority. And I'm not talking about blacks here.


How would Jews benefit from pushing black people in our faces? I really don't get this line of thinking

Marxism is great as a theory to criticize art with, films have been given Marxist readings for decades.

Come on Goyim, it's not so bad

Oh snap.

To add to this, why are always these minorities and diverse characters so unlikeable and hostile in almost every scenario? They are always tough, bitchy and mean, why?

Because its about some paradox historical strategy game.

It gets the tumblr/twitter horde off their fucking backs for at least five god damn minutes. You can't blame them.

>diversity is soo great that you need 2 inch bulletproof glass to not be overwhelmed by it

To get you used to multiculturalism. It's less of a shock for you to be around somali immigrants if every video game character you've played is black.

Don't tell me what I deserve and what not. I think I deserve to not be hated by everyone around me. I can understand white folks are pissed when suddenly, boom, every protagonist is black. This is not normal behavior. This Beyond Good and Evil game for instance had a white gal a whike ago.

If they cared about me? Then we had brothers in games earlier. We didn't. This is a fake.

It happens that behind the noise, Sup Forums is often right.
the media fads are controlled by a very few people, so if they decide to push one ideology, they all follow and roll with it. Be it by direct orders, or by being fucking pierced, tattoeed blue haired tools that will pray in direction os zuckemberg house 7 time a day.

>Knack 2
Literally who cares dont buy the game you fuck all the games ive seen out of e3 that have black afro girl are games that will be happy to break even except wolfenstein 2 and that doesnt matter because you get to play as aryan chad

Clearly all people that share some Sup Forums opinions must be contained in Sup Forums.

Just don't buy things you don't like you idiot

I love those redneck trolls baiting for replies.

Fuck this racist shit, honestly. They are the racists. Not Sup Forums.

You aren't black and it's really obnoxious watching you try to weave ebonics into your post

Post a picture of your hand next to every PS4 game you own if you want to disprove me.

there have been token black characters for half a century now
stop trying to make everything look like the end of the world

Welcome newfriend

We only want your shekels

>Rockstar releases San Andreas
>Black protag
>Black main cast
>no one gives a shit
>All black characters in that game have a character

>Blacks are forced into throats
>Making headlines
>All black people in these games have the same personality and look


Political correctness has gone into overdrive

Fuck off. And why would I own a PS4?

Give me your best anti-Sup Forums images.

The Sup Forums shitposting raids stop now.

San Andreas also had a very legitimate reason to have so many nignogs, GTA has always been about American crime culture (which is heavily black)


well i dont buy forced diversity shit so wheres your money now

>every single character is white
>every single character is black


This thread

Dunkey is white

Why did every character have to be white?
You feeling scared, little boys?
Shoe's on the other foot now niggas, get used to it.

For the same reason you would own a bass guitar.

Just give it up, you're not black.

I'm not buying any of those games except Spiderman if it's good tho.

>As a black guy myself

Stop lying.

to create 85 IQ mixed country and turn the US and Europe into Brazil 2.0 so they can pull their strings in the background and completely dominate the world from the shadows of their ethnically homogeneous state.

Don't you get it white boy? You're time is done, just accept your fate. There will be 2 billion Africans by 2050 and they're all gonna come to Europe. The future is black white boy.

And why do Jews want us to get used to multiculturalism? They already blend in with white culture 100x easier than blacks do and are often insular as fuck themselves

Replace "CUUUCK" with ">>>POL" and it works just as well.

Black protags always were a thing.

Wasn't "Becoming Human" suppose to be about a robot detective? I swear the new trailer did a complete 180 and now we're playing as a black slave robot.

>Why did every character have to be white?

honestly who gives a shit about the race of the character or the gender and bitching that they are pushing black people in vgs they are not most of the characters are still generic white guys.Dafuq are you people smoking

Divide and conquer.
Making plebs mad over immigrants, niggers, muslims, the left, the right, keeps them stupid and distracted, unable to realize who the true enemies are (the government, the corporations, DAJEWS) because they are too busy hating each other.
They will still cry JEWS, but they are too impotent and unfocused to do anything.

You're thinking too small.
The kikes will lose money on these games but their pourpose is to normalize niggeers for the next generations.

another one for the image

>(which is heavily black)

If you really want to use GTA as an example, then it's heavily black as long as you're in california and nevada

I have black heritage but... Shadowman will be the last ha me I buy that's about a black guy.

This is getting a little too leftist.

Why do you think it's Jews who do this? Why would they do this?