Is this the worst E3 ever?

Is this the worst E3 ever?

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So I have a question about teleprompters. I get that they just plan on reading it but do they seriously not read or practice their lines before hand at all?
When that Youtuber on EA's show had to wing it he just broke down into gibberish. You'd think he'd have some idea of what to say. Doesn't he basically work in improv to begin with?
I get that these things happen but why are people so completely unable to cope with a teleprompter failure?
It's like he suddenly had no idea why he was even there.

It was my favorite part of E3 so far.


For Sup Forums definitely.
That made me sad, he's never gonna live that down.

For Sonyfags yh

It's the most boring E3 ever. Even some of the shit ones from previous years made enough memes and shitposting to keep the momentum going.

After 2010 every year has been the "worst year of E3".

At least people will have heard of him now.

Devolver had a good press conference.
Other than that it was mostly dissapointment and lack of emotion.
Then again that's every E3 so I wouldn't say it's the worst.
I give it a few weeks before everyone forgets about it except for the real cringe shit that'll get reposted in every e3 memories thread till the end of time.

Afro samurai don't really matter in the long run. I have a feeling most of the complaint threads are actually stealth marketing because even Sup Forums doesn't care that much.
It's just to get people talking about the games that apparantly have literally nothing else to stand on.

Maybe Nintendo will save the show, but I doubt it.

I don't think it's the worst, there's been a good amount of games honestly. The problem is every single presentation has been incredibly boring.

i had a bad time
fuck these diversity shitholes i like games not politics and when you mix the two youre gonna lose me from the audience permanently


At least Sup Forums is bitching like a faggot

Losing you would be a boon to this industry, snowflake.

>no memes
>Mahvel outdone by a DBZ game
>25 min long for nintendo
Boring as hell. I can't believe its already done

Not by a long shot my man

No this year was fine and had good games. people are just shitting on it because they didn't get the games they wanted and decided to through a shit fit on here as a result.
If bloodborne 2 isn't announced next year then that will also be the worst e3 ever according to Sup Forums

We just got sequels no one wanted though

Does everyone get up on their feet and say "Oh yeah I really wanted that Beyond Good and Evil 2 which is nothing like the original"

Well I've been waiting for a sequel for years now.
Not the thing we got, but when has any revived series ever turned out the way people wanted?


As a Xbro I am in full blown panic mode. Scorpio was supposed to save us and it looks like the hype is already dead. No one cares. Wish microsoft actually tried this year and showed something that wasnt a multiplat, I dont want to play fucking minecraft in 4k.

If you honestly think this is the worst E3 you're a fucking newfag.

That twitch pre show madness was pretty good

Just because its not what you wanted doesn't mean it's not someone else most anticipated game now. The point of e3 isn't to make you want every game shown off, it's to ensure every person watching and every person with a console or pc has at least one game they will want to buy.

It's pretty bad when all you had to do was not be as shit as last years e3 and instead they double down and out sourced to India to shit on this conference

Video games are over fellas

Not the worst, just plain boring.