the best third party games are not on the switch

> the best third party games are not on the switch
> instead we get shittyverse 2 and some 3ds monster hunter port "HD"
wtf nintendo get your shit together I didnt buy a switch so that I miss out on the good games

Add Evil Within 2 to this list.

dont worry lad ... we are going to get dark souls switch edition

Nintendo lost hard this year.
Some big splash the Switch made.

keep your cancer off my console please, thank you

>I didnt buy a switch so that I miss out on the good games

The best third party game at E3 was rabbids though...

>Monster Hunter World

> switch exclusive
> 3rd party
what did he mean by this?

And Code Vein.

The one I regret not having a little (and just a little) is that DBZ, you can keep that "Monster Hunter" I'd rather have that "shitty 3DS port" than that westernized crap, seriously no envy there.

dragon ball fighter z could have been easily on the switch but mhworld not so sure since skyirm on the switch looks awful

The new MH is just more movie-game bullshit that all the big AAA stuff has been going for the past 5 years. If you go back and watch E3s from a few years ago, only a few games were like this.
Now every game has to feel EPIC and EXCITING

Making it right now.

What else is the Switch not getting? I could have sworn I saw a lot more at the Microsoft and Bethesda conferences.

>westernized crap
> more in depth gameplay with surrounding awareness instead of mindless hack n slash or shotgun hax abuse

Did you really expect 3rd party games on the switch?

>more in depth gameplay with surrounding awareness instead of mindless hack n slash or shotgun hax abuse
thats exactly what people said after mh4 trailer and look how it ended up becoming

No. Buy a xboner or ps4 then get a switch for nintendo games. I have all three.

we got fifa / skyirim and more to come

Are you making it for every console or just trying to pick on Switch?
We haven't had a decent E3 game and console listing in years.

You know what? No matter what I say you will do any kind of mental gymnastics to go around it and try to refute it so it doesn't worth the time discussing with someone who obviously don't play the games.

That it's a third party game?

Watch out dude. I bet he has a Great Jaggi set.

Ni no Kuni 2 is PS4 and PC only.

Just to pick on the Switch, multiplats only.

> I cant think of a proper argument
I started with mh1 till mhx and even emulated dos which is still my fav even though it has retarded hitboxes. so try again faggot

So you are a console warrior?


nice argument you sure showed him
> being this retarded

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Nope, I just love pissing off Nintendotards.

Being developed by a third party has nothing to do with exclusivity you dumb fucking nigger. Fucking kill yourself holy shit.

So a master baiter. Well whatever, do what you want

but it wasnt developed solely from a third party it was a collaboration with nintendo you dmbfuck piece of shite

> switch has no games
wiiU 2.0 hahaha next gen hahahaha

That's pretty sad.
But it wasn't? It's being developed by Ubisoft.

All 3rd parties secretly hate Nintendo since N64 era when Nintendo in all it's wisdom decided to sent letters with threats and slander to most devs supporting Playstation.

People remember.


stay mad nintendofag

To be fair, Zelda and Xenoblade (not that piece of shit Skyrim audience Sawano OST excuse of a game) blow the entire WiiU library out of the water.

>retarded sonybro saves the thumbnail

you're forgetting that Zelda is part of the Wii U library. Switch literally has nothing at the moment

these two games are literaly the only worthwhile thing announced so far

> breath of the wild is also for wii u
> btfo the library


Enjoy shitposting with it bros. I know I will.

>follow the pretty lights to your target
>press X to stay on top of monster
>press X for free escape
Nah, casualized trash is all for you. I have a PC to pirate it if mods can fix it.

Holy shit, what games does the Switch have? I'm not even memeing


Is Dragonball FighterZ coming to PC?

Yes, PS4 and PC.

Guess we would have to wait for Nintendo's direct to see. Which I figure would be obvious, but it IS Sup Forums.

Arms and Splatoon 2, and I'm not even joking. Arms was confirmed garbage, and Splatoon is pedobait. If they don't announce anything new in a couple hours, it'll literally be nothing till GTA Mario drops in December.

>yfw NMH3 and SMTV are confirmed multiplat in their direct.

So I'm missing out on KH3 and nothing else if I'm PC+Nintendo idort? Just want to be clear.

It's like counting P5 or Berseria for the PS3; there's literally no point in buying the gimped version.

And Xbone. All of those games are coming to ALL platforms barring Switch. Except KH3, I think that might be console exclusive.


You bought a Switch so you can play games on it you can play on PC in better than any console version on the market?

I see. Are you sure you are not a falseflagging Sonybro mad because he has no good exclusives?

>confirmed garbage
By who? Reviews are mediocre, maybe above average, but garbage?

I have a PC for most of this but I have to admit it looks like Nintendo is dropping the ball yet again when it comes to third parties. I'm not entirely sure it's their fault beyond the fact that their console is just too weak for them to bother with.

Destiny 2.

And DBZF will have the better community on PS4. As will MH.

Oops, you're right. I got it mixed up with .hack//G.U.'s remaster.

>wtf nintendo get your shit together I didnt buy a switch so that I miss out on the good games
But it's common sense that this is going to happen.

You're right about PS4 universally having a better online presence for the FGC. But there's an arcade 10 minutes away from my house that I go to for GG and SF3 locals to all the time. Hopefully the ASW weebs + dejected marvel players will have a thriving community for that.
As long as /mhg/ exists I'll find autists to grind with.
>Destiny 2
So I'm good.
PCtendo feels a little weak this gen so far. Not crazy about Arms, but Spla2n should be fun. Even Wii U had W101 and Bayo. Currently Switch has Puyo Puyo Tetris (have more hours in that than anything else on the console desu), Zelda, MK8D, a handful of great indies, and is gonna have Spla2n, Mario + Rabbids, and FE.
I need shit on par with Pikmin 3 and W101 for me to not feel like I've wasted the console.

>he bought a Switch
Switchblade your throat my nigga. You're too dumb to be alive.
>mfw didn't bought ninyertrash

TFW ninny is outsellling everyone.

I also own a PC so I have no issue here.