The third most speaked language

>the third most speaked language
>plenty of population in the US
>barely no videogame representation
Defend this

People who only speak Spanish aren't in the market for video games.

>Countries like Sweden or Poland make more vidya than the entire spanish-speaking world

People who only speak Spanish usually finds themselves sitting in a plastic yard chair at the side of the road with his paisanos.

Mira pinche cabron, A mi no me importa si hablan oh no hablan tu pinche version the catalan en tus videojuegos, vete a la mierda con tus mamadas porque la ultima cosa que debes queres es un monton de inbeciles en California utilizandote para sentires mejor acerca de ellos cuando no hacen ni mierda con sus vidas otro que sentarse en el puto Twitter todo el dia quejandose acerca de la sociedad.


Sup Forumstards cant defend this. They're only interested in "muh white agenda"

because speaking spanish is usually an indicator of extreme poverty

>We are to poor and retarded to have our own video game making companies
>Everyone else should make games for us
>If you disagree you're racist

And this is why everyone hates spics

Why would you PAY for a game when you're living in one of the most intense survival horror experiences on the planet Earth?

Sounds like Russia to me t.b.h.

Even Russians make games tho. It must be their legacy, inventing Tetris and all that shit.

What have latinos ever introduced to the world, other than introducing the joys of having smallpox and syphilis to Indians?

el speakerino

>bigger latino population in the US than blacks
>somehow they only care about blacks in videogames


Maybe it's because you are all retarded


>the third most speaked language
I wonder who could be behind this post

Because diversity means black.

Why are you cunts such thin-skinned, limp-wristed faggots that you NEED to be represented in a game anyway? My people have only been represented in hilarious ways in Hitman 2 and Just Cause 2 but we don't complain, we just laugh at it and play the games that interest us. Any cunt who complains about things as trivial as this don't even realise how ridiculous and hilarious you appear to the rest of us.

>a typo invalidate the whole post
Very mature, guys

>What have latinos ever introduced to the world
Tacos. And tamales.

Fucking good food in general. if that doesn't mater to you well...

No one speaks spanish in Brazil. Fuck off.
They think they do, but they dont.

Kerbal Space Program

Because Latinos seem like they're not giant whiny overcompensating faggots when it comes to their place in media, unlike blacks.

They'll play/watch anything as long as it's a good time.

>if that doesn't mater to you well...
Well what?

>What have latinos ever introduced to the world
Luchadores, piñatas, drugs, tacos, etc

Well everyone has to eat so having a culture related to food is not really unique. Still, I'll admit it that Spaniards, Mexicans etc. know how to cook

>Spanish law does not make it obligatory translation
>only Spanish europeans have enough money and quality of life to buy videogames and consoles
>Spanish's dubbers in the vidoegame industry are awful, and majoirty of Spanish players prefer English, Jap, or whatever native language

Y lo digo como Spaniard nativo

Just like asians in america they dont cry enough about. They probably have more serious thing to complain that "lack of videogame representation" unlike cancer.

>be spaniard
>travel to US to see my family
>barely understand mexican/latino spanish
>they say that we speak wrong spanish
>we speak wrong the language we created?
>user why you are not brown


Thats why spaniards in RE4 speak mexican instead of spain spanish or neutral spanish right

Why are Poland and Germany marked?

Lel. I have friends from Peru and Argentina. Even they think Mexican-Spanish sounds fucked up.

I thought they spoke portugese? Or am I being retarded and it's other countries like brazil, argentina etc. that speak Portugese?

Cierto, muchas traducciones, y ni siquiera me meto en doblajes, son malos con ganas. Estoy casi convencido de que usan Google Translate para traducir y ya está.

This is the truth. Generally speaking, Spanish-only households have other priorities due to depressed wages and poor education.

representation is not about representation at all
its about making people who call other white people "white people" unironically feel good about themselves

>Mentioning RE4
Please no, that was bad enough when it first came.

Because we don't make videogames.

Only Brazil speaks portuguese.
Everything else is a bastardization of Spanish.

how should i know

Spaniards only buy FIFA. Any other videogame has shit translation except some big triple A once in a while.

>study of spanish
maybe its about language
plenty of people study spanish in college in poland

You say that but a lot mexicans are still triggered about Colón.

English is the master language, get used to it, GALACTIC BASIC.

Why would they do that though?

Isn't there insane taxes on all electronics in South America
Also what kind of vidya representation do you want? The good guys speaking Spanish in far cry 5?

Well asian population in the west is very small and japanese games already do some representation.

>Burger spotted

Mexicans lack the albedo index to be considered in games.

Because knowing a third language looks good on your resume.

That's because you're not Spanish and don't listen to them constantly whine about how Spain stole all their gold.
They're the Spanish equivalent of niggers.

when you dont study language you usually still have to take part in 2 language courses.
obvious choice is always english but then you still have to pick second one and its usually spanish french russian or german but german can also be picked as the first one

Fuck off cunt, nobody fucking speaks spanish in Australia. Find me one cunt that does and we'll send him back where he came from. The muslims and somalicunts are bad enough as it is, we don't need spics too

Wouldn't be better if it was like english or german?

I speak english but it is so ugly.

Brazil doesn't speak Spanish, nor does Portugal. Literally no one understands true spanish in Brazil.

i'm argentinian and even if i don't like how robotic every spaniard sounds (to me) i'm not retarded enough to call it the "wrong spanish". your family is just dumb.

Translations are actually quite good here. And dubs are excelent if you are not from south america (they hate spanish from spain).

Only spaniard dudebros buy only Fifa/COD, just like everywhere. We have shitty normie taste tho

For tourism.

Iq >90 countries tend to be undeveloped in every sense

It doesn't have to be pretty like the other, useless languages. It's widely understood by most the world already, might as well go all the way.

It doesn't have to be with poverty because the country that has the worst problem with localization is Spain, a lot of reviewers even lowered scores of games because of their lack of Spanish translation (even when subtitled), at least until recently. Latin America doesn't mind at all. Can't speak for Brazil because that's a different deal though.

But it's ok when black people do it?

But user, everyone knows the only equality we need in games is for black african-americans.


You have to go back.

t. shariablue

*to do

English is the second language, and German is the most popular third language.
20% of the population knows German, and 5% knows Spanish if I remember the stats correctly

In this world everything is okay if blacks do it.

Lots of english words sound the same, you only undestand it because of the context. How could a language like this even exist?

Actually I feel like I should say im from bongistan, burgers already get a hard time for not knowing shit about the rest of the world.

>ps4 should cost around 6000 pesos
>tax fuckery ramps it up to 12000

Well, why don't you Latin American countries make some games then? There you go
If Poland can do it, so can you

Because we kicked the shit out of your lesser nations and English speaking nations are important to trade, whether you like it or not our broken language is needed to communicate with the important parts of Earth, bar Russia. It's the victor's language, less so than before but still.

>we create spanish


>Lots of english words sound the same, you only undestand it because of the context

So many languages have the same sounds for different word mate, have you heard of Chinese? Some words have 5 different meanings that are spelt and each depends on where you put the emphasis on each syllable and the way you say it.

mestizo scum too stupid to make their own video games

Pillars of Eternity 2 crowdfunder pretty much showed you where the priorities were on language.

no one cares if niggers make video games with niggers in them

but niggers arent making video games. white people are.

Aragami was made by Spaniards, wasn't it?

Sup Forumstards don't care about people beyond the wall.

spaniards are white


>aztec shit
>cartel culture
>day of dead scary skellys culture
>jumping fences
>anime culture
>fuck copyright

why dont spanish people make games? got a lot to go on.

>South Korea

I don't see asians putting niggers in their games

>user why you are not brown
you get the same shit even if mexican, libshits have no understanding that there are different people living in the same country
>one of my firends is of asian descend
>tells some foreign guy we just met he is from mexico too
>he literally refuses to believe that in his face

Spanish actually is the second most spoken language of the world, being Chinese the first one and English the third.
If you sort by popularity that changes though.

literally the niggers of europe

Too busy not getting beheaded, surviving failing govts/riots or some are just too poor user. That and I think they care only about soccer games and since FIFA exists they don't care. Also not all spanish people are mexicans.

>they say that we speak wrong spanish
>we speak wrong the language we created?

Kind of like how American English is the new normal while British English is seen as a goofy accent now.

We really need more Aztec games.

Video games are fucking garbage.
Spanish speakers have too much garbage on their lawn already to add even more more to the pile.

Given the brits don't like it when we try to sound like them. Better to just leave it as is.

The second language with most NATIVE speakers. But if you count second languages and such it is the third.

Because you failed to ship your ex slaves back to Liberia and now they make a huge chunk of your population.
The US was never a white nation to begin with.

>barely no videogame representation
If you want something done, do it your fucking self.

Whoops meant for

We have best boy tho

Mexicans get lots of representation

Filthy Sudacas doesn't

Why won't they stop mentioning spanish dub to me god damn it i don't even watch anything in spanish anymore

A bunch of drunken slavs with Windows 98 in their garage made The Witcher 3. A region with 500 million+ people can't even make one game that I can recall. Really makes me think.