Is it dare I say /ourgame/?
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This'll be the first game I've pirated in over a decade.
This'll be the first game I've bought in over a decade.
If the tiny little Frenchman keeps surrendering to the rabid liberals on twitter I'll pirate if not I'll buy.
>apologizing during his press conference
hilarious as now people who *were* going to buy this game think he's a coward for conceding, and your outrage screeching children from Twitter, tumblr & NeoGAF will still hate him (perhaps even more now) for thinking apologizing can save him regardless
Way to live up to the spineless coward stereotype, Frenchy!
You'd rather he surrender to the rabid BoomerKuwangers on Sup Forums? You retards and the SJWs are two sides of the same shitty coin.
what game is this
Imagine how it must feel to have your passion project become a hated flop because of some old tweets.
>My cyberpunk game fully conforms to current-day social values and forms of control, please believe me!
Why even call it cyberpunk in that case? Cyberpunk is more than an aesthetic.
No I'd rather he continued on with his original image of the game.
Liberals Ruin The World™, from GamerGate Studios.
>pixelshit faux cyberpunk
t. women's studies student
>"Rabbit Season!"
>"Duck Season!"
>"UGH! Can't you see you're both the same?! Horse shoe theory, sheeple!"
>t. got muh GED
Looks so hype. Hopefully he's not changing anything to appease SJWs. No buy if he is.
I've seen no gameplay, but I'm already disappointed that idiots are gonna buy this because of some gay culture war instigated by a bunch of guys who couldn't find a more egregious example of games journalism being shitty and unethical than some frumpy chick fucking dudes to get good reviews.
What the fuck are you talking about
he'll have Zoe NPC as a must for all struggling indiedevs must pay tribute to the gatekeeper.
Why is there outrage over this game again?
Because it's set in a world where hedonism and progressiveness have reached their end goal of completely degenerate consumer driven society and fanatical liberals don't like that idea so they're going to hold some book burning rallies in protest.
he made a gamergate tweet and Zoe, for whatever reason who keeps talking about how GG ruined her and wishes to move on past it but for the life of her, she goes out of her way to bring it up when someone upsets her.
Zoe and her gang of cocks were vexed how the frenchy's game got more buzz than one of their friends and this was clearly a hit job. Who goes to look at a person's tweet history unless they want to hurt a guy's rep?
It's amazing to me how few people actually know what Zoe did that started Gamergate, after all is said and done. They really did a fantastic job of censoring everything.
How many layers of irony and these idiots operating under ? That's the very thing they are backing, how do they not like it
She fucked 5 guys and the internet freaked out?
>My cyberpunk is about if feminism/socialism wins!
That is not how cyber punk works considering their are only two end states for a socialist system.
>Technology stagnates to force the use of man power. everyone is employed doing something menial. the socialist government later collapses in on itself because going backwards in the name of equality never works.
>A civil wage is given to the people, machines take most of the labor jobs. consumer market shifts to creative and scientific industries. Humanity never stops advancing.
The first wouldn't count for cyberpunk and the second wouldn't be a dystopia. This is why almost all cyberpunk is about autocratic or capitalist regimes. With technology comes easier ways to control the proletariat for aristocratic purposes such as making them complacent with being fucked over.
Basically if you're going to do an "interesting new take" on cyberpunk I'd suggest having it make a little more sense than "things are bad because people with different opinions won."
she fucked 5 guys for good reviews, got called out and started blaming sexist gamers
of course everyone believed her and then everything went to shit
>be french
>somebody says something mean about me on the internet
>surrender immediately
wtf I love pixels now
Better question is, what kind of retard puts out controversial tweets that live on the internet forever?
Because it's made by a white male I guess.
I was thinking about buying it but then he apologized. That's too bad.
I don't keep up with video game news much anymore.
What game is this? It looks interesting. Somebody just give me a name, I don't give a shit about the controversy.
"The Last Night". It's going to be a platformer in the style of "cinematic platformers", so think games like Abe's Odyssey and Prince of Persia.
I had this image for months as my wallpaper because I loved the asthetic.
Was a great feeling to realise it's a game this week. Can't wait for it
Why was it even an issue in the first place? Who cares if she fucked some guys? Surely if there's gonna be a culture war, it should be over something more terrible than some chick making the beast with ten backs.
i heard some of the tweet he was guilty of are fake
can you imagine about apologizing for something you didn't say 3 years ago? how fucking spineless do you have to be?
Who would've given a fuck about a hashtag from 3 years ago? Also an indiedev couldn't have forseen a big publisher like Microsoft wanting to push a ad for his game.
journalist are supposed to write about the thing they cover, not their friends, why is this concept so hard to understand?
She cheated on her boyfriend with 5 games journalists and lied and manipulated him the entire time this was happening. Then, when he talked about it on his blog after they broke up, she doxxed him and told her followers to fuck with him.
The 5 games journalists she fucked all gave her game, Depression Quest, a HTML text game about a disease she does not have, good reviews.
History will remember her as a victim and a hero, though, just like it remembers Hitler as a villain.
>if I preemptively call him out on calling me out on my hypocrisy it's almost like I'm right haha! What matters is to have the last word!
Is there more to it than simply platforming? Any RPG mechanics or anything? I love cyberpunk settings but platformers don't have the greatest gameplay to me.
the extreme censorship was what really kicked it off, never seen anything like it
"gaming journalism" has and always will be a joke and if you ever took it seriously you're a retard and deserve the suffering.
I don't know, I don't think there's been that much of footage of actual gameplay.
This is where it went to shit. Tumblr inacded is with the smear campaign and used Sup Forums as a scapegoat, even though Sup Forums visits were minor as fuck at that point. However, the ones that did visit saw this and it triggered the influx of Sup Forums.
This is why we are in the state we are now. Everyone will deny this fact though. Just like how everyone denies how and what GG was about at it's conception
But wikipedia told me gamergate 'concerns issues of sexism and progressivism in video game culture, stemming from a harassment campaign conducted primarily through the use of the hashtag #GamerGate'
Fuck are you even talking about
true but the last time someone fucked up like gerstmann gate they just stormed the weather instead of hiding behind identity politic bullshit for 3 years
that's the main difference
It was pretty much an stress test on the Streisand effect.
The more absurd were the measures of the game journos to try to stop it, more people found it hilarious and more it grew.
It was like an never ending roadrunner cartoon, with the Coyote amped to 1000.
More like
>I preemptively shut down the usual refuted garbage memes that retards will reply to this with
And you figured "haha if I call him out on this I can somehow make it look like I wasn't a total faggot!"
Good job goym.
Plus she got her tits out for money which is empowering.
It was about jorno integrity. All this shit happened with Kotaku too. So of course people we're going to come down on it hard
>some frumpy chick fucking dudes to get good reviews.
Nobody said that! And it wasn't even about her! Please believe me!
For real though that's not even what happened. There were no reviews.
this desu
Okay, so she got some good reviews in return and she was a bitch to her boyfriend, but was there really nothing else going on in games journalism that was worse? I mean, she wasn't even charging money for the game. Wasn't Anita Sarkeesian doing some shit that was WAY more shady?
So it's just a bunch of ADD controversy mongering that you faggots are lapping up as usual.
someone faked a bunch of old tweets from him, journalists ate it up credulously
Yea and people wanted a fucking change
and now shes smart enough to get the money and run away from the gaming industry.
Who fucking cares? Is it really any different than review websites selling ad space for the games that they're reviewing? Even if game "journalists" never had any kind of contact with developers, they're still mostly incompetent with awful taste. If you ever gave any fucks up gamergate or any of that stupid bullshit, you deserve it.
Wasn't the dev posting on Sup Forums
No man this is the resistence now buy the official resistance-sanctioned line of products!
This had heavy evidence that was usuable and as I said earlier, involved Kotaku.
Speaking of, funny how a good chunk of Sup Forums now days is a ok with that shit show of a website
You sound like a Drumpf supporter
Just like all the kangz games right?
Wasn't that Hulk Hogan lawsuit supposed to have killed it?
Yeah because Gawker is dead, not the same people running it anymore. Now the shittiest "games journalism" site is Polygon.
Yeah, because why accept the simple explanation when you can assume a conspiracy theory? That's not the gamergate way.
how did you manage to not liken it to Flashback, you know, considering they look almost the same and were both made by Frenchies
Pretty sure Sup Forums isn't getting people fired or apologizing for not including enough radical right-wing themes in their video games.
So no, the SJW is shit, and Sup Forums dindunuffin.
The game is coming out normally right? Don't tell me it got axed
>Using Rabbit season Duck season from Looney Tunes as a metaphor for why that's wrong when it's literally a cartoon metaphor for horseshoe theory
Bugs Bunney and Daffy Duck don't care about their own goals by the end of any looney tunes episode anymore. They don't care about surviving, they care about "winning" by making the other person lose (get shot). When the reality is they could work together and simply BOTH not be shot.
You literally picked the cartoon embodiment of horseshoe theory to say why horseshoe theory is bad you fucking retarded tribalisistic mouthbreather.
literally exactly like that!
This article is what made me truly understand why Wikipedia should never be trusted when I first saw it. Made me regret previously donating to it too.
>A civil wage is given to the people, machines take most of the labor jobs. consumer market shifts to creative and scientific industries. Humanity never stops advancing.
The game is about that scenario, except most people feel life is meaningless, since there is no reason to do anything.
>some one making a game said something I don't like better contact the publisher and try and stop it from being made!
I really hate these people, why can't anyone be free to create anything? They don't have to buy the game. I'm sick of gaming being politicised
>who fucking cares?
i care
>is it really any different than review sites selling ad space?
yes, yes it is, identity politic is a cancer that sucks all the soul from creativity, just look at the comic book industry, that is what the videogame industry risk of turning into
i'm tired of videogame being slammed for every society problem in the universe, and i'm tired of good videogame getting shit review because the reviewer was offended by a sex joke on it
>I can't stand for any principles of my own so I'll masquerade my indecisiveness as intellectual superiority
You're not even a fence sitting observer. Just a coward in the pursuit of self entitled sense of smug who couldn't even argue a valid point in general without a "neutral" riposte. You're far from the user club box seats you think you reside in.
But Bugs was already right and clever, and Daffy was always retarded and wrong (and shot).
>i care
because you're a fucking faggot
> identity politic
okay then it has nothing to do with VIDEO GAMES and everything to do with politics. hmm i wonder what board people should go to if they want to talk about politics
Yeah but Daffy usually pulls something off on Bugs per episode even if he never wins (Because it's a cartoon and the "good guys" have to win). They'd ALWAYS have both been better off working together.
>thinks bugs and daffy were the same.
>calls other people retarded
>why can't anyone be free to create anything?
But they are. Nobody can physically stop you from creating a video game and publishing it yourself.
You're assuming all this based on some faked tweets.
Because people finally had an excuse to be racists and sexists in the name of ethics. Fat neckbeards on reddit and Sup Forums dedicate their lives to raging about sjws in their little safe spaces. Then moan about black people and women in games. Both groups are extreme cancer.
can someone give me a rundown of what happened????
>if you aren't an extremist then you're just a indecisiveness neutral faggot
only Sup Forums does rundowns
>I'll masquerade my indecisiveness as intellectual superiority
American politics are a binary system when it's proven that their are political systems in the world that support multiple parties all along the political spectrum. It is more than reasonable to not find the left or right in America as representing my interests.
>developer made pro-gamergate tweets years ago
>fucktards are attempting to use said tweets as proof that the developer hates women in order to sabotage game launch.
>call me a faggot
>use Sup Forums as an argument
>video games have nothing to do with video games
user, I...
They never really cared about that. It was just a pretext for them to claim some kind of moral high ground so they could tell at women and post shitty memes.
>developer made pro-gamergate tweets years ago
How long are we talking about here? Gamergate was about ethics for about six months before it became a baffling travesty about nothing in particular that every employee in the industry should very well know to avoid.
The other day they literally had an article about Chrischan and how "shes" a really nice innocent person whos been bullied, after the comment section filled with proof of all the horrible shot "she" has done over the years, the writer of the article commented saying she didnt care as it "had nothing to do with the article".
Tell me again how they are not the shittest
addendum: according to some trusted people, some of these tweet aren't even real and were made up in order to stir shit up
Quinn was simply the spark that lit the powder barrel. For over a decade prior there were complaints about games journalism and their unethical practices. Things like dorito pope and ign reviews were never positively received, but people simply adapted to the new normal. Then one day a man comes and shares his anecdote that reflects negatively on a woman. It's a powerful story, I've read through it myself and from what he showed the evidence was damning. Individuals who already held a low opinion of women (a demographic that has overlap with gamers, not making a judgment; just a fact) whether it was from their lack of success, interest, or loyalty of their partners quickly picked up on this story and started parading it around.
This became the quinnspiracy, aka the five guys and fries happening and for five or so days a large amount of anons focused on ruining Quinn. I don't remember much at this point but the quinnspiracy rebranded itself as gamergate and began to channel all the internet harassment and indignation into something constructive: showing everyone how corrupt gaming journalism was. At this point Quinn became a minor target and gamergate began to go after larger fish like polygon and kotaku.
In short, shit was flung, milo whatshisface got massive exposure, websites got their ads pulled for a while, Sarkeesian and Quinn doxxed themselves, the misogynistic minority of gamergate shouted the loudest and were touted as the mainstream movement, the term gamer (allegedly) died, Moot kicked gamergate out, gender politics was thrust into the national consciousness, and Sup Forums got even shittier thanks to all the Sup Forums kids this mess attracted.