A 40 second trailer was enough to cause constant bump limit reaching threads of anger and assumptions

>a 40 second trailer was enough to cause constant bump limit reaching threads of anger and assumptions
>90% of the things people are bitching about weren't actually shown in the trailer
What the fuck is wrong with the Monster Hunter fanbase? They did this with 4 and 3 as well.

Other urls found in this thread:


They are only mad because it's a MH not on Nintendo. They would defend it to hell and back if it was a Switch exclusive. Hell, a good portion of the are defending the fucking rabbids x mario game. Fanboys have no shame. That goes for EVERY fanboy.

It's not the entirety of the fanbase at least. Like how there is regular Kingdom hearts fans along with the deviant art crowd.
It was like 2 minute trailer too.

For reference this trailer gave the same responses that the World trailer is getting.

Credible source that said casualized for the western market. If it is casualized and sells well then it'll be the norm which is what we don't want but will happen considering its fucking capcom. Stop buying into the "its one fanbase that hates it" shitposting for once. Just like MHX, I'll pirate this one for the cautious try but I ended up liking MHX enough to actually buy XX on Switch whenever I get a Switch.

>credible source
>couldn't get the name right or other details right
Nameless leakers on Sup Forums aren't a credible source, you turbofaggot.

People are mad? I thought it looked good. New grappling hook, online open world is definitely a welcome addition, and it looks nice.

People are dumb and change is scary.

>post leaked everything right including fucking XX
>b-but they messed up the name for world so it doesn't count
Fuck off

It's nintentoddler being buttman about MH not longer being an exclusive.

This. Drones are the most cancerous pieces of shit on this board.

The Monster Hunter fanbase confuses me. At first glance you'd assume they only care about the game, but the moment there's a possibility MH could lose exclusivity they go into a massive frenzy. It's kind of sad.

XX was already out by the time that post was made, and he got certain details wrong. The game's not open world for one
Back in the day trusting random unmarked leaks got you laughed at on here, but I guess when it's for a certain bias that's no longer the case.

Will it have crossplay for consoles and PC?

I played MH on 3DS and it was great, but it's time to move on, I wouldn't buy another MH on 3DS with it's low res and hand cramp producing control layout.

I'm fucking hyped for this, it looks nice and I hope they improve online features as well, perhaps bigger rooms with more people or something like that.

Nope, it's confirmed for casualized.


And pic related.

The game is confirmed for being casualized and catering to the west,

Again these are shit tier leaks that used to get people laughed at on here but you dedicated Autists are citing this bullshit like the bible.
It's not a huge open world, it's seamless maps but there's still multiple maps.
Leak deconfirmed.

>a game is massive departure from what people like about the series

this meme is getting out of hand and needs to fucking stop.

its not about the game itself, its all about nintendo getting BTFO

predict the quest girl!!

>The game's not open world for one

And that's where you are wrong


>According to Capcom, the game will feature "a living breathing ecosystem" and will support up to 4-player drop-in cooperative play – with players in both the West and Japan able to play together. It will also feature "seamless gameplay", with players and monsters able to move around the world with no loading screens. In other words, it's a proper open world, with a night and day cycle.

You have to be insanely fucking delusional to think that think that anyone would blindly try to predict it being open world and to just happen to nail it out of the blue.

That PLUS keeping it off the switch? What are the fucking odds?

We remember Lost Planet 3. That's what's wrong with us.

>Sony fans shitposting since they got an actual game, they don't even care about the quality
>Nintendo fans shitposting since they aren't getting it

>it's a spinoff
>'legit' mh still being made
what's the issue

B-b-but muh HAYCH DEEE



Mainline MH still being made

We don't know that yet... MH5 has better fucking be announced on Nintendo e3

how about 3 minutes then?

It better not be, it's time to get mh off fucking underpowered nintendo systems.

Not even true in the slightest.
But the samefag is pretty funny.

Everything shown in this except the stupid stealth thing that likely isn't required looks good though.
The ecosystem stuff and the destructible environments are exactly like the cinematics of the past games

I own 3 DS and PS4, so I'm super excited and don't get the bitching.

Have you never played a fucking Monhun game before? The "seamless gameplay" refers to a lack of loading screens between map areas. That's not true open world.

So your argument is that since it technically is not exactly the same thing but a similar thing instead, even when it's unheard of in the entire series and while it did 100% nail the other fact (it only not being available on switch) which fucking nobody expected either, then it surely is all wrong?


You're talking to a completely different person lad, that was my first post in the thread