*Blocks your counter-attack*
Fire Emblem: Heroes
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Katarina best girl
When will we finally get Veronica? I need her in my life.
Intelligent Systems won't be satisfied until there are more Red Sword Heroes than every other type combined.
Have the new heroes with their abilities been leaked?
When the bigger, badder guy is finally revealed and it shows that Veronica is nothing but a lonely girl. We're already 1/2 of the way there, so we just gotta wait for IS to advance the story.
There were some voice files datamined, one is a laugh akin to those when you tap a hero on the Stats Screen. Soon, maybe? With Panic Ploy, this will hurt Blade users, Horse Emblem and Flier Emblem greatly. Tinyhands HP is very average, so expect him to fall victim of a -6 in every skill thanks to Panic Ploy.
Her weapon literally makes blue -blade users a non issue. No more tinyhands, Ursula or Orwen cucking in Arena.
Nvm, found the trailer.
Luke's C Skill is sick.
Glad we made it. Was afraid we didn't get enough points.
People were thinking they'd never reach 50k. the fifth day in they already got it no problem.
Most of them over exaggerated the difficulty of the trials.
I mean how many normal people are running teams that can consistently get to the end let alone beat it? That's why I was worried. I could get 5/7 6/7 pretty regular with my team. Then I swapped go blade tome user and get 7/7 more than 75% of the time now.
Blade tomes were a mistake.
Literally power creep at its finest.
>the let the Eliwood artist give someone googley eyes again
Fucking why
It's all good, just spend all your orbs for 4 copies of Panic Ploy, good goy
>Amagaitato in charge of facial expression and hands
>Miyuu in charge of eyes
>Sawashiro Miyuki in charge of legs and shading
Is this the Unholy Trinity of JUST?
Jesus fuck.
I meant Pikomaro.
Amagaitaro's cool.
So when is the bride banner ending? A new one usually takes the place of a bi-weekly banner
In 18 hours.
Pikomaro did an alright job with Wrys and Charlotte. Lloyd however is JUST tier.
And we get a teaser trailer for the new banner one day before. In the notifications or banner details is where you can tell, adjusted to your phone's time zone.
I can't draw for shit so I'm no position to criticize the artists of Fire Emblem,
but, I don't think the case with Lloyd was pikomaro's fault. I blame whoever gave the green light to that art. Artists just draw, if they don't get proper directions these things happen.
>It's a Blade user obliterates the entire Tempest Trial episode.
>tfw next TT will have Close Counter Renewal Panic Ploy Bruno with inflated stats as the final boss
>snagged a bride Lyn with my last few orbs
What are some good skills for her?
Don't tell me new characters are coming
I just spent like 25 orbs on trying to get lonqs and babbyhands
oh my goooooooood
>more Archanea shit
Like we needed anymore of that. Looks like my 100 orbs are going to sit around even longet
Some of those skills look really good though. I'll at least try for Katarina since she's cute.
>implying he won't have CC, Vantage, and Panic Ploy along with 50 Res to fuck over -blade users
Heavenly light, hp+5, and whatever hone/fortify skills you want
I couldn't care less about skills just give me the Magvel characters and let Jugdral fans get the guys they want.
>Video title calls it "Echoes of Mystery"
Next remake confirmed
Wow, it's fucking nothing.
Wanted bride cordelia and charlotte, pulled two times got bride lyn and caeda. Bad owl! Bad!
>I got 2 5* abloo bloo bloo