SotC remake > MH World > Code Vein > DBZ > Western cinematic garbage > rest > AC Origins > CoD

SotC remake > MH World > Code Vein > DBZ > Western cinematic garbage > rest > AC Origins > CoD

Approved except for code vein.

horizon and god of war look pretty decent compared to other AAA games

AC Origins doesn't look that bad.
Days Gone and SPORTS looked way worse.

Days Gone looks a masterpiece compared to AC Origins or even if we compare to The Fucking Crew 2 which was a disaster

The animations and AI need work but besides that it looks okay. It's much more open and it looks like they took a couple pages out of BotW's book.
How does Days Gone look better?

Metro Exodus >

Im honestly hype for wolfenstein and slightly interested in that we wuz robots game.
That is unless the game doesnt have real situations with real choices and is always peaceful route is the best route and violence route is worst route and makes cops use stronger weapons.
I want setting fire to a shop kills a family and makes your group look bad but using violence to save your bros makes others try to save you when shit goes down on the street.
Most likely it will just be social commentary the game.


Here's to hoping they add some of the cut colossi.

why is that a question? have you played Asssassins Creed III, Syndicate and Unity? They are unfinished games that aren't worth 15 dollars. Scripted, press X to win just like Origins
In Origins you even have slowmotion during a fucking jump just so you can hit an enemy
The Batman Arkham combat is back and it looks more Batman than Unity.

I hope it won't just be a reskin. SotC HD is already good looking enough and performs well on the Ps3. The best would of course be including cut colossi, but that feels like a slim chance. Hard mode from the start should be a must at least.

SotC is utter fucking shit and it will be just as shit as the overrated hipster garbage was back then was with regenerating health, piss easy difficulty, repetitive gameplay, bosses that are all about holding shoulder button and tilting stick to climb to weak spot and mash buttons, awful horse controls, shit graphics but with bloom.

Fucking NeoGAF children.

>that we wuz robots game.
The good news is that only 1 of the 3 playable characters is black. And for what I could see only 1 timeline is direct involving with antifa/#BLM memes. The other two are more Heavy Rain style.


muh magic feels when riding horse through an empty world with cinematic camera

Yeah, sotc wil be great addition to the list

There's dodging and parrying and neither were QTEs IIRC. It looks much less like Batman than Syndicate and Unity.
There's also different weapons, putting arrows on fire from open flames that affect objects made of wood.
Diving under water and larger world that isn't one big city. It looks like it has a lot of potential.

fuck me that shrine of worship looks amazing, wonder how good the secret garden will look like.

>he never finished hard mode time attack
Fucking casual scum, fuck off from my board.

absolute garbage taste. SotC is overrated garbage that has been played to death on PS2, PS3 and PC via emulation.

Here is the correct list, if you disagree you are low IQ or anti-gamer or both:

Metro Exodus > Monster Hunter World > Code Vein > the rest.

>There's dodging and parrying
ok so others.
I didn't say anything about previous Assassins Game having too much QTE, I said they have awful scripted sequences.
>There's also different weapons
>putting arrows on fire from open flames that affect objects made of wood.
>It looks like it has a lot of potential.
Fuck off Ubisoft marketer.

I like all these games.
>Bioshock 1 is better
>MGS3 is better (4 is my favorite game of all time)
>It's Taro shit, fuck the story, enjoy the game
>kinda boring, but the end is cool

Still, all enjoyable games. Same with SotC.

>getting excited by a REMAKE
>best game for some underage-Sup Forums-shit is a REMAKE because he never played the original

Some of those insane strats I've seen in Time Attack blow my mind to this day

>>It's Taro shit, fuck the story, enjoy the game
"Ignore the story, just enjoy the gameplay" is something that I never expected to hear about a Taro game. Did I accidentally wake up in a mirror world today?

The story in Nier Automata is irrelevant in the first playthrough

Evil within 2>detroit>Metro>Spoodi>Gays gone

i'm not following your logic, m8
Shadow of Colossus is a good game - who cares if a newcomer enjoyed the re-released remaster version?

I enjoyed realMyst, i think, as much as Myst old fans enjoyed original Myst, but I've never felt the need to play the original as well.

The first playthrough is like one quarter of the game

>CoD that low

I thought we were done pretending that CoD is terrible

CoD is genuinelly terrible series as of late years.
Single player is a succession linear levels, through which you're crawling at the pace of leading NPC, whilst multiplayer is these days an inferior version of what EA's dev teams can provide.

>Single player is a succession linear levels
Not to mention 4~6h gameplay which feels like 2 hours because of scripted sequence