Destiny on suicide watch

Destiny on suicide watch

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Looks like a cross between the division and Destiny.
And its made by Bioware.
So I think I'll pass.

Nope Destiny has an already large autistic install base in gaming when you are first you are the winner.

I'd give it a try but the gameplay trailer was too scripted, I know the game won't be like that in any way.

This, and it will be out for a full year with people being in too deep into Destiny to swap to Anthem

That said, TPS is WAY better for these games than FPS. I think a big problem for Destiny is being mostly limited to first person when designing skills, they do swap to third for some supers and melee/relics but I think Anthem has more potential because of suit-swapping and third person. Also having one big world/explorable area might be better off than having 4 small/medium sized ones.

It's Bioware. It'll have one third of the promised functionalities and look one fourth as good as that demo.


forced gay romance in there i bet

I want to fuck that suit.

>A modern bioware game
>making anyone but its own fans want to kill themselves

Flying around in power suits looks fun, but the story and characters will be garbage because of Bioware.

>Bioware E3 reveals

Yeah, i'm sure it'll end up looking exactly like that.

I think it was an odd choice to outsource Xenoblade X2 to Bioware and even stranger Bioware turned it into a third person multiplayer online shooter with Ironman armors.

I'm more into the gameplay, story and characters don't give me a shit in this games

Bioware don't have good gameplay.

destiny sucks too tho

>Another "Destiny Killer"
The list just keeps growing

But really, it's fucking Bioware. Making a game to cash in on Destiny's success. Because EA is pissed they let the deal slip.

I gotta admit, I'm extremely cautiously optimistic about this one.

more like borderlands 3 btfo

>180 rotation
>not true flight


Mass effect died because of this shit.

I wasn't excited and the the bitch went underwater and complete sold the game to me.

Thank fucking god.
It pretty much a corpse after ME2 anyway.

Mass Effect died because Bioware has been bleeding talent and skill for years now.
Same goes with DA.

And this won't be any different.

this video is obviously a cinematic trailer

the one in the OP is gameplay
this looks pretty much like the final product

Is this confirmed multiplayer only?

All sci fi looks the same aesthetically now. The reason Stormtroopers look iconic is because the design is simple and distinctive, why does everything look like a Transformer in Sci fi now.

destiny failed to live up to expectations and lost a massive following. it has it's core audience but Destiny 2 looks to be more of just Destiny 1 and it'll most likely have a lot of the same problems.

And Destiny's Exclusive content deal is spitting in the face of everyone who buys the game outside of playstation.

If anthem lives up to it's expectation next year at E3 and shows the game has real content to back it up then Destiny really would be dead.

They just happened to land on the same planet as XCX

It's so obvious that this is where the effort was going, not into Andromeda, but this. Probably where all the A± team members went and where the budget went.

Why people think it's going to be downgraded?
Star Wars Battlefront II looked gorgeous on the Frostbite engine: in game.

>It's so obvious that this is where the effort was going
There's nothing obvious about it, it's a cinematic trailer. It could end up being the exact same as Andromeda.

It's going to be downgraded for console obviously


People still get hyped for games like this? Wasn't no man's sky enough? MGSV? Mighty Nº9? The Last Guardian?
How many overhyped games lived up to its wildest expectations? Can you name ONE (1) hyped AAA game that manage to reach the hype it received?

From EA no less and produced by Bioware, a dev that went down hill after Dragon Age 1.
This game has more chances of being pure garbage than anything special

None of that trailer can run on consoles.

The flight movement looked really good, but I'm suspecting it's just because it's pre-rendered footage.

I'm hoping it's that good, but I highly doubt it.


Can't wait to have lesbian alien sex with the wild life and unite all creatures under the gayanese flag.

The scorpio can run it

sure bro

Is it gonna look as good as 4k 60FPS Destiny on PC?

dumbass mustards complaining about the gun taking up the screen...nigga what is fov

I'm hoping they can. Consoles catching up to PCs can only be a good thing for everyone considering they're never going away.

It will look as good as battlefront 1, Bf1
and play like utter fucking shit and be forgotten within a month

They would have caught up to 1080p and 60fps if they didn't have to chase normalfags buying meme res TVs.

>tfw 120fps is the norm for me
>consoles barely reaching 60

I don't think a level playing field will ever happen unfortunately.

stupid PC idiots... if you're allowed to change the FOV in destiny you'll have an advantage over the people who don't and stick to the developer's vision.....

this is why i'm going to stick to the PS4 version

>Reminder of the shit that was Destiny on release
>Reminder of all the balancing/server problems
>Reminder of the fact that BASE GAME CONTENT was put behind a paywall and put into DLC upon released.
>Reminder that all day one players got spat in the face when they payed over $200 in DLC, just got the game to be re bundled with ALL DLC for just $80, and got nothing in return.
>Reminder that the game's vocals literally had to get reworked because players found it monotone and boring
>Reminder that this will happen again to everyone that pre-orders Destiny 2

It can. I doubt it will run at 60fps if 4k is their target, but I doubt, visually, particle effects, texture quality, lightning and so one, will get a huge downgrade on the scorpio.
You won't see this game with this quality on a ps4, pro or bone tho, I'll give you that

>playing first person shooter on PC with a controller

all they can do nowadays is copy and make shittier versions than other games

>being this delusional

because bioware has never been a technical powerhouse
because not even DICE makes frostbite look that good
because it wasn't a live gameplay demo
because many other e3 demos that look that ambitious got downgraded over the past few years

i noticed that too
I can't watch anyone play a FPS with a controller, its mortifying

>action game by Bioware
Ha ha ha.

We have seen what PS4 can do, this trailer is horse shit

If the PS4/Xbone version's are scrapped & it's only on Pro/X & PC, then MAYBE

To be honest, this new game might actually force Bungie to pull their heads out of their asses.

Destiny 2 doesn't even look like a sequel. It looks like the same game, on the same engine using mostly the same content. It's more like Destiny 1.2 than a new game. And they are trying to pass it off as an entirely new game.

Although this Anthem game is made by Bioware and I don't have high hopes for it, it looks like it could shake things up and force Bungie to actually make a good game.

I'm fairly sure posts like this one have been made several times during Destiny one.

Last I remember was the Division.

Oh great, another shallow item and level grinding multiplayer matchmaking game. I got bored of this shit in 2009 when WoW added dungeon finder, and Diablo 3 cemented my disdain for it. Every time I try a new game every few years that's like that, just to see if they've done anything different or evolved, it always meets my expectations: garbage.

I didn't see them. Maybe it happened but honestly very few people went around comparing Destiny and The Division. One was a FPS the other a third person cover shooter. Both had different settings and gameplay. The only similarities were persistent online worlds and vague RPG mechanics.

We haven't seen much of Anthem yet, but it's clearly got a similar setting to Destiny, even down to humanity having one last city.

wow another loot game with multiple dlc dungeons and a new game every 2 years

hehe goy hope you got all the purples because the new raid is coming out. don't wanna get left behind, do you?

Looter shooters everywhere.

Playstation users hate the exclusives as well.
>Strike that will never be NF
>Weapon that will never be sold
>Maps that will never be competitive
It's comical that Dust palace and Undying Mind both had high abandonment rates back when they were exclusives until there was a change in mechanics starting with TTK. That and the exclusive armor from sublime engrams is a joke since the rate those drop are 1/50 for every legendary engram that drops in world which is already pretty low.

It is a new engine. The old Reach engine shit itself every time you try to add something new which is why Destiny 2 was being made, to have an excuse to have a new engine and do a content wipe

>It's a new engine

Sure doesn't look like it. I mean, we have literally no way to confirm of deny this and have to go on Bungies word alone. But everything we've seen of Destiny 2 so far makes it look exactly like more of Destiny 1. Same gameplay, same graphics, same content. What part of this is new?

>Mech suits
>Can fly around
They had me after that. But is it exclusive to Xbone or is it exclusive*also on windows 10?

It's not exclusive. Xbone, PS4 and PC.

I'm well aware. let's not forget that for a large portion of the game all gear was basically wiped each time they announced a new DLC came out and old Raids basically died or were forced to be irrelevant each new Raid.

I get that they've fixed some of their problems but to beat Destiny with a new IP doesn't seem that hard now knowing exactly where they have to rise above Destiny in which ways.

Anthem has been in development for a long time so we have to hope that this is worth it.

full multiplat. xbox, ps4, PC. i don't think they've said if it's W10 exclusive or not.

>Dark Void on suicide watch

Looking/playing the same doesn't mean it isn't a new engine. Maybe they know the mechanics are fine just the underlying world engine was the issue.

Not defending them since the story is non-existent but from a technical standpoint it makes sense to make a new engine when the first one would take 8 hours to load a map to edit 1 chest

Really now? That's great.

Nah. Still more interested in D2 even being a first-timer to the franchise. Anthem only has pretty graphics and Iron Man Armour going for it.

I could have sworn Destiny was already dead.

They should call it Deuce-tiny because it's the second.

It's seemingly alive and profitable enough for EA to order a clone from Bioware.

They have this insane fear of giving viewers motion sickness that causes them to intentionally make the game look like shit with these sloooooow turns.

I really want it to be good. I'm a simple man, so they sold me on exosuits.
It's Bioshit though, so my hope wanes by the second.

>giving money to EA
I'm so desperate for good coop games that aren't medieval fantasy arpg shit, I'll probably cave at some point.

>get it on pc
>"This is on pc who cares" and 30 fps cause Ubisoft and forced to use play.
>get it on console
>still 30 fps

woah. I totally want it

>babies getting motion sickness