How hard will a FROM Switch exclusive devastate this board?

How hard will a FROM Switch exclusive devastate this board?

I dunno, I don't even play their games.

So is it confirmed they won't suprise us on E3 with a ps4 title after sony confefence?
Not sure how E3s works desu

Not likely, but if it happens,the asspain will echo throughout the aeons


If you thought Bloodborne shitposting was bad, ooh boy. This shit would probably end Sup Forums forever.

They will make a port, maybe a remake at best, nothing else

>Metroid by From Soft

I really don't want this. It would mean Nintendo moneyhatted them and since From games are fucking garbage I hope Nintendo uses their resources for something else.

A Zelda game created by From Software

>It's not money hatting when Sony does it.


>by the 15 FPS shit developer who can't make a game without shit hitboxes, glitches, music and actual interactivity and platforming

Yeah, would be so awesome. Haha, epic.

>take their dark and dreary atmosphere from Souls games
>couple it with a Metroid game
>make it horror

I'd buy it, even if it turned out shit.

As a From fanboy, I would follow them to the Switch.

It might actually be the biggest upset to have ever occurred in the history of the board.

It's the perfect marriage but it will never ever happen.

Who says this? Of course Sony paid some shekels for Bloodshit.

What if it's armored core?

Well I'm not sure how the others do it but Nintendo ALWAYS announces games after their digital event through press releases. This year Reggie has said that there will be announcements in the first hour of Treehouse as well.

If it's Zelda I could see Nintendo sending some Yakuza to help them out.

The switch is severly limited due to the fact that it has the same hardware specs as your average tablet. Impressive visuals are the industry standard regardless of gameplay. So if youre system doesnt even have the capability to do the latter, youre pretty much dead in the water.

You're kidding right.

>nintenbros are resorting to make-believe after being left completely devastated by the MHW announcement

Y-yeah guys imagine if every developer made a nintendo exclusive game now haha wouldn't that be fun to fight back and laugh at them haha...

It really is a huge shame.
When did it get so bad that games that are games are no longer the top priority.

Omg, something like Hyrule Warriors definitely may happen.

When normies got to play pretty versions of FIFA

>From soft already confirmed it
>trying to make it a console war thread
Fuck off kid.


What if


What if

The switch had more than 2 games a year

Can you imagine the possibilities?

This would be some ultracucking

>bloodborne 2 on the switch
what fun that would be

>>trying to make it a console war thread
Read the title of the OP.

>Monhun fanbase is entirely Nintenbros
Well I guess that confirms that MHW is going to be a massive flop
Seriously there are people who didn't play the nintendo monhuns that are disappointed because that isn't the Monhun they wanted.
I'm one of those people.

>Baby doesn't know the jump trick
>Game be bad doe

I'd still follow them, and if anything, that'd only make the rift bigger.

Plus, all of the people who were upset when it wasn't what they wanted who buy a switch for it would be torn between shilling to justify their purchase and REEEEEEing about it.

If it's a new Cookie & Cream my money is theirs to take.

Xenoblade 2 releasing this year in the west would be enough for Ninty to win E3 and cause shitposting to ramp up into overdrive

Do NOT get hopeful for announcements outside the Nintendo Direct.

Stuff that isn't shown during the Direct but announced later on Treehouse tends to be extremely minor.

>Impressive visuals are the industry standard regardless of gameplay.
Hardware affects gameplay too.
I get you are disappointed the Switch is yet another oudated piece of shit but BotW wouldn't have been possibile on the N64 combining open world rendering with heavy emphasis on fun physics, for example.

>only Nintendo named
>no Sony
>no Microsoft
>no PC

>only Nintendo
Come on.
Are you really that insecure that you feel hurt when you aren't even targeted?

Is there anything that somehow signals From Software has what it takes for a Metroid Prime? Because Souls is 100% devoid of fast platforming, puzzles, verticality (except climbing ladders) and boss fights that favor positioning over just abusing 50 iframes and buttonmashing. Or what about unique art that's not stolen and actual music throughout a game?

Yeah, or they just don't do it since the only thing Souls has going for it which Zelda doesn't have is "muh difficulty" and if Nintendo wanted to change this, they could do it any time. I bet the Lynel alone killed more players than any Souls boss, except Souls 2 shit maybe.

I have, doesn't mention any competitor.

man living in the current world would be so fun, instead of your autism fueled fantasy.

>BB2 running even worse than the first one
Only conceivable scenario this impossibility would turn out true.

What's with this meme? It's on PC. Everyone can play it... And it looks like Monster Hunter: Skyrm Edition. Or basically another Dragon's Dogshit.

>Hardware affects gameplay too.
To an extent and we've plateaued in regards to gameplay.
These games being released currently could have been done during the last gen without any changes to the gameplay.

Major release every month this year, better than Sony :)

>"muh difficulty"
The fact that you are saying this tells me you do not even understand what people actually like about From's games. Souls in particular.

it would be hilarious


Lost Kingdom III

I havent owned a nintendo console since Gamecube. Im not dissappointed I just think its pathetic Nintendo continually try to buck the system for gimmicky crap.

Sonykids user.
They have an extreme hateboner for Nintendo to the point that they'll brag that they have something everything does if Nintendo is the only one that doesn't.

You need at least a certain level of power. Zelda's framerate was distracting, and damaged the game because the switch simply is not powerful enough to run it well.

You Retarded? yes, thats the most likely explanation

>it's not targeted to a single company therefore it's not consolewar garbage
>if we claim everyone else but my loyalist company of choice has their fans in a butthurt state it's not consolewar garbage
Yeah, it'd be just for the laughs! Haha.

Guys IMAGINE if Mario, Crash and Half Life were announced xbox exclusive! How fun that would be to see Sup Forums upset about it!


The fact it makes them feel hardcore. Since, you know, no one gave a shit about King's Field 2. I feel like the only person who even played this piece of shit which felt like a bad joke compared to Majoras Mask and somehow even looked worse. People also didn't really care about Demon's Souls and reviewers gave it bad scores (20 from Famitsu). Only with the "Prepare to die" meme people somehow began to like it.

Of course some people also tricked themselves into believing the atmosphere is something special and dumbed down their standards.

it does better framerate than basically every single PS4 game?

You can just say you're bad, user.

You should be more concerned that everything but Nintendo systems have been nothing but cheap PCs. Especially since it gives third party developers a pseudo monopoly.

It's already confirmed they're working on Armored Core. A Sony franchise.

But go ahead, keep dreaming dildo, we all know you're starved for games. Better pray you don't lose SMT and NMH too.

Being good doesn't protect you from bullshit, lazy game design, user.

Imagine being this triggered by the OP that you feel your company of choice is being targeted directly by it.

>Implying Armored Core portable isn't literally the godliest thing under the sun

Anybody who hasn't played ACLR Portable is a casual cuck, and needs to go back. Though I am hurting for ACFA Portable and ACVD Portable, as well as a possible AC6.

>Game studios can only work on a single game at any given time
Besides, who doesn't own a PC, PS4 and Switch? Imagine being this pathetic.

A war can't be done alone user.
That's just domination.

>another faggot trying to make the thread about console wars

Sounds good. Nintendo's minor stuff is usually better anyway.

>guess which game does not come to Switch?

Probably all of those terrible shtigames in your picture only a single digit IQ downer would play.

Although I probably test Monster Hunter and Evil Within 2 on PC.

Enjoy Evil Within with the shit framerate on PS4 just like the first one when even a toaster can play it with constant 60 FPS on PC, though.

Most likely all 3ds games will be announced or talked about during treehouse. I bet all 3 atlus games that were announced and Ever Oasis will also get a lot of coverage and that will be the "3ds love at e3" that Reggie mentioned.

i bought a PS4 for bloodborne, i'd buy a switch for one killer exclusive too

It would trouble infinite tailholes. Bloodsouls fags would be broken because it isn't bloodsouls, roaches would shitpost endlessly that it isn't bloodsouls, anyone who wants to play it is going to have to buy a switch or spew sour grapes and I don't really care about anything from makes.

Evidently false since BotW on the switch has framerate spikes in home mode and that's a mainline title that was delayed 2 years coming from previous gen.

We haven't plateaued shit. There's always more to add in the physics, speed, # of models on-screen, and draw distance department. Especially when you combine them together.

You don't see those types of games because they cannot run at playable framerates, no shit.

Current gen systems aren't good enough to simulate our best water physics engine rendered in a vacuum, by itself, let alone in a game. Water physics can enhance mechanics, or once you have truly realistic water physics you could even create an entire puzzle game revolving around the real behaviour of water, which would be an unprecedented type of gameplay. Same goes for casting actually realistic shadows.

Same goes for most anything once you break it down to smaller and more intricate details at a lower level. The "tech is good enough now" is an argument i heard about ever since the SNES era, it doesn't fly. You don't know about the shit because it doesn't EXIST so you don't realize the possibilities.

>but nothing much changed from last gen!
Precisely because the power jump of consoles this gen has been shit, limiting new possibilities. Turns out, the generation that had the smallest power gap saw the least gameplay innovation. It must be a coincidence for sure, out of 40 years of videogames.

What if it is Lost Kingdoms 3?

Do you intentionally spew random garbage to sound smart, or is it your fanboyism taking over?

Just gonna be hyped for Armored Core 6 on PC to be honest.

I just hope PC gets more games.

That's a FEATURE you dumb casual. Please go back to candy crush, real gamers are busy learning true masterpieces of game design.

user, gameplay =/= graphics
The poly count and size of the world is what causes the lag. Reduce that slightly and what do you think can happen?
That's right, same gameplay.
We don't need the fancy water physics and such because they add next to nothing to the game beyond some eye candy.

If you find a game that is possible only on current gen systems mechanically then I'll concede.

>be retard
>uses shitposting from before the patch, while its stable 30 all the way now


The only thing in Zelda that affects gameplay and is also taxing on graphical processing hardware is the viewing distance (due to having landmarks and marking objectives). Apart from that, you could simply cut in the detail or rendering (even going for 720p, who cares) and it would run much better and play exactly the same.
Also, Zelda was not optimized for Switch, so there's also that as a reason why it runs poorly.

but it doesn't run poorly. it was fixed months ago.

Whya re you living in the past?

Well yeah I know, I just meant early in its lifetime. It still could run better though, Korok forest makes the game lag quite a bit and even then its because vsync locks at 20fps whenever the framerate drops below 30fps.

>Armored Core. A Sony franchise.

Can't make this shit up!
Last 4 armored core games were multiplats.

It still lags sometimes when docked and in places like the Forest either way.
Unless there's been a new update since the first.

So, why is it not 60? Is it a gameplay feature? Is it so it FEELS right?

>We don't need the fancy water physics and such because they add next to nothing to the game beyond some eye candy.
As I specifically stated, realistic water physics can be used to create puzzles that current tech cannot physically allow for. So no, it's not just eye candy.

>it must already be a game
Why create a game when the tech doesn't make it run properly on any product? We have tech simulations that don't run on any home PC either. Do you think a developer is rushing spending millions to create a game using that tech right now? Are you out of your mind? Limited tech limits the existance of games. BotW was not even conceived 20 years ago, it's not like nintendo was sitting on this hot game design concept. It was even considered because the technology got to that point to allow it.

>rendering distance is the only hawardware taxing thing
Oh, not the multiple physics interactions that did not previously exist in old Zelda games. Glad we cleared that up.

It's not hardlocked to 30, besides, 30 is a shit framerate in the first place, so you are striving to reach for a goal that is already subpar, which cannot be fully maintained, while claiming we have plateaued in technology. Kek.

I think the reason many people are calling for a From Software Metroid is style and atmosphere, rather than gameplay.

>multiple physics interactions
Did you even read what I said? I said "graphical processing hardware". Physics most certainly tax the CPU, but not the GPU. And guess on what the present gen consoles have been focusing on increasing? GPU, GPU and GPU.
Both PS4 Pro and Scorpio are good examples where they increase the GPU by a fuckton but only increase the CPU by like 30%, which makes it impossible to run certain games at an higher decent framerate.
However it is a fact that you could lower the GPU by a lot and still have the same game, the CPU is usually what is important when there is a lot of information to keep track of in a game.

>realistic water physics can be used to create puzzles that current tech cannot physically allow for
user, water physics like that are nothing new.

>nintendo babby thinks from games are too hard and scary

I don't think anyone is surprised.

Does owning a Sony system allow you to defy physics?
The answer is yet because the PS4 can't handle anything complex.

Did I break you? You're not making any sense.

your post doesn't even make sense, total autismo

It's gonna be Picross for Switch.

You did watch the webm didn't you?

Yea, a game bugged out. What's your point?

well it's true?

I got a peek.

Chill out guys. It's just all souls games from Demon Souls - Dark Souls III being ported to switch.

>How hard will a FROM Switch exclusive devastate this board?

it will make nintendo instawin this years E3. nintendobros deserved it after so many years and especially after shitty MSony presentations. haters tears will be delicious.

>bugged out
user, that's a common occurrence.

I was planning on getting a Switch at some point anyway so I wouldn't mind if it was a good game.

I just went on youtube and searched for Zelda bugs, there's plenty, so yea what about it
don't tell me you're cherry picking right now, user

I was planning on getting a Switch at some point anyway so I wouldn't mind if it was a good game.

Then why have I never experienced that? I played Dark Souls 2 and 3. And why did the guy go in the corner to wait for the enemy if that's a common occurrence? Surely id he would have known that was going to happen he wouldn't have stood there.