Post yfw you didn't buy a Nintendo Switch

Xbros, PCfriends, and Sonyamigos unite. We're gonna be having so much fun this year. Which games are you looking forward to the most?

this is pathetic
not the pic, but (you)

The Ukansha girl game.
Looks cool.

Sonyfags trying to buddy up with PC and Xbox after their conference was a shit show. Sad!

>implying I have to choose between systems

All those games will be complete trash and you know it. Glad they are not coming to Switch and taint it with their shitty presence.

>Evil within 2
>Destiny 2
>Battlefront 2

>this year
So half of your pic is unrelated

>Sucking Sony/Ninty/Microdick
>Owning a gen 8 console at all
Fucking retard.

Nintendo is pathetic

Literally Obsessed

You're right, they're all coming to Xbox One.

Why do shitposters assume people can only own one console?

>buying a switch for multiplat games


>Buying a PS4 for multiplat games that are superior on pc

>playing Fighting games and MonHun on PC

Why do you hate 60fps so much?

Does literally anyone on a switch as their only mode of playing games? The reason it's sold so well is that it's an ideal second system.

Most Nintendo fans don't own a gaming rig, they own a potato. If they actually had a proper gaming PC they wouldn't buy Nintendo consoles in the first place considering they're all so consistently emulated.

I mean just look at the backlash against CemU if you want any evidence that a lot of Nintendo fans on Sup Forums are Nintendo exclusive.

Buttmad Sonyfags slinging shit at all directions now that their conference was a fucking disaster, fucking amazing

>This year
user I don't know what to tell you

Nice claims, too bad they're all pure bullshit.

>fake monhun
>sickdark weaboo trash
>rehashball z
>literally who 2
>faggot heart III
>shitty halo mmo
>beyond sjw's & alt-righ 2
>starwars rehashfront
Wow, so many "good" games.

>this year

>they're bullshit cause I say so
All the CemU threads and MonHun butthurt disagree. If Nintendo fans actually owned a PC, they wouldn't be so buttravaged atm, actually be hyped for a good MH game.

There is one game that is good on that list that won't play on the switch, and if KH3 comes out before 2019 ill eat my hat

Dragon fighter getting a port would not be surprising to see

Maybe, just maybe
They don't like it because it's bad?

Also love how you're implying it's impossible for someone to have a Switch and a PS4.

Jesus H fuck, do people like you honestly not realize the appeal of the switch? No one buys it for the graphics, and the games are cool but that's just icing. What people want is the hybrid part, and cemu will simply never be able to emulate that.

I would never own a switch as my only console, but that doesn't mean it's not my favorite.

None of those outside of DBZ and maybe KH3 look good.
Also BGE2 I'm pretty sure is coming to Switch but nobody knows how it'll look cause it's just a fucking cinematic.

>fake monhun

Can you be anymore salty?

The backlash against CemU is because it's closed-source cancer.

Fuck off poorfag

>he can only afford one console

This. It's like you faggots can only afford one platform.

>games which aren't coming to the switch
>skyrim on switch will be the best selling out of all of them

>implying the ps4 doesn't have the best exclusive lineup this gen.

>rehashball z
Go fuck yourself tryhard Nintenfag

Why would anyone want to play any of those on the Switch in the first place outside Dragonball FighterZ?

But I have both a Switch and a PS4 and a Vita too. Portable Undertale? Heck yes!

Not with Halo 5 and Horizon 3 on the bone, no

How triggered do you have to be to post something like this lmfao

Only one of those games I give a shit about is Wolfenstein 2. Everything else ranges from mitebcool to garbage.

I'll probably buy a Switch if Nintendo's presentation is any good. 100% buying one if they announce a Metroid game or Bayo 3.

>playing Fighting games and MonHun on PC
literally the best place to play both of these, though.

Nintendo is part of a well-rounded gaming experience you utter poorfag.


> Splatoon2 and a new N64 style Mario game

Still is fuccboi


grow up you pedo


>the best exclusive lineup
yeah bloodborne is pretty good.

Imagine being THIS immature.

> throwing memes because you are too poor to idort


nah, I just don't buy shit. switch is a brick with nogaems

Are PSfags this desperate or its just bait?
>Destiny 2
Available on PC
>MH World
Available on PC
>Code vein
Available on PC
Available on PC
Available on PC
>Dragon ball Fighter Z
Available on PC

Nintendo + PC will never be not master race.

I'm sorry your poverty has reduced you to this level of miserable shitposting friend.