Man that FUCKING trailer was FUCKING great it really FUCKING captured the FUCKING atmosphere of the first FUCKING game, all the FUCKING charm, the old FUCKING characters. Everything looks FUCKING perfect and they even going to FUCKING add online FUCKING functionalities in the game! Not to mention they FUCKING solved the FUCKING cliffhanger by FUCKING making a MOTHERFUCKING prequel!


Fuck Ubisoft

Other urls found in this thread:

pls no cussing my mom might see

>Sup Forums hates swearing now

what the fuck happened?

>what is unnecessary, excessive swearing in a game where it doesn't even fit

something that didn't happen.

fuckin fuck you fuckin bitch fuck es fuck fuck

Look how diverse all those black peope are.

I'm a christian and please stop this

how come they called this beyond good and evil if it has nothing to do with the original? how come the industry doesn't want to take any risks anymore?

>Violating the NAP

>all those swearing
I think Ubishit portray Black folks quite accurate.

>play game as marginalized minority that is constantly committing terrorism only to have it all vindicated with some emotional hook

What else do you expect from a French developer that is anthropomorphizing muslim immigrants.

is it called beyond good and evil because it has three monkeys in it?

seriously that wasn't that bad
your hyperbole just makes you look silly.

did you even keep watching?

We love our BASED sassy African American women don't we pedes?

if you're triggered over this you might consider buying some jeans and driving some kids to soccer practice.

Let's see if this trailer leads to an actual game and not to another decade long waiting period. wake me up when they show some gameplay.

I'm usually against the overreaction to diversity at every turn, but I gotta say when I saw the presentation for BG&E2 and after it having been in development hell for so long, and then it is reintroduced, and the two things you get to learn are
1. It's a prequel
2. It's a multicultural multi ethnic game

Those are the only 2 things you know about it now. And I did react to that, because it felt incredibly forced. It wasn't a point lost in a sea of information, but rather one of the two things they mentioned. Because after they mention it like that it cannot be interpreted in any other way than it being them filling a quota. They didn't just make a game and figured a black chick would be cool to insert here, no, they actually made it a goal from the start.

I think it's okay to be mad with this one.
Would it have been worse or better?
Mind you, we don't know jackshit about the new one gameplaywise, but I am sure the 2009 thing would have been rather similar to popular games of that time while Ubisoft might try to make a genremix with 2

Americans seem to have a problem with swear words, nudity and cigarettes. Stay cucked prude faggots

noone is getting triggered by swear words

it's just lazy fucking writing, and completely goes against the atmosphere of the original game

>noone is getting triggered by white people
>noone is getting triggered by cis men
>noone is getting triggered by racism
>it's just lazy fucking writing, and completely goes against the atmosphere of the original game

nothing fucking happened fucking its fucking just fucking annoying fucking to fucking have fucking a fucking character fucking curse fucking like fucking he fucking has fucking Tourettes

>noone is getting triggered by swear words

After their presentation, it's clear that their objective wasn't to tell you about how the game plays. They had to push the diversity card as if that's what people play video games for.

I'll just be optimistic and post my hopes
>keep the camera as important gameplay mechanic
>have multiple small planets à la windwaker, with better execution
>multiplayer is not a major part of the game or necessary, preferably separated from the actual game
>protag becomes likable
>monkey gets killed or captured early, possibly brainwashed, anything to shut his mouth
>atmosphere isn't as edgy as the trailer led us to believe, it was just poor marketing from ubisoft
>more advanced gameplay in general, especially platforming, just don't turn the combat into a shooter

>can't defend his nignog culture without virtue signaling and false flag
wow what a surprise!

i enjoyed the trailer a lot and I thought the fuckety fuck fuck accurately portrayed an egotistical ghetto thief and an angry gluttonous pork chop

I think the chimp is cute

Got enough buzzwords there, Cletus?

I was reading Sup Forums posts aloud to my 6 year old niece and now she's saying "fuck" all the time, thanks a lot guys

Why would 3 monkeys have anything to do with the tittle Beyond Good and Evil? If you just wanted to say, lol black people, i have the place for you, white boy.


Wasn't the original about lower class people trying to expose the corrupt government?

Beyond FUCK and FUCKING. Somebody replace every word with FUCK.

Well yeah see that's what bothered me. Spouting "Multi ethnic" as a feature on stage is honestly a bit chilling. That race is so central to these people that it becomes a feature. Had they at least only said multi cultural, then the game might be multi ethnic as an indirect consequence of there being multiple cultures depicted in the game and it need not be mentioned. But to bring out that pixie cut choker looking stereotype of a feminist and have mention those two things separately just to reaally highlight that they have proudly filled their quota is just sad. This is the type of shit that is making people more aware of our differences instead of the other way around. I feel like it's a real backslide.

Sup Forums is filled with Sup Forums conservatives and conservatives don't like swearing.

Sup Forums is becoming what it used to make fun of 13 years ago

gotta find something to bitch about

something seriously needs to be done
maybe an ammendment to the rules on Sup Forums?
can we somehow force all the Sup Forumstards to be exiled from here?
I seriously just want my left-leaning Sup Forums back.

stricter enforcement of rules against political discussions and memes. it sucks because it will make us more reddit-like but it needs to be done.

Same thing that happened with Prey
Maybe they assume the old fans are desperate enough to buy whatever has the name of the thing they liked so much

>want my left-leaning Sup Forums back
There is never such thing in the first place.

I think the rules on Sup Forums aren't strict enough. We seriously need to start cracking down on people with right-wing politics posting here or otherwise we're going to lose our board!


Are you really this fucking dense?

no, all politifags must go. no tolerance for these shitters. they have an entire board for their things

>Muh safe space

Millennial detected.

but the only ones that ever post here to disrupt our conversations are right wingers from Sup Forums
they must go. GET THE OUT NOW

Firstly I was so happy that they revived BGE series. And several hours later then I was so disappointed, first one ended with a massive cliffhanger and after 15 years of FUCKING waiting, they give us that, the FUCKING prequel. REEEEEEE

>M-mods please ban the meanies they're hurting my feelings!
The true embodiment of Sup Forums spirit.
People here aren't offended by swearing, they just think it makes the setting look lame in comparison to the first one. Pey'j "swearing" was way funnier than anything in this trailer.
White piggu>homo gangstus


>original game had zero f-bombs
>there are like thirty just in this three-minute trailer

Just what all the Beyond Good and Evil fans have been waiting for, right?

You seriously think it's "right-wing politics" caused all this shit? Are you deluded? I didn't know Ubishit or EA or Biocrap or BLM is "right wing politics" now.

Never played the original, was it even mature?

what about posting strictly political things on a videogame board in order to promote your agenda? Is this acceptable?

>you are a nigger or a monkey
Fucking great..

No, it wasn't edgy at all and had no swearing.

>nigger or a nigger

>Being a resentful poorshit is ok and encourged now.


Not sure how I feel about this.

Wait...where the fuck is Jade?


fucking shit man, this is how i'm going to write all my fucking posts now, with fucking fucks and shit, fuck cunt.

>brings up BLM for no reason

you're not fooling anyone Sup Forums

>Wait...where the fuck is Jade?


>Wait...where the fuck is Jade?

user... I have some bad news...

>Sup Forums is becoming what it used to make fun of 13 years ago
You still don't get it, don't you? Because conservatism actually becomes the new counterculture now. And conservatives are the last hope and last defense of human society nowadays.


BGE was a multiethnic game. Jade is some weird mixed being.

Honestly I don't care about that. I just wanted Jade and less fucking cursing.

>in the after-conference stream that noone watched, the devs literally compared BGE2 to "SPACE GTA"


loving the character design. Hopefully it plays like BGE with better combat.

>Implying all those "blacked" diversity and afro women have nothing to do black movements.
Open your eyes, user.

>I seriously just want my left-leaning Sup Forums back.
They're still here underneath all the reddit invaders. Just keep reminding those fuckers that this isn't their safe space.

>the only ones that ever post here to disrupt our conversations are right wingers from Sup Forums
Everyone here are fucking anonymous, you moron.

This is what i don't get. People are so mad, but the swearing seemed to fit the character to me.

there's no problem with making a multi ethnic game. The difference is when they made the original, they had a vision and made it for creative purposes and it wasn't part of the marketing. This time around they have hardly said a thing about the game and they are already talking abut multiculturalism and multi ethnic and are expecting applauds as though it's a feature. It's all just politically motivated. That's the problem.

Are they? I only saw the trailer, but it's ubisoft so I'm not surprised.

Ancel's still heading it right? Then honestly I'm not very worried, just bothered.









Seriously THIS

>they literally showed nothing and mentioned almost no features
>but boy did they make sure to virtue signal as if that's what makes a game good!
And their are people in this thread eating the shit right out of their hand.


People who 100% finished the first one hate this new one

But everyone who likes the new one can barely remember anything past the wikipedia synopsis

Funny you say that, screeching in defence of your own safe space as you are...

You posted this just to hurt me even more, didn't you?

>a board filled with racist is triggered because of bad words
Fake outrage

>We're getting another Beyond good and evil after it being dead for 14 years
>B-buts he said fuck three times!
Fuck you guys

congratulations, all the games you grew up loving are now in the hands of hollywood kikes. enjoy your stay and enjoy your new industry.

>light skinned black girl with curly afro



>hear no evil see no evil speak no evil
>user is a little bitch or being ironic
Prequel boyo

To correct you, Sup Forums is now filed with redditor contrarians who clutch their pearls just because they think it's the opposite reaction others are having.
They see people embracing swearing - they refuse it.
I miss the emos they were fun


Why do lefties do this? They take a complex issue then compress it to something small and banal.

>What, you just hate black people saying swearwords?


God bless the French
>the jiggles

I don't care much about swearing, but they could not even make any of it feel natural and seemed to only know one current day swear and nothing else, and tried to fit it into every sentence.

It was just embarrassing to hear the dialogue.

>Sup Forums is less upset about this than the fact character has an afro
wewlad what happened

Why do US-Americans have such a problem with swearing? Do you not swear in your daily life? Isn't swearing during a gangster deal gone wrong something to expect?

I have yet to beat BG&E, I stopped playing it after an hour or two, so I don't really have any interest in part 2, but the length people go just to hate it is a bit silly.