>Xcom Clone
>Fun Looking Mechanics
What timeline is this where good games are hidden under a shitty package? It's like getting Xcom with Minions Wrapping Paper
>Xcom Clone
>Fun Looking Mechanics
What timeline is this where good games are hidden under a shitty package? It's like getting Xcom with Minions Wrapping Paper
The rabbids are the only interesting characters desu senpai
They're all equal at this point, user. At least the DK Rabbid made me chuckle sensibly
Imagine if this game wasn't leaked.
Just imagine if the e3 presentation was the first showing of this game.
Sup Forums would have fucking exploded.
>Mostly mute but they make strange noises
>Also likes hijinks and general japery
Paired with
>Mostly mute but they make strange noises
>No other identifying traits
Binyot, you're right. That's actually depressing
I thought it looked pretty good graphically and gameplay wise. Levels look vibrant and they nailed the plastic toy aesthetics if that's what they were going for. Gameplay is basically Xcom.
I thought the leak was fake so I was very surprised at the reveal
So long at some point I can just use solely Mario characters, I'll be fine.
I wonder if they'll take advantage with the Jumping mechanic and make Combos a core part of the gameplay.
I'm also hoping for Difficulty levels, the game would be shit if they made it a baby game
Probably can't. Word on the street is 1 rabbid is mandatory, alongside 1 mario
>Word on the street
the game looks like fun
honestly the only thing I'm confused about at this point is why we need to follow a floating roomba. why can't we just control everyone phantasy star-style?
>Difficulty levels
fucking this, I might actually consider buying if they have them
Can't wait brossss
>Perma Death Mode with Stupidly Smart AI
>a Mario and Rabbids crossover that plays like XCOM
I'm glad it isn't the party game I expected, but what the fuck were they smoking to come up with such an idea?
Anyway, aren't they a little too late to the "Rabbids everywhere" party? I'm surprised they didn't do something like that ten years ago.
Who the fuck went into the meeting room and proposed they combine Mario, rabbids and xcom and who the fuck agreed and invested in it? Easily the dumbest new game reveal.
Seen it posted multiple times on Sup Forums. I ain't diggin up a source for you though because I'm lazy as fuck.
Apparently miamoto likes rabbids a lot.
Anyone have the picture of human peach doing the selfie with her wearing a really right cut crop top?
The rabbids show is still going on.
>weapons for the first time
I guess hammers and hand powers don't count, ok
I dont know man but I think this may be a purchase for me, unless Xcom comes to the switch or somethin
so there is literally no source and you're just parroting shit you heard other idiots say
Don't rabbids predate minions? If anything minions ripped off rabbids' schtick
if this is the case, I'll go with the Yoshi Rabbid that barfs out a gatling gun.
>Nintendorks saying "why did they shoehorn in Rabbids!" when this is a Ubisoft game, so it's clearly the Rabbids' game and the Mario characters are shoehorned in
Retards. No-one on Sup Forumseddit actually cares about gameplay, anyway. Literally no-one here would be interested if Mario wasn't in it. It's pathetic, really, but Ubisoft knows how to hook some people.
Yeah they do, by a few years. Still basically the same thing, but slightly easier to look at
rabbids are minions done right
>Sup Forums is defending rabbids in the 2017
can we please nuke this board?
Have an Open Mind, user, the game looks fun
They aren't, fart-knocker. The only thing people are praising about this is the gameplay.
>Nobody likes X-com with jumping and pipes
You know X-com: Enemy Unknown is really popular right?
I'm a nintenfag and I fucking hate it.
>Rayman is a platformer
>Mario is a platformer
>Instead of making a homage with both protagonist sharing an adventure together on a 3D platformer they create a "not-conservative" Rabbid XCOM clone
Nintendo is never sharing its IPs ever again I guess
>Sup Forums defends censorship
>Sup Forums defends DLC
>Sup Forums defends paid online
>Sup Forums defends season passes
>Sup Forums defends Rabbids
Rabbits also guarantees it won't be the least bit difficult because they are targeted at very young children. Even more so than Nintendo already is.
Minions are better than Rabbids. Rabbids have has zero good games, Minions had one good movie.
>I want Boobs in my Horror Game
i'm honestly not going to be able to play this game because i can't tolerate the setting/aesthetic. i can see the appeal in xcom lite, but when it's swathed in the kind of shit you'd expect at a seven-year-old's birthday party, i take issue.
Yeah, and even so this game would have gotten zero positive attention on Sup Forumseddit if it didn't have Mario characters in it. The reason x-com even gets talked about is brand recognition, Sup Forums is just a brand worshiping cummies guzzling board, quite possibly the worst board on Sup Forums. It should be Sup Forums, brands and e-celebs desu
How popular is rayman nowadays anyway?
>In lore rabbids have destroyed:
>the Rayman Verse
>our universe
>they are taking over Mario verse
Are rabbids just E rated Eldrazi?
No, don't turn this shit into a fucking political discussion
Fuck you
I think this is a great idea and you can't really say X-Com style mechanics are overused on consoles, let alone Nintendo ones
Not sure about the story and humour though
Not popular enough sadly, but seeing what they did to BGaE2 I'm glad they ignore Rayman.
The first Rabbids game was good, at least for the humour, it was still fresh.
The original Rabbids-like were the monkey from Ape Escape, now those did it perfectly right.
What the fuck is the hate with the Rabbids? I don't see what's so bad about them? It's clean humor for kids
none of those are fine.
Sup Forums shouldn't defend stuff like paid online, DLC, censorship and season passes.
What about Rabbids Go Home?
>Rayman Raving Rabbids
>Rabbids Go Home
Personally I like to see Nintendo finally breaking out of that box they put themselves into when the Wii launched.
Why couldn't it have been the same game but with Rayman characters instead of Rabbids?
I don't even understand who their target audience is with this game. The children that Rabbids are aimed at won't grasp Xcom mechanics.
They replaced Rayman, a series with three excellent platformers, for about five or six years.
>that part where the bad rabbids are surrounding Peach
>Mario and the good rabbids go help her
>She goes all determined
>dramatic zoom in
>she uses the gun and kills the rabbids all by herself
Can't wait to play empowered Peach
>I don't even understand who their target audience is with this game. The children that Rabbids are aimed at won't grasp Xcom mechanics.
>implying this will be of any difficulty
90% per cent of the games will be piss easy, only side challenges will have some difficulty in them.
>one good movie
you need to be 18 to post here user
I just want:
Easy, Medium, Hard, Bullshit Hard difficulty
>AI Thats actually smart
>Permadeath Option
>Good Map Design
that's all I want desu
Do you reckon Shiggy really had Rabbids models on his desk and is a big Rabbidhead?
That still doesn't explain what makes the Rabbids intrinsically bad. And it's not Ubisoft fault that people prefer the Rabbids to Rayman, they just give people what they want they want.
I mean do we have numbers to compare the last Rayman games to the Rabbids games? I'm pretty sure most Rabbids games sold better.
Because Mario sells more than Rayman.
Silent Hill 3 is the best horror game my man
Its ok when nintendo does it
nice repost bro
>miyamoto said to ubisoft: make a unique mario game pls
>ok guys lets make a platformer
you dumb
Well I can't speak for everyone on the board but I'm always down for more X-com style games
I remember at one point an Easy Mode option was offered via a button press during a player's turn.
Nintendo tried their own XCOM game before though. Nobody bought it. It didn't have recognizable characters like Mario + Rabbids.
>Xcom clone
You lost me there. More like this is The Bureau except actually fun and designed right.
sorry to break it, but this isn't gonna be your le HARDCORE gaym
This is not Nintendo user, it is Ubisoft with Nintendo characters and Miyamoto's help.
If the game is good, the game is good. I don't like Rabbids either, but I'm not going to shit on the game just because of some silly crossover characters
All the good ideas in the world are basically come up with people on drugs.
Example: Silicon Valley.
>platformers can no longer be unique or special
you dumb
and hell, even if it wasn't a platformer, any other thing would be better than an XCOM clone in Mushroom Kingdom with Rock music
code name steam blew though even discounting the art style.
I wonder how pissed the guy who made the rabbids are. they are the exact fucking same as the minions but just didn't take off quite as well.
>all those genZ that literally believe xcom invented tactical rpg games
I'm speechless
It could be if it is like RPG Mario games.
Let me hope you fucking asshole
>Permadeath Option
As if that would ever happen.
Hopefully it has a hard setting that's actually somewhat challenging. That's my main wish.
You do know The Bureau was a Mass Effect shooter and not a tatics game right?
>Bwaaaahhh! I like everything about this game except these lousy characters!
It amuses me watching people screaming just about the same as the Rabbids themselves while letting all their hatred out at the same time.
Jesus, it's just a game, either buy it or don't. Are you seriously telling me you're gonna let fucking demented rabbits make up your decision on whether to get this?
It's like not buying a Pokemon game just because you hate a pokemon design.
Despicable Me 1 was good fgt.
Minions were the worst part easily, but the movie was still excellent for the other characters and the heart.
It is somewhat ruined by sequels though.
>implying Sandra Bullock has ever been part of anything mediocre or worse
Kill yourself, you 90s born Sup Forumsedditor.
not true at all, nintnedo can make new ips just fine
nobody bought that game because of the shitty ass artstyle
>At least 718 Pokemon to choose from
>at the very least 9 Characters, including rabbids version
I'm actually surprised because it seems like a lot of Sup Forums is willing to overlook the rabbids for a good game.
The Rabbids seemed a bit toned down compared to how they usually are, which I'm more than okay with. As long as they keep them around this level, I'll be fine with them in the game.
>people fucking walked out of its reveal and bitched that it wasn't a Majora's Mask remake
>it proceeded to bomb while Mario+Rabbids will no doubt sell to expectations
This kind of shit is exactly why Nintendo used to be so hesitant to try any new IPs and fall back on Mario so much.
Don't forget
>Mario and Co using Sci fi guns
Fucking why? Why not hammers and fireballs? Why is peach holding a cannon instead of her parasol, or throwing turnips? It just feels wrong. It's like they had to shoehorn in the "look she's not a damsel anymore she has a gun lol" thing. Actually it's exactly like that because it said so in the leaked presentation. But even so, why do the rest of them have guns? It's so stupid.
Anyone? I'm trying to find this for reasons
Platformer is one thing miyamoto told them not to make user.
Ehentai Link to doujin????
It was the first thing that popped in my head, I'm usually pretty terrible regarding comparisons, feel free to lash out at my stupidity. Still kinda silly letting shit change your opinion forcefully even if you slightly like [x] game.
looks shit and boring actually.
This is the best Nintendo exclusive since A link to the past
Switch game of the year
Yeah, people like to complain, but these Rabbids are fucking tame compared to what we had to deal with previously. Be glad they're not ripping their throats out at each other or having those messed up red eyes.
>implying rayman is mainstream enough to justify a crossover with mario