The Elder Scrolls 6 isn't in development


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Work on a new fucking engine first Todd you sick fuck.

Pre order now please citizen

They said the same thing about Fallout 4

What am i supposed to pre-order officer?
You didn't state any specific game.

Fuck Jewthesda and (((Zenimax)))

I always just assumed they shit the titles out in a year anyways.

>It's third on Bethesda's list of priorities.
Good. Hopefully getting a new fucking engine is number 1.

see that tree? you can climb it

Bethesda just can't make good games anymore. Their writing just bad.

We'll get Skyrim 2. I wish I was joking

this is it
i didn't think anything could have made bethesda's conference, which i actually had decent expectations for, sink any lower. but this was it. this is now officially the worst e3 conference ever. nothing was ever this bad before and nothing will be this bad again.
it hurts

Why should they make a new Elder Scrolls when they got an MMO to carry on the series??

This is like fucking Blizzard, why should they even consider making a trashy Warcraft title when they have WoW, and all they need to do is pump out content for that game years on end.

Also fuck TSE, it should die with Skyrim.

No.1 is maximizing the mod store income, 2nd is 4 more years of Skyrim sales

i just want a new es game with a new engine that falls back on its rpg roots. seriously.

>Why should they make a new Elder Scrolls when they got an MMO to carry on the series??

because no one plays it?

Weren't they making a whole new engine to begin with though. I thought that was the storey a bit back. The storey being that they had done almost nothing on a new ES except for starting work on a new engine geared towards it and other games such as continued Fallout ones.

Skyrim vr 2018 release, Skyrim vr special edition 2020
Screencap this and remember to hit that like and subscribe below, thanks for tuning in bros

We already knew this, Todd has said it like a thousand times that TESVI is still a long way off. The next thing is a new IP.

I was hoping that it would get shown at E3 but I guess it won't be shown till next year. Time to buy Skyrim again I guess, Fallout 4 doesn't quite scratch that Bethesda itch.


popular misconception.
its second most subscribed western MMO after WOW

has a stable healthy player base there making plenty of money on

there never will be ES6

they don't have an MMO and card game that would compete with a Fallout, though.

4 more years of Skyrim. Better buy it on VR or Switch so you got something to do

get out todd

You don't know shit man, it's literally one of the most popular MMOs out there. And for good reason, I played it for over a year and it was pretty good, and I hear that it's gotten even better.

Wish I could go back but I don't have time for MMOs

t. Zeni PR


Bethesda on the tracks to be worse than EA.

Who cares Elder Scrolls is a garbage franchise. TES6 will be even more casualized and streamlined than Skyrim was for that huge normalfag audience.

Todd doesn't work on ESO, he probably hates it as much as we do.

OH WELL. Guess CD Project Red will have to save us form the next Konami tier developer. Seriously their next game is supposed to be some sort of "AAA" fremium experience. HAHAH.

Bethesda is dead. Let them go and good riddance you paid mod fuckers. If they weren't holding Wolfenstien hostage I would have no reason to ever buy a game from them again. Also Prey, but it seems like that won't get a sequel so whatever. Also Dishonored seems to be ending with its next dlc so even that series is gone.

No reason except Wolfenstien.

I'm fucking done with beth and todd. Todd if you for some strange reason read this: fuck you. I literally hope you die, fucking traitor scum. I hope your son gets cancer for graduation present, and I hope your whore of a wife sends you a picture of her nigger lover while you sit by your son's deathbed.

i wonder who could be behind this post

How much further are they going to milk skyrim? Jesus christ

>second most subscribed western MMO after WOW
Wow, it's fucking nothing at all

>Doesn't use Todds beloved Creation (gamebryo) engine
>Todd hates it
Makes sense


Tried on the free week a while back and it's fucking garbage

I wish I was Todd to be honest

That's dark, nigga. Shill.

>the popular opinion is that this game isn't popular, but it's still popular!

MMO and MOBAfags should all fuck off and die.

Oh no, they're not workig on an another by the numbers dumbed down "RPG", what shall we ever do?

>retards thought they could stop paid mods
hahahhahaha fucking dumb fucks. suck it

Indeed, Fallout 4 writing is crap.

>zenimax puts all their resources into making ESO a thing
>entirely misses the point of why TES did good in the first place
>is going to keep doing this until ESO stops printing money
Does ESO get better, anyway? My friend bought it to play with them and then stopped playing, so I played a few hours of it and got bored out of my mind. I just want a decent single-player TES.

I really tought we had won. I know, I'm a idiot.

Bethesda is now worse than EA, Ubi. and Konami all together.


Then pay with your steam-wallet!!

lol damn

What would think of a Destruction Engine?
It add destructible environment and time abstracting event so your choices have an impact on space and time.
Btw "Destruction" is just ironic but I find it's a funny name and it add more fun perspective to future games, you know we won't disappoint.

They'll be releasing Skyrim for home holodecks a 100 years for now.

how could someone harbor so much hate for one man?

ESO is just a boring MMO like all MMOs are these days

>nothing will be this bad again.
Just you wait

How do people even like ESO?
Isn't the whole fun of the games figuring out what dumb shit bethesda left unbalanced and breaking the game with it without having to be a cheater who just consoles their way to victory?

Elder Scrolls is Bethesdas license to print money. The fact that they are not focusing on this but on shit no one cares about is retarded.

>second most subscribed western MMO after WOW
>stable healthy player base

Yea dude, whatever you say lel

This series is screwed.

We won't see a new elder scrolls until we have Skyrim running on every platform.

Well that, and exploring the game world, modding it to make it into a different porn/waifu game, and trying to immerse yourself in the lore/world.

None of those are things the MMO does well, from what I saw

>E3 2018
>but it's just one city
>bethesda ports Travels:Dawnstar to mobile, rebrands it as Skyrim:Dawnstar

most of ESO has never played a real fantasy MMORPG before. It's hard to fathom but it's the WoW of their generation

ESO does not get better. Infact, I'd argue it gets worse.

Like most MMOs, the first zone is basically the best to draw in players. Unlike most MMOs, it has no character progression. You level up and get new gear, but the entire game is scaled to you so you will never actually get stronger. It's so bad that even when you're max level with the best gear in the game, enemies in the first area will be just as tough to kill as they were when you first started the game.

They literally made a MMO that is pointless to play.

>its second most subscribed western MMO after WOW

Even if that was true wouldn't there be an extreme difference in the number of players? Not an MMOfag so I can't give valid credit

What list of priorities?

gamebryo can't hack it no more

Welp, at least Tamriel:Rebuilt is still going strong. Maybe they'll finish all of Tamriel in OpenMW before the inevitable heat death of the universe

I thought XIV was the WoW of this generation? It's almost an exact clone and filled with players who never played WoW before.

pls no

Why would they when they're still making money off of a game they released 6 years ago.

Not to Western fans, only weebs here play XIV. We're talking normies here


>nothing will be this bad again
Wait until next year when they announce Activision bought Bethesda and they'll be releasing Call of Scrolls, a linear open access zombie survival base building MOBA

Well, he at least got the stable part right

>everyone plays ESO through Steam


Todd literally said the tech wasn't there so they weren't doing anything more than preproduction.

B8 or are you actually so fucking stupid?

Why are Bethesda so desperate to try and legitimise themselves as anything but the Elder Scrolls developer (and not Fallout developer)?

This is literally the game that made them, it's their biggest most popular most successful franchise. Why do they keep trying to distance themselves from it and want to be known as a company that does other things?

I'd rather be great at one thing than shit at a lot of things. I guess Bethesda does not feel this way.

At this point does anyone even care about TES who isn't an underage or normie whose first TES game was Skyrim? Seriously the direction that Bethesda has been taking this series is depressing. FUCK YOU TODD

Go play FFXIV or Black Desert if you want a ded mmo

>please give me more unoptimized trash games, copy paste the lore, just more of the same killing draugr in caves please


>but the entire game is scaled to you so you will never actually get stronger.
t.stealth archer


It's called Elder Scrolls Online.

They're too busy reshilling Skyrim

Did you ever think the reason for this is because Bethesda is spreading themselves thin?

They got the team who is good at gameplay working on one game, the team who is good with graphics working on another and their best writers working on another game.
Rather than focus all of this talent on a single game and making something great, they've spread it across many games, resulting in a lot of games that are all kind of mediocre.

It certainly is retarded, but there are enough casuals out there that can't deal with gear treadmill and actively demand mmos that have no point

i'm 26 and my first (and favorite) tes game was oblivion
skyrim had major problems and it was pretty mediocre overall but i still want to play tes6

>Not even in development
>Will be 12 years minimum post Skyrim that we see another true Elder Scrolls game

Hopefully. I don't want it to come out till the next console gen.

They're too busy porting Skyrim to everything to care.

Normies don't play ESO either though

their writing has always been bad, user.

It's true, and actually one of the core features of the game.

It's similar to Oblivions level scaling and how eventually bandits were wearing Daedric armor. Except they didn't even give bandits Daedric armor, they just made their stats equal to yours.

oh no, where will I get my fill of games with shit stories where I can hoard every single item in the world and corrupt my saves

>"Fallout 4 is not in developement"
>cue the reveal
>"We have been working on Fallout 4 since the release of 3"

Bethesda are going to have a shit 2 years. No wonder they pushing paid mods.

>mfw playing with pugs
I wish normies didn't play this game because that would mean we'd get a semblance of balance in pve


the longer they delay starting production the more likley it will be on a better engine