You forgot BGAE2 and Knack 2

now would be a perfect time to release HL3

>they all look the same

So this is what they agree on at GDC's?

>they all look the same
And it's obviously forced and just out of a sudden. It's incredibly racist.

They don't do it because they respect and like blacks. They do it beacuse their PR tells them. Why their PR tells them? That's up to imagination.

E3 status

Das rite witeboi

time to fap

This, somebody update it.

>try to prove you're not racist by putting black womyn in your games
>all end up being lookalike ugly stereotypes
Maybe SJWs have a point when they say whites are inherently racist.

White people are the least racist group on this planet

you guys are starting to be as bad as the sjws at this point. there are plenty of games with white protags showned in this e3

>reddit filename
i know it because i posted it there

>you guys are starting to be as bad as the sjws at this point

nice meme

couldnt be the fact that "diversity" means pushing blacks only and people are getting sick and tired of it

oy vey, this is a good post right here, why dont the goyim understand us?

the jews are making me look at blacks ITS LIKE MY EYES ARE BEING KEKED

Maybe if your definition of "racist" is "hates other races and want to gas them" or some shit. White liberals tend to be racist as fuck in that they subconsciously believe that blacks are inferior to whites, and therefore deserve sympathy/gibsmedats and treat them like pets. That's why they don't give two shits about asians, who are minorities too, because they tend to actually not be worthless to society so you can't get brownie points for giving them affirmative action unlike niggers.


Name three.
HARD MODE: Not indies.


Is no one going to talk about how they look the exact, fucking, same?


And only Ubisoft had the common courtesy of actually making her good looking.

Fuck off with your bullshit.

White people across the spectrum are sharing all their innovations and even home countries with the rest of the world uplifting entire nations and all you faggot can do is bitch and moan

White people don't value brownie points. They value money.

Is that supposed to be Jade?

>Walking through a parking garage in a slutty dress
>Not getting raped

Why doesn't anybody like black chicks?


No different to giving your pet cat a scratching post. Did you even read what I fucking wrote? Racism is simply believing races are unequal. Trying to uplift nigger shitholes because you want to feel good about helping some inferior subhumans is racism.

BGAE2 is the last picture, you fucking illiterate.

Black feel

thats kind of what the image implies bud


Last one is CUTE

>let's make a black character
>give her a white woman's face
>flat nose
>an afro, because nothing says black woman better than an afro

i posted this in the last thread and didn't get a good answer

who the fuck cares what color or gender characters are?

are they good characters? are they interesting? are they well-written?

we've had pretty much entirely white dude protagonists for the past 20 years. some of them have been really good, some have been shit, some have been boring. it would've been the exact same thing if they were all black instead.



Go back to pol you fucking racist

Stop bitching you fucking nigger.

lmao @ your life

You've never noticed the BGBH in adverts for years now? BGBH (Black Girl; Big Hair) is what marketing professionals and casting agents use when they need a black girl in a commercial for diversity, but don't want her to be TOO black. She's urban enough to cater to blacks but still friendly enough to not scare whites. Go ahead, take a look next time you watch TV. Most black girls look like this shit you see on worldstar since most live in inner cities. But they are never casted, are they? It's too "threatening". So thusly, the BGBH was made to appeal to all while still being """"diverse"""".

>who the fuck cares what color or gender characters are?
People who dont play games care
and because they dont play games devs pander to them to get extra money
so they make a token minority character and they feel good about themselves because the y ticked the diversity box

So why isn't it brought up more often?
People just go full Sup Forumstard and start shitting up the threads instead of realizing that companies are so creatively bankrupt that their "strong black womyn" is one extremely common stereotype.

I don't why reddits there. Aren't they all liberal?

>trying to teach a dumb nigger the literal definition of a word is "bitching"
I guess I was being a bit racist myself.

The_Donald is the biggest non-default subreddit

So you notice how all those characters in that picture have different hair styles and don't look like the same person? Oh wait, you're point is they're all white, so that's bad for some reason. I forgot.

Its a cringe worthy stereotype from old sexploitation movies that effeminate beta men on the left side watch "ironically" and in secret jack off to it.

That whole chara design SCREAMS fetish.

Nothing wrong with injecting your fetish into a game, but be fucking honest about it and dont pretend to have the moral high ground here.

Because the games are being made by white males.
The only reason why these "diverse" characters are being added isn't because the developers want diversity, it's just to make more money by reaching a larger target audience.

but then why does it matter?

if you woke up tomorrow and every protagonist from every video game was suddenly black/spanish/asian/whatever except for white, why would it matter?

idk if youre just not reading the threads or what but thats all people have been talking about

Western games are the problem

>Racism is simply believing races are unequal.
In addition to treating them differently, which both sides do. The only difference is the intention behind the actions.

but i thought SJWs don't buy games

they buy them but they don't play them

Fuck me, I want a black gf

But a black gf doesn't want me

>but then why does it matter?
it doesnt for any normal person. it does matter for insecure people who seek validation
its the vocal majority speaking

because it's disingenuous and obvious what they are doing? because people are waking up to this PC multiculti forced diversity nonsense that has infested media? what do you mean "why would it matter"?

No really the problem is that racism is a bullshit buzzword made up concept by a communist to demonize people's affinity towards their own race/country/people to make the dream of a one world proletariat unity closer to reality.

Don't fall for the meme and believe racism is a bad thing, having affinity for your own people isn't wrong or bad, and not trusting people that look different from you is a natural, programmed into our brains reaction, and when these people from other ethnicity then go on to actually behave like concrete monkeys it just gives more ammo to the true thought that niggers are NOT like us.

>vocal majority

at least 90% after the_donald shut down

It just isn't attractive when black women have that kind of body, in my opinion. It's got something to do with the fat distribution, it just doesn't look as good as it does on a white woman.

Maybe I'm just a cis-male white scum, but black women like that aren't attractive to me

>racism is a bullshit buzzword
Last I checked the dictionary hasn't been rewritten by SJWs. Maybe you should read it some time.

>Don't fall for the meme and believe racism is a bad thing
See >Did you even read what I fucking wrote? Racism is simply believing races are unequal.

See if you were a nigger I would be racist for using my free time to try teach you stuff because I believe you're an inferior retard who deserves pity.