Is this good value for money?
>15.6 Inch Screen, 1920x1080
>i5 7200u Processor
>1TB HDD + 256GB SSD
>GeForce GTX 950M 4GB
Is this good value for money?
No. Go to Sup Forums's pc building general for questions like this.
That's not bad actually. Will probably overheat like a bitch but nothing unmanageable.
; >No
>Not bad
I'm in Yurop BTW
You could find it for less, but not a lot. And take this in consideration, CPU/GPU aren't upgradable, eventually 8GB RAM will be on the low side but that you can upgrade.
If you already have a keyboard, a decent monitor... Consider building a upgradable desktop for that kind of money.
For a laptop at that price it is good. For games I think that would run 2017 releases at about medium settings. You will get a lot of people memeing about custom desktops.
Try to get something with a 1060, at least, if you want to play vidya on it.
dont fall for the laptop gaming meme
Terrible deal. I have similar specs and a 960m in my work laptop for just under $500.
What if most intensive vidya I want to play is CS and sometimes planetary annihilation?
What is your work laptop then?
Was the cost subsidised by your company?
>950 M
> 9 5 0 --==[M]==--
It can run GTAV at medium settings tho
You're going to get a lot of fags here that will say "build PC, why would you want it portable?" If you go to Sup Forums they'll push the chinkpad meme. Take everything you read on this site with a grain of salt
BF4 ultra at 50fps.
Knock it down to high and it's steady 60
The only problem with that laptop would probably overheating.
You're forgetting that external gpus are a thing.
>For games I think that would run 2017 releases at about medium settings
No way, you can barely even do that with a desktop GTX 950.
>Take everything you read on this site with a grain of salt and then build a desktop
not at 1080p
Paid for myself. I use it for work, small business. I don't use it for games I have a desktop for that. It's solid for GIS work though in the field.
Dell had it for $490 a few months ago.
>nine fifty em
>BF4 ultra at 50fps.
>Knock it down to high and it's steady 60
i'll have some of what this nigga is smoking
unless he meant at 800x600 resolution
I was told this site was full of fat neckbeards and scrawny autists who knew about computers
What's this then?
But what is it? Give link? Name?
If you want a laptop, I'd say it's pretty decent.
You are ripping yourself off by getting a laptop though.
nein phiphty em
>m division
Meme all you want about
>Muh """"""M"""""""" xDDD!
Laptop gpus have gotten much better.
It can actually do it at 768p.
I got a 960m for around the price.
No. The card is fairly weak. Will most likely run at low settings for newer releases.
I would personally go for a desktop because of the better price to performance ratio but if you must get a laptop, I'm sure you can find better for the same price if you look.
You should be fine with the laptop in the OP, then. It's good enough to run gen 7 games on high settings, and cross gen games on med/low.
>gaymen laptop
Dell 15" 7000 inspiron. It's not on sale anymore, but I've seen similar ones pop up in the $500-600 range recently.
Dell had one for like $600 that had a 1050 in it a few weeks ago. Go search "gaming laptops" on slickdeals and look at what they've gone for in the past to see what you're money gets you.
Nvidia's 1000 series cards for laptops are only 5-10% slower than desktop versions.
That's low settings as normal is the lowest in gta v
Desktops should be big and powerful
Laptops should be small and portable with long battery lives
If you pay extra money for a less powerful, less portable computer that will cook itself to death in a year you deserve what you get.
Play games on your desktop. Or play games on your laptop like CSGO and DOTA that'll run on anything. Or play games on your desktop and use Steam offscreen play to stream them to your laptop.
it's alright and can play just about anything decently, but you can already find machines with desktop GTX 1050 and 1050ti on it for around the same price.
Because it's a laptop it's not so bad. If you had those specs for a tower PC it would be fucking awful though.
Leave me alone with the thinkpad meme, this isn't Sup Forums
nigga what
Sup Forums is not tech help, he should go to some other place entirely.
No user, it's trash.
Then get an XPS or even a fucking Macbook Air
Or do what you're going to do, ignore all the advice you're given, buy that overpriced plasticky piece of shit, burn it out in a year and then bitch that Sup Forums gave you bad advice and you were right all along
>high not ultra
>720p good for 2007
>regular drops to 35 fps
whoa so this is the power of M
90% chance he'll get memed on or REEEEEEEd on by Sup Forums.
I thought this was better value than XPS.
I'm never going to buy a macbook.
And I doubt I'll burn this out
lol these shitters are designed to be burnt out
>And I doubt I'll burn this out
Dedicated graphics on laptops are always housefires. It's simple physics, more confined space smaller heatsink.
Whatever runs an equivalent desktop card to 50 degrees will run a laptop to 90 degrees+
No fuck off it's garbage that belongs in the bin
You're welcome.
That's trash too
It's a meme because they're inexpensive durable laptops with good battery life and processing power and great keyboards.
Laptop manufacturers always neglect the keyboard.
apply thermal paste in case of that
Shut up Jerry
How long would you expect this to last then?
What if I
a) Only use it for programming
b) Only play games as bad as Counter Strike
Then you should get a business class laptop with integrated graphics that'll be cheaper, run cooler, have a more durable body and a much longer battery life
Acer laptops have notoriously poor build quality all around
Give me examples?
I'm retarded enough to post here so hold my hand
Dell Latitude
Dell XPS
HP Probook
HP Elitebook
Lenovo ThinkPad X or T series but no other Lenovo whatsoever
A craptop? no you are better off making a desktop. If it's games you care about anyways.
Also if you don't own a desktop at all you can get a retired Optiplex or Thinkcentre with an i5 Sandy Bridge under the hood and drop a GeForce 1050ti in it for under $250 total and it will murder 99% of all laptops in the world
A lot of these have several different makes, the most recent of which seems to cost as much as laptop in OP.
Which series?
Dude only reason I'm getting a laptop is I need portability
For the price it isn't bad for a laptop, only get a laptop if absolutely mandatory
Don't expect to play AAA games on it though
Get a desktop and then some cheap chrombook or something. Gaymen lapturds are a meme in every possible sense.
why buy a laptop with a mobile gpu in it if you are just gonna use it for work. a fucking 300 dollar integrated is all you need for work. Why pay the extra dough? Unless you do some really high intesive stuff like animation but why the fuck are you getting a intel for that and a 950m aint gonna hold up to the task anyways.
I already have a desktop
Also fuck chromebooks I want to be able to use my computer without being online.
You read the GIS part, but still posted this. Not sure what he's using, but some GIS software is designed to use Nvidia hardware even.
Don't waste your money on an expensive laptop, it's going to be way inferior to an actual gaming desktop. You can get a nice desktop gaming solution for like $600, and there are a number of laptops you can get for a couple hundred bucks that will do just fine for emails and web browsing.
My friends play CS and are too poor to get a LAN setup, so when I come over I wanna be able to play CS on a laptop.
Also I do programming and shit so I need disk space
it's not intensive though. You can still run it on low budget laptops. But you know if he wants to be the big dick normie in front of his co workers with a fancy craptop at work, whatever floats his boat.
You can buy a Sager NP7850/Clevo N850HP6 for $999 and it has a GTX 1060 and i7.
Alright be a dumb sack of shit then, what the fuck do I care. Spend way more than necessary to get a laptop that will perform much worse than an actual computer with a shitty small monitor so you can play CS of all things on it.
high in price
you're pretty much paying for the processor since it's current gen
get a 6k series i5 and a 1050m or something similar
also there's this
get something with a 1050ti, nothing less or better kys