The future of gaming looks bright.
The future of gaming looks bright
They can't even see their own blatant stereotyping, it's great
second post best post
>le afro meme
Name all the black characters this E3 with afros.
Nintendo always starts new trends.
>black girls with afros
Jokes on you, developers, that's what I regularly masturbate to.
laquisha latoya jayquanda motisha geegee-fodisha muffuggenbixnood
Just imagine how the developers felt when they watched E3 and realized they all did the same shit.
>"We did it! Today, proud to call myself a gamer."
>Wipes tear.
Patrician taste
Same. Future's so bright I gotta wear shades.
>Be Black girl
>Always want weaved hair
>Finally in video game chance got that dreamed weaved hair
>Get afro
This is why i hate the video games.
you mean dark
I'm firmly convinced that the "sassy 70s blaxploitation sheboon with a big ass afro, and gaudy ass hoopy earrings" was some kind of template character used as an example of a "good character design" during one of the seminars during GDC, or something along those lines. There's no way that many unrelated development teams came up with a near identical character design at the exact same time like that. I refuse to believe that it was a coincidence. There's no fucking way.
finally a game designed for all 3 black women that play video games
That's not an afro.
>I'm firmly convinced that the "sassy 70s blaxploitation sheboon with a big ass afro, and gaudy ass hoopy earrings" was some kind of template character used as an example of a "good character design" during one of the seminars during GDC, or something along those lines. There's no way that many unrelated development teams came up with a near identical character design at the exact same time like that. I refuse to believe that it was a coincidence. There's no fucking way.
It's such a gaudy concept from 70s sexploitation movies that were called "racist" and "sexist" back in the day.
Close enough
I for one welcome the return
It's fucking hilarious, they reduced """inclusivity""" to fucking 70's blaxploitation.
>YFW that dumb bitch at the end of the BG&E2 trailer was so smug, completely unaware of how racist that shit was.
So can we take a moment to talk about the fact that because you guys are regurgitating the same posts over and over again complaining in your Sup Forums echochamber you've been causing so much of a stink that other websites are now writing articles about how triggered you are over blackskin. Thus giving sjw more credence and sympathy in the public eye and giving them a better hold on the industry. As reflected in recent years.
I mean its getting to the point that Im convinced some of you might be sleeper agents or just underaged at this point. Youre doing exactly what companies and sjw want.
Name all the characters with afros and hoop earrings to come out recently.
>jessica negro
I just find it hard to believe that soft pornographic action movies from the 70s are now paraded around as a beacon of progessivenes.
I mean its cool to have a fetish, but what irks me wrong is the whole holier than thou attitude that goes with it.
The jews who made the sexploitation movies in the 70s never pretended to make anything other than filth.
Now noddle armed beta men pretend they're making some grand statement about progressive women roles when they are just repeating some low brow sex movie shit from 50 years ago.
This shit was intended to make people jack off and not enlighten them and it never had any pretenses to be something else.
So what? Its not goin to make people buy their shit
>Try to fight muscular white men with a stubble
>Proceeds to make only afro haired sassy black women
I love how "diversity" is never a pale asian guy with glasses or a latino mother in her 40's, it's always either blatantly gay white people, tough as nails black dude or OP's pic related.
>Youre doing exactly what companies and sjw want.
promoting degeneracy and actually buying the games?
>speaking out against these things only makes them stronger!
nah, nice try shekelberg
Do I care to remember the names of them?
You mean those 3 games out of 100+ ?
They might be intentionally posting this stuff as a way to give their social causes an adversary.
I got that reference.
you mean brown
But she's not bald though.
>feminists complain that their agenda isn't represented in video games
>Sup Forums posters complain too many protagonists at e3 were black women with afros
go make your own games then :^)
wonder what Sup Forums mental gymnastics will be used to work around this
>the future of gaming looks dark
Why does the color of their skin matter?
Thank you for the nice picture. As it perfectly illustrates my point. 2. There's only 2 characters with afros and hoops. And this is what you guys are complaining about?
That's a man, baby.
it's 70s blacksploitation all over again
how long until we have a new black dynomite game
Not saying this trend isn't silly, but have you actually seen Coffy? I don't see how you can say it's racist.
Honestly, I could give a tapdancing fuck less how we're perceived by the mainstream. Minds were made up long ago anyway. Should we not point out how stupid it is that the videogame industry's answer to the call for "diversity" is to create multiple clones of the exact same character across multiple games, or will that make CNN call us Nazi frogs again?
>game has white protagonist or black villain
>sjws complain
>game has black protagonist or white villain
>reverse sjws complain
fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfcukfcjfufqw fqwg gr avbeiehlqerhiwweg qew geqr gqweg eqrwgwgqeg eqrgwgeqrgeqgqehbqegrqegewq
love the part where you rewrite history to fit your narrative
There's 3 in that image, Ray.
This is frustrating. I have some good black hair material. But I can't upload for some reason. I think I'm getting my speeds throttled.
What game is it? I don't watch E3 because shit is usually the words that echo from it.
yas kweeeeen
What is that, a 50 cal musket?
That's a big gun.
If I pulled that trigger, would you die?
This doesn't strike you as odd? Like at all?
Cool! I'm one of those too! I'm glad we have something in common.
Im not saying coffy is racist, I'm saying it was called racist back then.
Blaxploitation comes from the fact that the it was deemed an exploitation movie for blacks.
It was NOT a positive term, that was coined later by ironic gen x hipsters.
Back then it was considered another form of jim crow blackface that shows blacks as oversexualized savage murdering stereotypes
Wham bam here comes diversity..
>Sup Forums tells SJWs to make their own games
>they do
>SJWs kill the game industry
Like clockwork
mulattos > nigresses
That's my fetish.
Too bad the one in wolfenstein is ugly because of their junkie eyes.
Generic black women
Nope. The girl on the top right has slightly relaxed hair. Like pic related. It's floppy. Not an afro.
>I spend all day crying about Sup Forums instead of playing video games and I am up to date on all Sup Forums happenings
Interesting, thank you for sharing.
I am going to brave twitter, see what niggers are actually saying about this. Will return with results
godspeed user.
You will regret this
Looks pretty dark, to me.
Western fags are can't even make and design actually good looking black women for some odd reason. Modern game designers and artist are a fucking joke.
why do you people keep using Mafia 3?
>doesn't know left from right
This is a black thing isn't it?
No. The Mafia 3 girl is from last year. Also, the setting of the game is a time where afros were trendy.
A Way Out is either set in the 70s, or borrows that aesthetic. I can't tell. But if either one of those things are true, then it makes sense she's wearing an afro.
The Wolfenstein girl is likely based off of some real life women. I forget her name, but someone else pointed it out in a previous thread.
And the girl on the right doesn't have an afro or hoops.
So again: 2 girls this E3 have afros and hoops.
There's clearly a black girl trend going on. But I don't understand the complaints people have about it. They're not the same, unless you're blind.
Because they don't have enough images otherwise so they use a game that was released months ago.
No, because three of those games TAKE PLACE IN THE FUCKING 70'S!
what do you call a reverse coalburner?
>go make your own games then :^)
Or, you know, just don't buy these games. We'll probably get a couple of years of this, these games will tank, and then the industry will right itself. For a recent example, see Marvel Comics. The free market rules all.
Honestly, I'll take it over that faggy side-cut every character was rocking for a while there.
I cannot wait for the Chinese to become players in the video game industry and completely destroy all of this diversity crap.
What do you mean "you people"?
I want a tiddy monster black female with natural hair villian who will step on me.
now thats a great question, why does it matter enough to make it the closing point of your entire conference?
>All these black women
>But not the one that actually mattered
>tfw you will never colonize a black qt grill
you're not black if you haven't got an afro
I mean its your perogative, Im old enough to accept this industry has gone to shit for multiple reasons. But instead of talking about those reasons we get five threads where people are triggered over nothing because it doesnt fit the political narrative they have in their mind.
Speaking out against something is one thing but the way you do it is another. Let me lay this out for you in terms of reality.
>industy of middle aged white guys protags made to appeal to the majority
>e3 comes out and three of these females are set around the 70s area where this hairstyle was popular.
>most of them arent even the main character at all, just side characters
>the games arent even out yet so theres hardly much to off of what sort of character they are.
>oh but this is TERRIBLE! Lets have kneejerk rtions and give more attention to politics so we can not talk about companies making more shallow overpriced games.
>if you dont want to discuss this specific thing we want to circle jerk about youre obviously on the other side!
Its just sad at this point, incoming messages about being a cuck etc.
not if they hire 3D modelers/concept artists/whatever straight out of liberal colleges with no experience and a brain full of hate for attractive women.
I'd bet that if some japanese developer made an actually attractive black woman with a giant afro for their game she'd be enormously popular here
But BGE2's was fine, though the exception.
Give me one example of this.
>they have so little awareness of the world around them that their obsession with looking progressive led them to make blaxploitation games
IRL no black woman looks like that
t. inner-city dweller
I want to bury my dick in there and never leave