Sony should just leave the industry at this point

Sony should just leave the industry at this point.

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Go cry about Ape Escape somewhere else

I feel absolutely gutted, how could Sony do this to us? Remember me? I was claiming that PC + PS4 is the true master race combo, but this E3 proved me wrong. I feel really bad, I feel like I wasted a lot of money on my PS4 Pro. What a disaster. They said nothing about Death Stranding and Deep Down. Bloodborne 2 didn't get announced, Studio Japan was working on a fucking Shadow of the Colossus remaster/remake that people already played on PS2 and PS3, so they couldn't have been working on Bloodborne 2 which means that Bloodborne 2 is not happening. Days Gone turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit with horrible enemy AI. Spider-Man turned out to be an interactive movie dogshit infested with quick time events and no real physics/momentum based webslinging. God of War looked decent, but isn't coming until 2018. This E3 was an absolute disaster for Sony and PS4! Metro Exodus, Code Vein and Monster Hunter World will all be available on the PC. What is the point of owning a PS4 then? Here is the updated list of good games:

PC exclusives:
- Quake Champions
- Mount & Blade 2: Bannerlord
- Mordhau
- Star Citizen
- Camelot Unchained
- Ashes of Creation
- Wild West Online
- Project Wight
- La-Mulana 2
- Ghost Song

Multi-platform games definitive version on the PC:
- Cyberpunk 2077
- Armored Core 6
- Ace Combat 7
- Code Vein
- Monster Hunter World
- Metro Exodus
- LawBreakers
- GreedFall
- Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night
- Blasphemous

PS4 exclusives:
- Death Stranding (when?)
- Deep Down (when?)
- God of War

Multi-platform games not on PC, but on the PS4:
- Red Dead Redemption 2 (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)
- Final Fantasy 7 Remake (better on Xbox One X, might come to PC)

What should I do? Is there any hope for Sony? Will From Software save PlayStation with a Sony exclusive again?

Sure, they aren't competing because Xbox is so far behind Sony this gen they're effectively irrelevant


I'm not sure if you're pasta but good guy Microsoft just ensured that the PC + PS4 is the best combo to go with if you already have a gaming PC or a XboneX + PS4 if you don't already have a gaming PC and don't intend to get one. With a PC + PS4 combo you get access to almost the entire Xbone library, the entire PS4 library and everything that can be played and emulated on PC. There's no better time than now to be a PC + PS4 idort.

>Deep Down
That's still not out? Wasn't this announced back in 2013?

At this point if your going to buy an x box one x or a ps4 pro and you do t have a gaming pc, you are autistic.

Imagine thinking this is funny enough to spend half a day spamming it in every second E3 thread.

you can also do an xbox one + ps4 + switch combo. the xbox one already has emulators such as psx emu and n64 emu and is getting a dreamcast emu soon. that's the good thing about having universal apps. devs can make an emu on the pc and hide it within a uwp app and it'll be put on the xbox.

last I heard of it it was cancelled. Will probably turn of as a Duke Nukem Forever/Aliens Colonial Marines shitfest in a few years

This is fucking stupid. At this point 4K is a meme, as are the high-end versions of current consoles. Only thing Pro and X mean is that devs have two more systems to optimize their shit on, so because games are still being made for older hardware, you will not see X's SUPER SPECS ever be fully utilized. The vanilla versions of systems are going to be a bottleneck, next time we will see actual improvement when it comes to graphics is when the next generation rolls around.

Sony lost all their weeb games though

It is funny

I think the true autistic people are the ones that do console wars. If you are not an idort, you're a newfag to Sup Forums.

>emulators such as psx emu and n64 emu and is getting a dreamcast emu soon. that's the good thing about having universal apps.
Holy shit, you're kidding me. Xbone can emulate PSX and N64 games? This is news to me. Also, I'm actually considering getting a Switch to also complement my PC + PS4 combo right now but it'll probably be awhile till I do that since its library is still too small for me. It'll be my first Nintendo console since the SNES.

Thread theme?
Thread theme.

What are you talking about fellow Sonybro? I am so hurt right now, I am emotionally unstable, I feel betrayed by Sony. I spend so many months working an saving up money to buy the PS4 Pro, to be part of the PlayStationNation, but now this happens?

The mere thougth of having Nintendo have more good exclusive games than Sony later tonight makes me dizzy, I want to throw up, if From Software has a Switch exclusive and not Sony.... no no no!!!! What if SMT HD project is Switch exclusive and won't come to PS4 Pro?? What if they get a Metroid game.... NO!!! Please help me bro, please tell me Sony has a hidden trump card....

yeah the devs are being a bit jewish about it though by charging people, but there are many other emu's coming to the xbone which are still in progress and should arrive soon, for free, including a psp emu.

dreamcast emu:

the xbox one, despite being shit for most of this gen, still has the potential to be a gem of a console if we get full 360, og xbox, n64, psx and DC emulation. literally all of that for like $150 on a used xbox.

I wouldnt consider the PS4 a competitor in general if I was Microsoft. At this point the PS4 is way out of their league.
They should consider the Switch though.

I've actually never heard the full song till this.

Sony did amazing releasing the ps4 at launch cheaper and more powerful than the x1. It killed microsoft and microsoft is playing catchup now sony is skating with a cheap powerful console with an upgrade that will more than likely be $350 when the x1x is released. At that time I'll finally buy a Pro and enjoy my exclusives while you $499999999 x1x cucks enjoy your rare pirates cosplay.

Thanks for sharing user. I mean, I doubt that I'll be getting an Xbone or X at all but it's at least something to consider. I already emulate on my PC but the 360 and OG Xbox emulation in addition to all of that on one platform is pretty sweet.

Pretty sure Sony doesn't consider Xbox in general as a competitor anymore


Man I sure cant wait to give him 500 bucks for a console remake that has zero exclusives

>the entire PS4 library


>uncharted 4
shit taste

Tfw PS4 pro will be a bigger sucess than both the Switch and Xbone X
Sony always win

Wouldn't you get the entire PS4 library if you buy a PS4? I thought that's the point.


Pretty sure people who actually played it disagree, but ok Sonybro.

But all the games are still designed with the original xbox one in mind, so they'll always be minor upgrades and resolution increases. Both Pro and X will do 4k and both will probably have identical looking multiplatforms. The minor power difference will make no functional difference.

Mid-lifespan console upgrades were a mistake. Hell, I'd even call this a late lifespan upgrade, because there is no way we're not getting the next consoles in a few years.

>nintendokids want the weeb rpg just so they can censor it
>dudebraws want the cinematic 3rd person shooter to advertise their doritos with
>pcbros want not dark soul just so they can hack god mode and invade others for the bin meems

It's perfect.
It's perfect.

>xbox one x is not a new console
>no exclusive
>literally only 4k in 30fps same as Pro but double the price

nice Xbots

> psx and N64

What? You mean shit like the rare-replay? Xbone hasn't been cracked or homebrewed at all, so do you have a link to a commercial psx or n64 emulator that you can straight up download from the marketplace?

How do you get roms? From a digital store?

I found it weird and a little annoying how Microsoft conference was about selling this new powerful console, and then they proceeded to show games with terrible graphics. That fucking zombie game looked like PS2, and then it was stylized games, and shit that looks dated before it's even out.

>not a competitor
>still runs games at the same framerate

The stylized look is the only way to get this shit to run at 4k.

>same as Pro
But it is 1440p machine.

>But it is 1440p machine.


>xbots 4k games did not look better than Horizon.

Sony is in the medieval ages, Microsoft in the renaissance - they finally realized PC gaming and console gaming are nearly completely independent markets and by catering to both they can make more people happy and make more money in the process.

>same fps
>different resiolution
Same as 720p vs 1080p difference.

see the links you can use the emu's that are hidden within uwp apps in the xbox store or you can sideload them in developer mode on the xbox. you can download the roms straight from the browser of the xbox to your external hdd

>that's supposed to be 4k
What the fuck? That's blurry as fuck.

Why? Next year they'll tease new hardware, and in 2019 they'll unveil either another PS4 upgrade or new hardware all together, and that will be their answer to the Xbone X. Expect 8tflops at least.


Yes, Sony should leave the industry. Less competition is the best

It's a .jpg screenshot of a YouTube video. What the fuck do you expect it to look like?

People should stop taking screenshots off of youtube to be their wallpaper though.

Compressed youtube vids is the only time they can experience 4k

Makes sense.

I believe microsoft is fucking ludicrous by creating the XboneX - who do they believe they're going to entice with such a system? At the price it's at it might be a bit cheaper than a high end PC, but if people have to make a choice between buying it and a PC they'd choose PC every time.

Xbone doesn't have anything going for it, as all its exclusives are shared with the pc, and if you're going to dish out money for another console you'll choose Nintendo or Microsoft, not them.



are people this detached from reality? do you have no normal friends who game? pc isn't an option for 99.9% of consolefags. i know people who bought the pro despite pc's being cheaper and better just because they want nothing to do with pc because muh console is easier to use

Here is a list of literally every Xbox One exclusive

Sony, whoops.

It has nothing to do with being detached. People will continue to buy the Xbone because you can still play those games on it. The graphics whores are generally PC players, and the price is too high this late in the cycle.

Xbone is literally the only console I have ever owned (yes, this includes the Wii, Wii U and Vita) that I wish I didn't own and sincerely regret having in my possession, it's utterly worthless. It has ZERO exclusives from now on, and that means it has no reason to exist.

i'm a gross furry JRPG/fighting game sperg and even the most normal of my friends own PC's that can game. I'm sorry your life is full of nothing but shit people. But that may say more about you than about them.

>2014 console has so few exclusives

Do we already know how many of the Xbox One X games are indeed exclusives - and by that I mean no Windows 10, Steam or Ps4?

20 games you'll never see on a PS4
20 more games that will look better on an xbox because porting PC assets to an xbox is easier than making them on PS4
now you'll say you don't care about PS4 that you're PC.
and i say do you have W10
and you say no.

the only reason it runs 30fps on the xbox one x is because it completely destroys sony's marketing deal and content exclusives if there is a definitive console version and it isn't theirs.

When they announced the game as 30fps for ps4pro they explained themselves and the reasons why.

for xbox one x they threw it the last 10 seconds of a 5 minute interview with no explanation whatsoever.

you can't even blame it on the fact that the base xbox can't run it at 60 because they've made it clear that if the pro were capable of doing 60 then that gap would've probably existed between the consoles.