Anyone else think they're outgrowing Sup Forums?

Anyone else think they're outgrowing Sup Forums?

>Watching Playstation E3
>See quite a few good looking games I like the look of for various reasons, GOW now with a much better narrative, Detroit with choices mattering,Glorious SOTC returns and Spiderman with amazing expansive looking open world that out paces even Spiderman 2
>Go on Sup Forums
>See the same old predictable boring shitty memes and infantile opinions as always
>Alrighty then
>Not even trying anymore

You know I'm right about how shitty this board has, just watch as I get accused now of coming from Reddit,Neogaf,Tumbrl, of being a SJW, Dudebro, etc because they can't make a reasonable argument or disagree like an adult.

Sup Forums is dead

Then fuck off and stop making shitty threads retard

Get out if you can
I quit this place in 2009

E3 is like peak newfig time, so reddit is here

You're right

Sup Forums is more interesting in the politics surrounding video games than actual video games itself.

Absolutely, I haven't been here since 2014 and decided to check in again for this years e3 but I won't stay after it's over.


It's better presented, sure, but there is absolutely zero reason to believe the narrative won't be just as dumb as always.
It's a David Cage game. Your choices won't matter just like they never do in all his other games in which promise they will.
>Glorious SOTC returns
It's the second fucking HD remake of a game everyone's already played. It's not returning at all.
Legitimately half the content they showed was QTE cutscenes. That is not an exaggeration.
There was an entire fifteen seconds of web swinging. You cannot go from that to claim it's "the most expansive open world"

You haven't outgrown Sup Forums, you've lost your ability to critically think, which explains why you can only see the memes and think Sup Forums is just mindlessly shitting on things instead of seeing why we laugh.

Considering Sup Forums is absolute trash these days, the fact that you couldn't manage to make a single valid point on why Sup Forums is shit is just embarrassing.

>summer conferences
>during the mist of political turmoil in the west

just leave until TGS

or you can not take it serious and join in the fun posting

Why Mike is blacked?

only furries can save us now

most furry games are almost entirely devoid of SJW shit, it's the only sacred genre anymore

Been browsing for damn near 9 years and its just something you get used to. Sup Forums is always like this, especially during E3 time. Just ignore it and respond to the people who actually have a brain.

That said "God of my wife's son" was pretty funny, even though I don't understand what is referencing.

Your second to last paragraph just show how delusional you are in your echo chamber. Think critically? Please.

This desu

Why not?

If you unironically think any of those games looks impressive you should probably kill yourself

I'm honestly mindblowed by the Idea that people STILL buy David Cage games

>>See the same old predictable boring shitty memes and infantile opinions as always

>still uses the words like 'cringe' and 'alrighty' unironically
You've still got a lot of growing up to do

user if you genuinely think that THIS David Cage game will make your choices matter purely because they said it would just like every other game then you do not have functioning critical thinking skills.

You are mindlessly accepting what you're told without question.

I only come here when E3 or such is around for the shit post from manchildren

I thoght Jay Susan in to that sort of thing.

When there are elections people go to Sup Forums to shit on their life.
When Sup Forums has anything that looks like politics (if you really squint your eyes).
Then Sup Forums shows up to discuss how the holocaust never happened.
When this blows over we will be back to the regular amount of newfag crossboarders.

I thankfully outgrown the whole Playstation branding.

>we were suposed to win : the post

I agree with you for the most part but that Sony conference WAS shit, no hiding that.

I'm probably older than you and even I thought that conference was a piece of shit.

David Cage games are great because I have an adumplaze to look forward to

>caring more about """narrative""" than gameplay
>excited for fucking David Cage

You won't be missed

Yes lets get back to all those "quality" threads with shitty memes and predictable responses, where everyone is bashing each other's opinions for the sole purpose of turning every discussion about a game into console wars. Cant wait to get back into those "quality" threads filled with "quality" posts like the one you just made


Trades its ultraviolent dmc-lite combat for a less visceral one, while neutering Kratos of his singular most defining characteristic. Just call it by another name because GoW it isn't
Its fucking David Cage. How many bad games do you need
Can't complain really
Dont care for Marvel's Arkham city with way more QTEs

heres a good idea faggot: go back

yeah it's reddit shitting the place up, none of this happens normally

it's reddit who hates blacks and bah man

i hate to break the news, but it is not the board. Sony brief was garbage, big time.

So just leave, faggot.

>just watch as I get accused now of coming from Reddit,Neogaf,Tumbrl, of being a SJW, Dudebro, etc because they can't make a reasonable argument or disagree like an adult.

Don't Sup Forumsniggers know how to argue in any way that doesn't involve empty platitudes, labels, and buzzwords?

You dick headbobbing faggots argue worse than teenagers in a habbo forum.

>You're stupid
>You're double stupid!
>You're triple triple stupid and like cowpies!
>You are cowpie!!
>You must be Republican!
>You are Liberal!

Fuck this shit board people are hyped for UBISOFT GAMES.


>GOW now with a much better narrative
Who gives a shit about that in GoW game? Whole thing is a juvenile fantasy, with player ripping all the different gods apart. And action in new game looks rubbish.
>Detroit with choices mattering
Did you forget all the other David Cage game reveals and hype?
>Glorious SOTC returns
How many times are you gonna play this game?
>Spiderman with amazing expansive looking open world
Are you actually a marketer?

>thinks he's out growing
>post blacked meme with rlm faggot
No you're just as bad as everyone else here, possibly worse.

Try to leave. Go on. I dare you.

I'm 28, I've been coming here since I was in fucking high school. I should have packed up a long time ago.

> rlm faggot
You faggot!

>You haven't outgrown Sup Forums, you've lost your ability to critically think, which explains why you can only see the memes and think Sup Forums is just mindlessly shitting on things instead of seeing why we laugh.

Hahaha holy shit you're pathetic. This place is shit and youre a delusional faggot
>muh special club highly intelligent vietnamese knitting forum for superior videogame critics such as myself


>choices mattering

You've never played a David Cage game have you?

I've been on Sup Forums since 2008

There's a moment of realization somewhere (mine was in 2016) when you become aware that 99% of the people you were keking with over the years have grown up and now have careers and families and that you are now browsing this site with a completely different set of people.

Those awesome nights I had on Sup Forums in 2010 and 2011? Late night banter? All of those dudes are now married with kids. Those Sup Forums guys I baneposted with? Married with kids. Those /r9k/ bros I made in 2014? Married with kids. None of them remember me, none of them remember the fun times they had that one night on Sup Forums.

But I remember. I'm still here. And now I'm browsing with people 10 years younger than me who think fidget spinners and H3H3 are the height of comedy.

I honestly want to die some nights.

Why did everyone else succeed in life except me?

The joke is I couldn't quit, genius

>tfw want to leave here but don't want to go to the condescending faggots over on Reddit

Also Reddit is shit

Jesus christ you're still posting here with your tripcode. Every other tripfag has decided to stop being a faggot, you need to get a life buddy.

Nah, everyone here is a dipshit.
You're just even dumber.
It's a special kind of retarded.

Dude, remember it's Summer

>considers himself a movie critic
>likes and recommends Jurassic Word
He's a faggot

>this was supposed to be our board...

h3h3 was fun. Now it is just boring.

Yeah as soon as summer is over, these alt-right losers will leave and we will finally have our board of diversity and acceptance back, right?

I definitely have one.
Posting here doesn't mean one doesn't have a life.

Plus, you're still here too.

Thanks to Sup Forums I can't enjoy anything anymore without worrying about how SJW/PC/alt-right pandering it is.
What happened? I used to not give a shit if there were any black people or women or black women in videogames.

You're pretty delusional if you think eveyone on Sup Forums grew up and had kids besides you

Yep, only on set of mind is valid to you, does it?

Nah I left for Sup Forums long ago, just came here for E3 to watch you faggots argue about who enjoys the new black protagonists the most.

Oh God it's a David Cage game?

it's called being aware of propaganda

>What happened?
You became too easily influenced.

>This person presented one opinion I disagree with?
>Everything they say is now invalid
Kill yourself

Come home white man

>outgrowing Sup Forums

>still believe choices will matter in detroit game
>not recognizing spiderman for the bamham qte fest it is

Yeah nah, you're just a lemming.

Just gotta get this opinion in here, but I am really exhausted with how racist Sup Forums has become. Like yeah haha we say nigger and it's super edgy, but it's like if you say something as innocuous as "hey what if Jewish people were human" gets people pants riled up, you know there's a problem.

I'm tempted to find someplace besides Sup Forums, but I really like the imageboard format, I've been here since 2007 but this place has changed

I don't mind pol stuff, but the underage who pretend everything that came out before they were born is garbage really trigger me. I mean there's just no way you were alive when SotC came out if you think it's horrible. Same thing with HL2. I understand why the underage don't like it. But there's no way you didn't enjoy it if you were alive when it came out.

this guy pretty much has it right. If you really think E3 was good at all this year, you are probably underage.

>what if Jewish people were human

>"hey what if Jewish people were human"
How is that innocuous and not extremely antisemitic, you braindead moron? Sup Forums is the perfect place for you, we have many SJWs now whereas two years ago we had zero.

Yep. Personally I'm looking forward to it just to see Pic related play the latest entry in the sadness series.

You're not the only one, lad.
>have gf
>have house
>have career
I just want to give it all up. I want to go back to being a basement shut-in watching anime and playing video games, but I'm not allowed to. This fucking sucks. I get super autistic about my alone time just so I can shitpost on my days off and watch shitty old youtube content of let's plays i've watching at least three times. Fuck it mang, what am i doin

>still believe choices will matter in detroit game
Well they did matter in Heavy Rain. You could kill every character. You'd still get to an ending, but choices did matter. Arguably one of the few games where they really did

>choices mattering
How fucking stupid/obvious you need to get?

Posts like these would be funny a few years ago, but it's so prevalent it's stopped seeming like "look how edgy and anti-PC we are" and more like "we're legits racists and disgusting human beings", which is a lot harder to stomach

The thing is, everywhere else is worse and even more liberal.

Nice blog faggot.
Go back to NeoTumlrGaf you SJW dudebro.

>I used to not get triggered but now I am
So sad, very bad

You are partly right. But all that shit was stuff we already knew about save SOTC but I've beaten that game like 3 times it's hard to get excited about this e3

You also have to remember that this place is still mostly PC and Nintendo centric so the majority shits on Sony exclusives regardless of how they look. I mean shit...their are people on this board that won't admit that bloodborne is objectively GOOD

would you like me to make that background transparent?

At least Reddit has different subreddits with varying cultures. I don't like the upvote system, I think it encourages people to say what they -think- people will like, and I don't think I'd get away with casually saying "nigger", but at least they enforce people to talk about games on their games forums. And the more disgusting subreddits are separated from legit games discussion.


>People are truly this guillible in this day and age

Jesus fuck kids should not be given internet access. Alright, heres how it goes, so listen up.

All this Sup Forums, Sup Forums talk of "Down with blacks" "Women in gaming" "Whitey gonna get it" etc, is not real. Its bored teenagers on the boards looking to spout negative context because they know they'll offend someone with it, who in turn will reply, and in turn will give them (you)s and start an argument.

Said instigator now gets to sit back with a glass of wine and watch his handiwork as two random anons fight it out on the internet at his behest thinking either one is now a racist/.bigot, etc.

If you truly think Sup Forums upholds values of racism, sexism, contrarianism etc, you need to leave. Its all a ploy used to chase off "normies" or rather, normal upstanding people who don't get ironic humor and keep this place "Secret" because of a likeminded value that chases off normal people and conflicts with their own values.

No person here on Sup Forums looks at a game and automatically dismisses it because of a persons skin tone, or because a women is on the cover. Nobody is that petty, they just use it as fuel for threads, and arguments, all the while playing the game and enjoying it on the other side of the computer screen.

Learn this simple fact ladies and gentlemen, Yes ladies. Don't act like there aren't women on Sup Forums as there clearly are boys, And you learn the secret to Sup Forums.

You took the redpill. Enjoy the ride.

then fuck off you kikeloving faggot

If only you knew how bad things really are

>Detroit with choices mattering
See, this is how I know you're underage. You're probably some 21 year old faggot who thinks he's been there, done that etc.You don't get to make statements like this for David Cage games. Fuck off, fruit loop.


I'd guess because they have an audience and "standards" now. The videos that echo the old content are pretty good. Also the podcast isn't bad if you're into that. Can just skip over their slice of life stuff and probably still enjoy it.

Explain to me how choices didn't matter in Heavy Rain, Mr. Mature Adult.

Like how you mindlessly accept whatever bullshit the Sup Forums hivemind shits out?

purge Sup Forums now

this has to be the most cringeworthy post I've seen this year.

Yeah reddit is the place for you, fuck off


Seeing Kratos as a sad and depressed father who teaches lessons about depending on others is so absurd and forced that I couldn't stop laughing.

Also, Spiderman had more QTEs in the trailer than most games have throughout their whole length nowadays. Even the web swinging seemed barely interactive

>If a community gets laughs by pretending to be racist, misogynist and stupid it will attract stupid misogynistic racists who think they are in good company.
Wake up and smell the ashes.