Why are men allowed to be sexualized in video games but when women are, it's bad?

Why are men allowed to be sexualized in video games but when women are, it's bad?

Double standards of course.

The only way to win is to not include them at all but they'll complain about that too.

You like what you see, user?

Men arent pussies and can handle playing a game with characters hotter than themselves

Because men can appreciate other men, women will always be jealous thats just how nature works

>no ass

Men are cuter

Sup Forums thread in Sup Forums? wow!

anyways, I think it's mainly because it is more common to see women sexualized than men.

but, women don't have any self respect anyways so it doesn't matter

You got that fucking right

Blizzard knows what we want

actually its a /hm/ thread in Sup Forums disguised as a Sup Forums thread


What games are men sexualised in? I've been playing the wrong games apparantly

I wanted to say furries BTFO but a bowser is fine too

Seconding this as well
Give me your homobait games Sup Forums

bowser is love
he better get his game at nintendo's e3

Tbh I think Matsuno games have pretty sexualised men. Like 90% of them run around half naked in skimpy clothes, often with like assless chaps and shit. Yoshida knows how to draw men

Why is this allowed?

Man you can almost see his butthole. Speaking of which, is there any game where you can see a man's asshole? Just professionally curious of course.

is there a game that let you breed a man's asshole

Is there a game wherepost all the gay games now I'm horny as fuck

Women employ psychological test to determine if someone is worth breeding, the most common is trying to see if the man sees her as a being or value or pleasure. Usually the guy who sees her as the first gets friendzoned while the guy who sees her as the later fucks her.

Men (generally) don't overanalyze media and get all whiny about gender roles or body image in fiction. Women get all bitchy about it because they want their man to only be attracted to them and nothing else so they throw tantrums and demand censorship because their 3DPD bodies will never look as good as fictional bodies.

I want that on my face


As a gay, I don't give a shit.

Kledfag is it you again? Hello there

Is this the designated husbando thread?

Better question, is the newfag janitor gone?

Hello there user! I'm always there to remind everyone Kled is best boy.

>Caring about what a fringe community within another fringe community thinks


Sup Forumsfags stop responding this is a gayming thread now