Monster Hunter World confirmed for mainline


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why do third parties hate nintendo?

the fucking nintendo switch gets a old 3ds spinoff using psp assets, meanwhile PS4 gets a next gen engine monster hunter game.

It's not a spin off w-we swear!

Yeah no

ps3/ps vita when?
not gonna pay for ps4 or online

Literally who.

PR guy for Capcom

that sure doesnt seem like a japanese dev

Nintendo is notoriously shit to third party developers, no one wants to work with them and Nintendo always likes to have control over games released on them. Its going to stay like this forever because they live forever in the 1980's.

Who the hell is this spic looking motherfucker?

>Never ever they said
>MH franchise belongs only to Nintendo they said
>MHW will be released on all platform except Switch

Is this the biggest BTFO Nintentards ever get so far?


I think in this context, "true" mh means it keeps the core combat and mechanics (duh), while spin-off refers to shit like Stories or Dynamic Hunting.

Guy works for Capcom USA

"Totally" mainline game right guys? ;)

Its pointless to post this when we know the guys making MHW is the same guys who did 1/2/tri/4

Its by the A team, it has a few gimmicks but its still going to be a true version of MH

Unlike fucking X

just buy a ps4 and remote play it you poorfag

>First thing Sup Forums autists care about is the ethnicity of the person who is giving details about the game and not the news about the game itself
Do you do this shit even in real life? When was the last time you went outside or talked to someone that is not your mom?

Because the fucking Japanese spokesman who only speaks fucking runes is going to be the one talking to the US TWITTER ACCOUNT

Fuckface. They've already said its the main Jap team making this who fucking says what beyond that is irrelevant.

free online if played like this? I cant justify buying a ps4 if the only games id potentially but for it are this and tekken 7

>person who actually works for the company says "it's like this"
>some retard autist on Sup Forums "n-no it's not like that at all.. I-I-I know better!"


>same devs mean the game will be as good

Dumb post, Switch is getting XX and thats it. It's that or nothing.

>Do you do this shit even in real life?

What kind of question is that. 95% of the people who talk like that on here don't have the balls to behave that way IRL.

MHW will have Style/Arts just to spite you

Yes, it basically does, because all the games they've made have been good.

This isnt a side project, its Capcoms main new goldmine. They are going to throw everything at it to make it good rather than throw the whole history of MH out the window and casualize.

It's so satisfying to watch the foam at the mouth. They are getting destroyed this year so hard, switch still has zero games half way through the year, Legend of rehash lost to some random new IP, Shitendo lost their beloved MH to their biggest competitor who gets an enhanced version of the game, it's just so orgasmic to watch them rage all over the board.

just do the 14 day trial trick and you never have to pay for online in your life

Not going to lie, I'm salty.

At this point, a good PC rig or a PS4 seems like an investment I should consider.

I still like some Nintendo exclusive titles, but ever since the GC era, my library of games from them has been getting smaller and smaller.

No, PS4 always requires you give them extra money to use your own internet.

PC version is already confirmed anyway.

Of course he's going to say it's mainline, toherwise nobody would buy it.
Ask the same question to a Frontier dev and he will tell you the same thing.

>Ryozo Tsujimoto
>Kaname Fujioka
>Yuya Tokuda
I wonder what's going to happen with MHXX on Switch, will it even come to the west now with this being announced?

Honestly I would fucking laugh and then cry.

It would be the ultimate double cross, no one gets a good MH game.

The absolute mental gymnastics you have to do to to say this when the people working on it have already confirmed otherwise.

>Tfw when NintendoGAF on Media Create Thread is on fucking suicide watch


I'm loving this damage control.

Of course it will

And the B team will make MH5, which will actually just be MH4 rehashed and make it Switch only.

It's called the Online Disinhibition Effect or the Anonymity Effect
Basically it just reveals the people among us who are moronic dickheads at the core level

Feels good, I don't care about Monster hunter , but seeing switch lose a game always makes me happy
Sony won

>It's not a real Monster Hunter game unless it uses a tiny 240p resolution, the same rehashed PSP resources they've been using for the past 10 years all on the same aging engine

Games got to advance at some point. Can't keep re-releasing the same game over and over with only minor changes.

I'm glad they didn't skiped on the Xbox for one.

That's a day one for me if this is truly a legit MH game.

so the nintendo contract finally expired eh? iwatas last ties to the mortal world has finally been lifted.

What's the deal with World? What sets it apart from the others?

heh its a spin off and itll be shit i didnt want it anyway, lets blow this joint nintenbrehs

What about "we have to make the game lower quality and easier as it's the only way to sell it to normies"??

I still see the regular old formula still being a thing even after this game releases.













>Can't keep re-releasing the same game over and over with only minor changes.
The Sims and CoD disagrees.

Which ironically generate more than most series combined.

I'm glad only nintendo are not getting it, feels good

>Not called Monster Hunter 5
>Not in the style of Monster Hunter 1,2,3 or 4
>Not in the tone of Monster Hunter 1,2,3, or 4
>Not using the same overarching mechanics of 1,2,3, or 4
>All the new mechanics displayed look like shit

It could be made by literally every single person that was on the Freedom Unite team and it would still be spinoff tier

>I don't care about Monster Hunter
of course you fucking don't

Capcom marketing considers Frontier and Generations Main games too.

The reality is,only the numbered ones are "main"

The fucking group whose lovechild is MH isnt going to obliterate their fucking game. Coming out of the back of Souls fever with challenging bullshit and a whole new genre of Souls-likes making a fortune Capcoms A team knows difficulty sells.

This is Japan not fucking the West.


you know what you must do monster hunter fans

It'll be open world possibly.

>Defending The Sims and CoD because it's the only way to recover some of their anal integrity
This is the actual state of MonHun purists and Ninten-drones

I can't believe they're this dumb
Monster Hunter is fucking dead
can't wait to pirate it on PC tho!

The maps no longer have loading times between zones, but there is still a loading time between maps.

But you can get from any map to any other map through a hidden loading screen, i.e. long swimming animation.

The World part is signifying the game's map is one cohesive and unified world instead small segmented regions like the previous MH games. And internally at Capcom, the World is indicating their aim to truely appeal to the whole world, instead of just Japan and a few MH fans overseas.

but i have a switch and a ps4
now what

I'd feel sorry for them if they didn't spend all this time trying to shittalk the game as being somehow more casual than previous entries, as if 4U or worse, Gen, aren't casual enough.

I think their only fault in the reveal trailer was not demonstrating the traditional hud and mechanics, before branching out into their new shit.

It would have done a lot to calm down these spergs. The spergs will buy it anyways, but still.

Sounds like the reality is "main" means "game I approve". So nobody should give a shit about these semantics invented in desperation.

>playing monster hunter alone

>two console monhun games over the span of less than a year
God loves us all.

now this one actually makes sense
I didn't get what the whole edit with horizon, who wanted that shit?

Im happy MHW is coming and going to get it on ps4 and PC faggot and im glad they are making a proper MH game for once

Im just pointing out that rehashing does actually work exceptionally well

I don't take anything without a number in its title as "mainline" really. Looks cool, will probably play it and have a good time, but much like Generations, its not REALLY "mainline" unless it gets that giant 5 in the title.

Oh so it's actually called MH5 then?

What makes it "mainline?" As far as I can tell, the fans don't decide what a "Monster Hunter" game is. The Monster Hunter devs who name a game "Monster Hunter" do. So this Araujo guy can say whatever he wants.

This series has barely changed since Freedom; all they've done is add content. If they switch up the mission or world structure in some substantial way, that might be neat. I'll still have the previous games if I like it less.

They would probably say MHX/XX are mainline games as well

I have 1000000 hours into the series so you should treat my opinion as law and based yours around it.

>Nintendo's contract bars Capcom to publish mainline MH to Sony consoles
>New mainline is on every console except the Switch
>even on PC

don't buy monster hunter on switch, buy it on ps4. let capcom know with your wallet that you want monster hunter games not limited by shitty hardware and engine limitations.

>They've already said its the main team

LITERALLY where? Nobody can provide a single source for this.

When they announce who's developing it and it turns out it's some western team that's made nothing but shovelware then what will your defence be?

>yfw the contract was based up until Iwata's death

It'll be casualized, westernized and easier. Graphically more impressive with a lot more QTEs and flashy "woah I just did a cool thing!" moments.

implying there won't be private servers, stay mad consolecuck

>The Monster Hunter devs who name
Sure user, we can pretend that calling this 5 instead of World makes it mainline

Or we could look at the fact that the team who made 1/2/tri/4 are now making World.

So sure, its not mainline, its just main developer.

What exclusive games has PS4 got coming for the rest of 2017?

Crash and..........

Because people asked for a developer, and hes not a developer. Hes practically intern status level of relevant and his info could be completely false or even made up just to make a title sound good.

What did you nintendildo got again?

>Why won't they make games just for me. I want the franchise I love to always be the same way I first played, at most I'll tolerate some simple additions or changes. No more! Why is this too much to ask? Fucking mainstream-bogeyman

Because your little niche community can't support a franchise alone, you massive faggot.
Games have to innovate so they can attract larger audiences, because hardcore and "loyal" fans aren't enough.
"Loyal" fans are the reason franchises die, you selfish fucker.

So just like Gen?

>Private servers
You don't know how Monster Hunter works do you Pcbro?

then post a link to the japanese twitter account saying that it's mainline

Everything we know so far confirmed with sources and no bullshit leaks

the same way fallout 3 had nothing to do with fallout 1 and 2 and changed the game. its not a spinoff its how they are going to be in the future. you just have nostalgia goggles over your old games

Nintendo usually put in the elbow grease when it comes to localizing the latest MonHun games. I fully expect them to do that here since the original XX wasn't localized and they can push the Switch as a MonHun machine.

>the spin-off turns out to be so good, they make it the mainline

When has this ever happened before?

Looks like Nintendo got....Double Crossed.

im going to kill myself
goodbye Sup Forums

Convince me as to why you can look at the mechanics of this game and still think it's a real Monster Hunter.

Monster Hunter is dear to my heart and I am excited with what they showed at E3. Looks like a really interesting direction to take it in with some neat revisions on old mechanics.

Not too sure on the free mounting/Dogma mounting thing

God War Future Past, FF12 Zodiac Age, Blue Reflection

Why does the new big monster looks like dog shit

See and

I still find it hilarious how once again third parties are not porting their games to switch. it's wii u all over again.

>making a game for casuals is INNOVATION
come on guy

well its not like the game is 36 vs 36 warzone.

Its 4 people with mostly melee weapons fighting 1-3 enemies on average on a small map.

Servers would be a massive financial waste.

Oh look, only responses I get are reddit tier faggots posting memes

What should I expect; anyone that watched that trailer and got excited that Monster Hunter is getting the Assassin's Creed Brotherhood treatment is the lowest common denominator that these piles of shit are aimed at.