Is it impossible for sci-fi to be original anymore?

Is it impossible for sci-fi to be original anymore?
I feel like i've seen this same setting a million times already

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As long as it's fun and has good replay value, Who gives a fuck.

It'll eventually give rise to something original happening, Just another visual phase for AAA games right now.

Name 3 games with the same setting

I wish Destiny 2 looked like this.

It's James Cameron's Avatar.

I have a Lost Planet 2 craving and this might fix it. Hoping for Mechs or something.

That's not a game.

I'm less concerned with all the pandering to minorities than I am with the fact that all the games look homogeneous.

you sure about that?

I dont think you know what that word means

Well shit. Ok then, you have one now you need two more

I think that the setting looks cool (the market-like place and the vistas and forest).

It's the armours that are generic as fuck. They aren't bad, but they don't stand out and it feels as if we've seen these kinds of armours proliferate throughout last and current gens.

I think you should go back to


This looks like it's trying.

I really really hate this webm


Futuristic post-apocalyptic game where you fight for humanity in the last ''city' up high in the sky.


>this nigga seriously didn't know about based jim's avatar game
kill yourself newshit




It doesn't have to be new and original for you. It has to be new and original for the new crop of developing fans, most of who are teens.

If the tropes are starting to become boring, maybe is time to either a) consume more adult media, with more complex ideas, or b) make your own, original take on genre

Here's how you fix sci-fi: remove powersuits so the focus can shift to anything but fucking powersuits.


It's cause is photogrammetry and procedural foliage. It is becoming easier than ever to make jungles and shit. Make more imaginative environments would take actual design, modeling and animation.

>implying the gameplay demo didn't look cool as shit

I just don't understand why these distant planets all have the same exact color flora we do

We have examples on our own planet of plants that aren't green. Why do all the space jungles have the same boring green atmospheres

Theres just no imagination at work here, all these sci-fi games are by the book

What planets have they shown kouhai?

XCX (arguably XBC)
Destiny 2

Shit, wasn't Mass Effect: Andromeda supposed to be about space colonists exploring an alien wilderness?

And does it really matter if the setting was overdone in movies? An overdone setting is an overdone setting.

I got sick of Avatar real quick and avoided everything to do with it like a plague

Sequels don't count faggot
And yes because if we count movies you'd be hard pressed to find a setting that hasn't been overdone. The only one that comes to mind is Aztecs/Mayans.

Original scifi is very fucking niche, seriously i bet most people in this thread didn't read entry level shit like Lord of Light or even Blindsight, on top of needing a really good designer to actually make it not suck as a game and being a huge financial risk.

You know it's airtight?
Would you want to breath your own feet?
How about reading some books to make some brain workout?

It didnt, they flew over everything, the world looks empty, combat looked dull too


Sci-fi in video games has NEVER been original.

>suit has little goat hoof type feet

It's Attack on Titanfall
Except the story will have a "twist" where the aliens they put up the wall to stop are actually good and it's humans that are evil. What a surprise

okay user, what would your idea of a good story be?

Steps to making a good sci-fi game story for dummies:
-Step 1, Hire an actual sci-fi author (see Deus Ex), writers at game companies are shit and should only ever be doing menial non important dialogue shit.
-Step 2, you're done!

Did OP say game you fucking retard?

mass effect

You wanna explain how those are similar in even the slightest

Except for Destiny these have nothing in common with this game.

I explained why movies and books don't count here

Not that user, but the problem is they are not different enough. It is same old, mech suits/body armor with mostly modern weapons and modern combat tactics.