Fuck white people: the video game

Fuck white people: the video game

fuck Sup Forums
fuck every racist like you

Nothing wrong with that.

But nobody likes Bible Belt Evangelicals.

wtf, i love ubi now!


Where were all your complaints of racism during the last 4 FC games?

low quality bait : the thread

Day One buy

>every single other far cry game is about a white guy that kills thousands of nigs/some nip variety
>this one is about white people
>hurr durr SJW

Americans were a mistake

fuck white men: the event

>racism is ok unless it's against me

fucking Sup Forums dumbass

Why are they always Ninty fanboys?

They can be prejudiced against other people all they want, but it makes me feel persecuted and marginalized when a game depicts people like me as OH MY GOD I JUST UNDERSTOOD RACISM

dont even act like if this game was made it wouldnt have an even bigger amount of controversy and ubisoft hq wouldnt get enriched by a truck of peace

Stay mad.


Ohh no, the whitest state in the US got white antagonists.
How is this an issue?

No one buy this game. Ubisoft will realize you can't insult your customers.

Days Gone
A Way Out
God of War
The Evil Within 2
Metro Exodus
Shadow of War

>b-but what if
not an argument

There is too much race baiting in other games from E3.
FC5 became boring because now its the norm.

>Fuck white people
Don't mind if I do~

Europoors, aussies, and leafs should be banned from this site.

>event in LA
>every game is lib shit besides the game from Sony


the """bad guys""" in far cry games since 3 have been based as fuck

>Fuck white people: the video game
>first guy they killed in the trailer looked like a black dude

Yeah imagine the controversy if someone had the balls to actually make a game about shooting arabs

>pointing out double standards in your logic
is an argument

>reddit: the post

But there are black people in that cult too

>I didn't play a single video game between 1998-2010


Obviously but unfortunately many are just going to take that view after the game launches once they realize it isn't actually SJW: The Game for the fifteenth time

really? because tons of western games have been about killing mudslimes for at least a decade now and i haven't seen any controversy
in fact the only controversy was the time where the medal of honor devs had the gall to actually let you play as the muslims in multiplayer

4 of those are in the image

show me ONE (1) game that references islam and killing muslims in the way FC5 references christianity and you have a point

Where was your outrage when CODMW2 let you play a white guy gunning down an airport full of innocent white people?

Isn't that every non recent COD game?

how the fuck is it a double standard? It would be like me saying "lmao the ONLY reason they set GTA in America is because they don't want to seem racist to africans"

stop being a dumbfuck

thats every single military shooter of the last decade, just mowing down brown people speaking arabic. They have made that game 1000 times and no one cared

>both people you work with are white
>trailer showed a few black people shooting at the protagonist

>I have no rebuttal so I'll say Reddit
Feels good to win.


How many more of these "America taken over by racists" games do you guys think there will be in the next few years?

why are you so fragile? Are you a christian extremist?

seriously, far cry have consistently written excellent, believable villains

You know if you keep up that kind of attitude then you are just inviting people to join the "fuck white people" cause.


It's these ultra conservative, entitled neo nazi types. I'll thank you to not conflate all Americans into this group.

>a game mowing down white christians is fine but if the same was done with islam there would be hell

did i really have to spell it out for you? and no your analogy is not apt in the slightest

Not enough. I will literally never get tired of shooting retard Trump-voting extremist hillbillies. I hope they become the new Nazis or zombies. I hope we get to a point of oversaturation.

> calling others racist

>they clearly allowed blacks and asians into their cult

fuck white people and fuck drumpt

Bearing in mind it just gives ammo to white people


Pirate the games, say you enjoyed them and it picks holes in feminists arguments. Wonder Woman movie is already doing that

what attitude? defending your own beliefs?

just like islamophobia causes peaceful muslims to blow themselves up? go fuck yourself

True. Trump lost the popular vote by a historic margin. The majority of the country knows he's a piece of shit and are actively resisting him.

>game has white protagonist or black villain
>sjws complain
>game has black protagonist or white villain
>reverse sjws complain

>a game mowing down white christians is fine but if the same was done with islam there would be hell
it's too bad several people in the thread already pointed out this is objectively wrong


>were all your complaints of racism during the last 4 FC games?
You must missed all the SJW dramas caused by FC4 back then? Or are you just pretending?

Ubishit literally made one of main NPC of FC4 as "Anita" , I don't think it's just a coincidence.

>Defending Jonestown shitters and Scientologists to spite "muh librull menace!".

Back to Sup Forums, faggarino.

>what attitude
The victim complex

Name one made in the last year.

how is throwing a bitch fit over the color of video game character skin "defending your beliefs"?

>it's too bad several people in the thread already pointed out this is objectively wrong
theres not one mention of a single game that references islam in the same way FC5 references christianity

>have no rebuttal
>move goalposts

Fuck niggers fuck muslims fuck hispanics. Go ahead and ban me mods, youll only prove my point.

farcry series is boring and making it boring + controversial isn't going to get me to play it

Name one.

Hello /reddit/. Here's your (you) for the day!

But the leader of the good guys is literally a pastor in FC5

medal of honor, fighting the taliban

Has anyone ever really enjoyed a Farcry game? They're all super mediocre to me.

It wasn't that you played as them it was that they actually referred to them as the Taliban in game not the traditional generic Opfor (opposing force) name. You still played as the terrorists and shot Americans in multiplayer.

Next 7 years unless god-emperor Trump can somehow squeeze out a third term.

3 was the first decent one

1 and 2 are garbage games


there you go again, using terms to try to belittle people you dont agree with

>you dont agree with me? you're throwing a bitchfit!

>MC kills both white and black people in the gameplay trailer yesterday
>He only killed white people - Sup Forums


>everyone who doesn't share my worldview is a racist
You're the one antagonizing people and making them embrace more extremist ideas, are you aware of that?


>shit, he's 100% right, I better say Reddit again

you can pick up almost any military shooter of the last decade and mow down brown people in turbans speaking arabic with suicide vests on all day long.

Muslim terrorists replaced nazi's as the defacto enemies in dude-bro games. If you want to shoot them you have more options than you could ever want

I for one am looking to all the dropped mayo there will be thanks to this game.

woops sorry there thin-skin. Didn't know I had to be so PC when talking to you.

How is feeling irritated about the color of video game character skin "defending your beliefs"?

better, boo boo?

You get a LOT more than 7 years for treason.

are there explicit references to religion in that game or is it the same old generic shooting ragheads

t. muhammad

Pretty sure the meme shifted to getting angry at Wolfenstein 2.

>Name one.
how about the one i literally named in my post

wasn't trying to get into an argument i just simply enjoy pointing out faggots

>GTA in a rural setting and in first-person: The Video Game
fixed that for you


i'm not going to talk to you if you're just gonna throw a bitchfit

go and sit on the naughty step and come back when youve calmed down

For fuck sake! What is wrong with Sup Forums today? And here I though we've seen the end of this, now the other side is spamming threads as well.

It's actually redpilled but Sup Forums is too dense to see anything but surface level substance in anything because they've never read a book.

The game is about Islam but if they made the game about Islam they'd be boycotted, targeted by various organizations, and possibly bombed. It's about a group of people who use the violent parts of a religious text to kill and oppress others in a lawless area using terrorizing tactics. Right now this does not exist in Christianity, but it describes to a T-violent Islamists. In the game, only other Christians of their community can fight back to stop them.

The game is going to be a message to """"""moderate Muslims""""""" that they are the ones responsible for culling violent lunatics from their religion. The man in the character trailer remorsefully comments that in order to prevent war that has hurt his family he has to fight this war now, which rings true with situations like Syria. It's very obviously not a message to Christians right now when nothing about the actual circumstance has anything to do with Christianity in the real world, it parallels Islam in the real world. If you don't see this you must be powerfully retarded.

It's not a meme it's called marketing hence why you should sage

E3 is the time when Sup Forums is at its most shitty.

more like day one pirate lol

You are the racist! Racist!