Sum up your E3 experience in one picture
Sum up your E3 experience in one picture
Other urls found in this thread:
>no From Software
Sauce on dis
glad as fuck
>americans actually trust these things
what a stupid comic
whats even the punchline
silly skeleton soldier break his party hat so he cries
its fucking dumb, I'm more disappointed in you OP than E3
You hate diversity?
It hasn't been a total shitshow but it hasn't been amazing either. I haven't really seen anything that truly wowed me besides Arcsys' Dragonball game and I guess the Shadow of the Colossus remake. But I mean nothing has really been truly horrible (besides Bethesda trying to bring back paid mods again) so I dunno.
Shut the FUCK UP.
He's cute and upset, leave the buff skeleton alone you fucking cunt.
Only one game I care about so far.
>be european
>blacks are docile and pretty chill people
>get to america
>total hoodrats
I understand the american POV, fucking degenerate animals
Someone but a lot of effort into that
The butthurt is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
>see cherry picked image on Sup Forums
>every nigger in the entire country must be identical
How deluded and assravaged the mind of the person that made this piece of shit has to be
>6 years later
>Skyrim still shows up fucking everywhere during press events
I watched several hours of literal ads
What am I doing with my life
My fucking sides how assblasted do you have to be
Matrix is a good movie tho
>I never go out of my house, the post
this is just what happens when niggers start to outnumber whites
I live in fucking miami
Hoodies of all varieties are pack animals and will outnumber you if you're alone. Avoid them, and if you encounter them, be prepared. Carry a gun.
I'm sorry for your loss.
>someone spent time on this
>you just know it was a dude who made it hoping to get poon for his "deep analysis"
This is satire yes?
Holy shit why is this so funny
I didn't go to or watch E3. I didn't see E3.
TWO SCOOPS??????????????
It's not wrong, though.
Well... a deal's a deal I guess...
Is that an unpopular opinion these days or something? I feel like I missed something.
This is what happens when you take two scoops of icecream.
Colbert was right.
Can I sum it up in one song instead
I haven't even been paying attention this year, I had a feeling it was't even going to be cringe-funny but just boring shit.
it's where the term red pilling originated ergo it's a bad film now
I thought the directors were trans or something, surely that would balance it out in these idiot's minds
But Matrix IS a good movie
>Niggers in Europe
>Chill or docile
When have Somalis or Sudanese cunts ever been chill? Neck yourself, shill
Watched the PC one, I either liked the game or didn't care, the only dissapointment was MB2
What the fuck is this, e3 newfags flood? webm is old as shit
>i only recently took interest in things outside of my narrow media choice
People have been shitting on Matrix for years now.
couldn't watch anything because it was so late at night and I'm a wagecuck
saw the condensed showcases and it seems I didn't miss much
EA was sports shit and literally car advertising
Bethesda talked about Skyrim and FO4 coming to switch, gameboy color and commodore 64
Ubisoft showed a bunch of shit but most notably DIVERSE monkey game and RAYCIS Far Cry
didn't actually watch Sony
Usually, this isn't a valid argument, but: no u.
Their phones couldn't handle webms back then.
At least post the one with sound.
I'm not saying people weren't shitting on it
but that's the reason this person decided they hated it.
>I haven't had any negative experiences with black people myself but all these images and gifs has assured me otherwise that black people MUST be a rampant problem
please just stop posting
if this offends you then you are the guy in the video
>How to put that degree to use after my parents paid for it
holy liberal shitposting batman
Geez, I didn't know liking The Matrix was a hate crime now.
Hot mom confirmed
gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8
>those comments
I almost prefer the webm.
As inappropriate as it is to reduce someone to a caricature, it's not like this is wrong.
It's a pleb crime.
my only questions is; what does the ice cream represent?
also, why does he say, "but I'm a nice guy". It doesn't even make any sense, she took ice cream but he's a nice guy???
I just don't get this shit at all.
It's just too stupid for someone to make. It's gotta be made by a dude trying to get laid by feminists or some shit.
Aw come on, I like the smug feminists and sad fat dudes fighting.
Or to inspire major butthurt. Even if the guy didn't get laid (and god help him if he did with a feminazi), it's working like a charm.