Anyone else thought that God of war 4 looked fucking awesome?

Anyone else thought that God of war 4 looked fucking awesome?
I thought it was especially very intense when the worlds-serpent showed himself. Looked creepy as fuck.

I think the nordic mythology could bring up some really awesome stuff. what do you guys think?


>MY WIFE'S SON: The game

How does that filename even fit to that badass clip?

Give up Sup Forumsnever liked GoW...they alway prefer Devil May JUST

I mean look a this fagif he actually played the games he would know The second last thing Kratos would be is a cuck

>Randy Pitchford has fallen so hard he's shilling for Sony


You can fuck loads of women and still be a cuck if your wife has cheated on you

And What part of the trailers so far shows that his wife cheated hin?

Eh, GoW3 went over reasonably well by Sup Forums standards. Admittedly the culture has changed since then.

If the kid is actually his, then yeah, it's good.

If it's the ol' wife's son, then fuck those faggots.

How has she cheated on him faggot?

You don´t belive that he is just taking care of someone elses boy, do you?

Kratos is anythything but a cuck

>worlds serpent
A more accurate translation would be the Midgards Worm, imo.
Looked like exactly the kind of thing I would have loved five years ago, when I was a casual.

I thought it looked better than last time they showed it, but I still wasn't too impressed. Might buy it when the price drops or if it just turns out to be especially good.

Looks good overall, but that over the shoulder-perspective sucks ass.

>Over the shoulder camera in an action game
It's fucked.

Can't look at nu male kratos without laughing.

The Last of Us and GoW were both pretty much moving from set piece to set piece. GoW you mowed down hordes of enemies (crowd control etc.) while TLoU was more about taking in the atmosphere and lore of a ruined world in between.

While I enjoyed both games, I found the actual action in TLoU to be pretty boring and it was my least favourite part of the game (the gameplay in TLoU is pretty mediocre but everything else about it was great), while conversely I loved killing hordes of enemies, but the QTE sections and combatless portions weren't nearly as fun as they could have.

It won't be the same as the other GoW games, but I'm willing to give it a chance even if it is more a spiritual successor to TLoU more than GoW.

I already know I'm buying it, and enjoying it. Just release it already

>taking care of someone's kid
>not a cuck

This, it seems to be a combination of those two games. It's either going to turn out pretty great by fixing flaws present in them, or excarcerbate them and end up being compeltely middle of the road.

why enemies are standing in place

Dude imagine fighting the 3 norns with their superpowers and shit. Fighting Odin etc. That shit will be so cash

Well it´s his son what I tried to imply

I'm glad Christopher Judge is the va. His voice fits the character pretty well

Not him but I thought Kratos' family was killed by Ares? Where did this kid come from?

The kid is not his actual son, notice how he asks the kid things about the mythology


No because I'm not easily impressed by shallow, linear gameplay and cutscenes.

The game will be a nu-male thing about how raising someone else's kid is ok and how much of a man kratos is for doing so

excited to use that axe
excited to brutally murder more mythological figures in a cinematic fashion

The boys name has leaked
It is a very Greek name "Atreus"
He literally has inherited Zeus' lightning power

>over the shoulder Hack n' Slash

>God of war needs the batman combat




I think you guys are wrong. We don´t know how much time has passed since Kratos killed the whole fucking olympus.

This child also might be from an affair back in his days. Or he fucked that nordic girl, went away and when he came back years after, he had a child.

Kratos wouldn´t be such a cuck man cmon. She said "he needs his father". Kratos must be his real father

new universe after the greek gods left and the norse ones came. Not really clear how kratos moved from one world to the next but maybe his family transferred in a sort of parallel dimension fashion

Because this is not the same Kratos and this is a different continuity. There is no evidence to suggest that his wife had a child from another man. His wife could be alive or dead in this game.

It probably is actually Zeus' kid or some shit.

>Thor in mythology is the most pro-human god to the point he enjoys partying and hanging out with them and has been declared the protector god of humans

>This game is gonna turn him into a boss anyway and we'll kill him

Greek gods were dicks even in greek mythology but norse gods have some seriously nice folks among them.


The combat in the first showing of it looked totally braindead and boring

I'm glad it seems to have been improved on

I am going to die laughing if this cuck stuff turns out to be true.

Then why does kratos ask him about norse mythology as if the kid grew there with other people?

>oh yeah because the original games had such groundbreaking and intricate combat

It looks technically good.

It feels like you will be saddled by the NPC Boi.

Looks fun, can't wait

memes have poisoned your minds, the devs have already comfirmed it's his real child

I too am of the opinion that the God of War™ 4 presentation for the Playstation 4 console system was of the utmost quality, my fellow gamer!

I will be sure to pre-order the collectors edition when it is become available on October 1st 2017!!!!

Probably because Kratos never learned the shit himself. Either that or he's testing what the kid knows. You guys are way too quick to jump to conclusions.

>Kratos is an old bearded bald guy
>Son has lightning powers
>Implying you're going to be killing gods
>Implying you're not establishing the norse pantheon by fighting the shit that came before the norse gods

>Implying you're not establishing the norse pantheon by fighting the shit that came before the norse gods

A giant goat and a giant human then?

that's impressive for an app

>Kratos working all the time to provide food for family
>thinking he has the energy to care about some foreign land's gods

Of course the kid who's being raised by the woman will learn all about the local gods and shit but Kratos at this point probably wants nothing to do with gods.

Fucking this
Kratos will straight up be Odin and his son will be Thor

>Implying you're not establishing the norse pantheon by fighting the shit that came before the norse gods

I saw Ice Giants and Fenrir, didn't see any gods.

It was definitely unique when it came out, and if you actually play the games on something other than easy mode you have to make use of combos, grabs and dodges to be effective

GoW 1 also set the standard for many years to come for "epic" boss fights

if Fenrir is there then gods must be there as well since Fenrir was the first child of Loki, that old faggot.

Wouldn't the world serpent be considered a god?

This is good lore

All of these games need more of the gods turning into animals and fucking each other or just other random animals
Friendly reminder that Loki turned into a mare, got fucked and impregnated by an actual horse and gave birth to Sleipnir

Maybe if they get the norse gods right. They were nothing like the greek gods; they actually defended the human world from the giants and didn't really get up in our shit at all.

I can't fathom why Kratos would go after them anyway.

Like I said he might fucked that nordic bitch, got that child and when he came back, that kid grew. Kratos is olympian, it is not unusualy for him to not know about that stuff.

Combat looks like utter dog shit, way too slow for me but I enjoyed the GoW games so providing they speed up things I can see myself getting this.

maybe Kratos is only defending himself

It doesn't look as bloody as the original but the combat looks brutal.
I'll give it a chance.

There's a thing I hate already tho
Why the fuck didn't they put a number next to the name, even when it's confirmed it's a sequel and not a reboot? Holy shit I'm getting so fucking tired of these names

I don't see why they'd go after Kratos. Like I said; they're quite decent for a pantheon.

Halfway through the game Kratos dies. Atreus becomes thor after finding Mjolnir. Goes to kill the gods who took his father away.

I really hope this is the case.

Local religions are tribally exclusive based on bloodlines.

Celtic God of War when?

They haven't said what Kratos' ultimate goal is other than he's headed somewhere huge

He doesn't seem like he's on the hunt like in his other game, just that he's looking for something

>It was definitely unique when it came out
No it wasn't

I hope Kratos doesn't end up destroying everything this time, like Jormungandr probably wants him to do. After Zeus sent him on a guilt trip that almost killed him in GoW3, it looked like he just wanted to get away from it all.

The big snek is also Loki's son, so the aesir are definitely around.

Odin doesn't have a hammer you fucking imbecile.

It's not a god of war game.

The weird fucking third person shooter melee combat looks atrocious. Kratos is an absolute whiny faggot now. You have to drag around an entire kid all fucking game. It literally has fucking Uncharted rock climbing walls. And the worst part, no blood.

Can you even fucking imagine that? Every single enemy shown sprayed out fucking orange cartoon goo. Not only is this new character not even remotely close in tone or demeanor to Kratos, but this game doesn't even have gore.

There's no gore. In a God of War game.

Why is this even called God of War? It doesn't resemble the series in anyway. It's an absolute insult to.a franchise that's already had it hard enough as it is, and all I can do is pray this will crash and burn like it deserves to.

Why would the son avenge his father who died a warrior's death in a setting where a warrior's death is one of the most noble things people could imagine as their spirits would be vital in the final fight against the giants and demons?

I think it looked lame as fuck and the gameplay looks like it takes like 10 steps back from the last 3 games.

They Nerfed Kratos

Norse mythology is quite silly. Loki is the blood brother of Odin. He is the father of the Midgards Worm (referred to as World Serpent in The Last God of War), Fenrir, and Hel (the ruler of the Helheim) this may be how Hell got its name, though I haven't read up on that. He is also the mother of Odin's eight-legged horse Sleipnir.

So the presence of both Fenrir and the Midgards Worm confirm that you'll be killing the norse gods we all know and love.

rather watch a movie of it

This board is just hypocritical, where is the outrage for the lack of diversity in this game? Where are all the crybabies now?

I am in for the story, the gameplay looked poor. I would need to see more weapon selection or actual combos though

>God of Love

His Aengus is prepared I see

>camera is super zoomed-in, so you can't see shit around you
>most enemies don't even try to attack him an just do generic taunts/run around in the background
>the fucking kid is running around during the combat
>heavy story focus
This is absolut trash, what did we do to deserve this?

>All that fucking cutting to avoid showing gameplay
Thought this was a gameplay trailer to actually demonstrate some gameplay or some kind of shit. Only time something manages to muster the will to attack Kratos it's probably a cutscene.

If it was Zeus' kid then he wouldn't be human. Zeus gets up to some freaky shit.

It is.

>enemies afk while you are pressing X to cool

"dude it was self defense" Kratos says as he cause premature Ragnarok

>If it was Zeus' kid then he wouldn't be human
Kratos is one of Zeus' kids too and he's human you fucking faggot

I wouldn't say "fucking awesome", but it's on my radar and I just hope it's fun to play.

Oh shit true dat. I hope they change it.

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

Yeah I guess you're right. The bit about Jörmungandr (the world serpent) supposedly wanting to help them seemed odd. There's also the fact that Ragnarök is supposed to begin when it stops grasping its own tail, so that's worrying.

Loki is basically the Zeus of norse mythology. He shapeshifts into all kinds of weird shit like a female horse, who then gets banged by a stallion and gives birth to Sleipnir. Real weirdo.

I think his son is cursed and he has to kill some assholes.

shut up goyim you WILL buy this. All goyim like cinematic games

This would be acceptable being a good elder bro isn't the same as being a cuck

It will be the symbolic replacing of Tyr as the head and war god of the germanic pantheon by Odin and Thor

>the camera zooms out and pans to show how the world is going to shit while the GoW theme song sounds on the background
I'd fucking buy it.

You saw Freya

the enemies just politely wait for their turn to get swung on