Did anyone actually "win" E3 this year?

did anyone actually "win" E3 this year?

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Anyone who didn't care enough to follow it 'won' in a sense.

>consumers didn't win (500 dollaroos for a box)
>companies didn't win (VR VR VR VR VR)
>memers todd and aisha didn't win (not there)
>boothsluts didn't win (barely any)
>journalists didn't win (all looked fat and depressed)

I guess whoever owns the buildings E3 was hosted in won.

Nintendo is going to need to show something really cool today, or else everyone won, except Nintendo.

I'm a changed man. For the better.

I think Microsoft, Ubisoft, and Sony had a decent show. Sup Forums will complain because they showed too many cinematic games and black people though.

Nintendo aren't going to win shit, don't kid yourself.

This game did.

And they're catching flak by SJWs because it's in a dystopian left-wing shithole.

PC did.

PC won indirectly by getting 3 conferences again

People who like video games won. Sup Forums got BTFO once again.

Just wait a few more

>writer is a vegan feminist
>/redditv/ is still convinced it's about muh ebil leftists

100% this.
Everything else was trash.

MS didn't do jack shit
Sony's only good announcement is a multiplat
Nintendo is going to show the same old stuff and doesn't even have MH anymore
EA is shit and anyone who cares for Battlefront 2 before release is a tool
Ubisoft shit as usual
Bethesda couldn't be worse even if they tried
Nobody cares about the pc show

Shittiest e3 in a good while

>And they're catching flak by SJWs because it's in a dystopian left-wing shithole.

I was disappointed yesterday but looking back it's kinda alright they didn't just blow their load over everything like previous years. Give the devs time to make their game and not worry about showcasing unrealistic vertical slices of games that end up getting downgraded or changed at release.


>A Way Out
>Metro Exodus
>Dragonball FighterZ
>The Last Night
>Code Vein
>Sea of Thieves
>Ori and The Will of The Wisps
>Yakuza Kiwami
>Yakuza 6
>Dissidia Final Fantasy NT
>Nino Kuni 2
>South Park: The Fractured But Whole
>The Evil Within 2
>Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus
>Ace Combat 7
>Shadow of The Colossus

>sony went and actually said "future of games" like 10 times
Did devolver had a leak or something?

never forget

Unless Nintendo does something spectacular; this would be one incredibly shitty E3

SJW :^)

No. Call me Jaded, but the only game that looked to have anything interesting was MH:W. I just hope TGS shows something new and interesting.

adult swim shit is not funny

Fuck, I'm trying to remember how to spell Pearl Harbour. Could anyone help me?

Not even game companies care about E3

They either have their own events to showcase things or just release stuff on the youtubes.

Skyrim was shown like 3 times. That shit is like 10 years old and bad.

I really enjoyed the Devolver video

I mean it was way better than any other announcement so far (except some parts of the Microfost conference, and the BG&E2 which i didint play the first oine, but the CGI trailer was incredible)

Microsoft won by releasing an overpriced console and showing off nothing but PC games that the xbro audience won't care about.

Devolver and Twitch did
If you want an actual answer
We all lost
Don't listen to drones from all others side telling you otherwise

The only actual overall good conference has been Ubisoft. MS didn't show anything that you needed to buy an XboneX for, EA were drizzling shits, PC conference was trash apart from Bannerlord footage and Sony started off well, but derailed themselves with VR shit and Capcom pissing people off.

Does anyone have a link to the Killin' it sketch?

My internet died half way through and I was diggin' it





>We all lost
Eh I'd say Sony lost more than anyone else given that they didn't really have any exclusives and denied Microsoft's cross-play which doesn't bode too well for games people would actually want cross-play for like MHW.

Ubisoft didn't have a single worthwhile game.

Even their big finale is a multiplayer only prequel which they later likened to GTA.


Sony for having MonHun

But Nintendo might still have a chance. I think.

so did nintendo announce any cool shit?

Vita bros.
Nine games announced and others reconfirmed.

I'm sorry we're not up to your standards of comedy, I'm sure Ubisofts hilarious comedy was more to your liking.

Pic unrelated? MH Worlds is shit.

They just have to have one surprise reveal that isn't shit and a sleeper hit no one is expecting.

Google it, he said some stuff about Gamergate and the dev had to "clarify"

they didn't have any

Link me the demo, please.

I'm from two hours in the future.

Seems to (unexpectedly) be Ubinsoft ATM. Only real competitor is Nintendo, but after seeing how absolutely zealous Nintendo-fags have become after BOTW, Miyamoto could fart into the mic and they'd still they won.

PC got the most games
>everything coming to xbawks also coming to pc
>monhun also coming to pc
nintendo lost the hardest

i can tell you it's going to be shit because i watched a 2 minute trailer that looked gre- I mean shit
t. switch owner

Nintendo could show nothing, and it would still be better than Bethesda. Show Odyssey gameplay, and it'll be better than EA.


Is that what you read?

Yeah but they had the only announcement that actually got me hype
Microsoft, PC, and EA I just kind of sat through and idly watched
Ubisoft had a few good announcements

>No Resident Evil 2 Remake
>Even though it was on the leaked list

Capcom definitely didnt win shit,not only does Marvel Infinite look like shit but there are even more fighting games coming to compete with it.

MonHun is multiplat, aka Best on PC.

This E3 was probably the most underwhelming I've ever seen.

Nobody won, they all sucked.

Yeah, Devolver and they didn't even show any games

PC has no trophies

His medium posts? Yeah, he's got some interesting leftist views. It's going to be hysterical when a bunch of "anti-sjws" buy the game expecting it to be some scathing anti-leftist propaganda.

Is it just me, or did the SoC remake seem kind of not well received?
Like, the crowd didn't really go crazy like you'd think sony fans would for something like that.
It's also kind of weird that it was so early, seems like the sort of trailer you'd put at the very end with no comments.


Dude, mounting is now broken as sin
>lead monster into vines and pits
>grapple back onto it if you're thrown off.

I'm pretty sure we all lost.

Does this really count? They didn't show jack shit for games, it was all some sort of meta E3 shitposting experiment.

Microsoft had some games, so technically yes

>the exact list of games I'll be getting
are you me?

There was a time E3 meant something, it gave gamers something to look forward to, but now, there are only laser light shows.

Link me the demo, please.

This will be the third rerelease and it will add nothing but better textures that fuck up the aesthetic. It's hard to care.


>he hasn't watched the nip trailer

probably just a bunch of brain dead fucks wanting to see the Last of Us 2. New gamers will never appreciate something like SotC,you could tell that from the idiots on the Twitch stream except for DJ Wheat. These fuckers just want to sit around watching movies.not play a challenging game.

>feminist hates him, therefore we need to like him.
fuck off the game looks bad.

I wonder if we'll get another rerelease for the PS5.

No one won, but Microsoft killed the word exclusive for good.

I did. I think that you're a buttblasted nintenqueer tbqh (to be quite honest).

Microsoft gamers

I didn't even know what the fucking game was before I saw it.

Go play FF VR Fishing

Every Underfan out there. Including me. It's a good time to be one.

>Don't own an Xbox
>Get excited for Microsoft because I own a PC

Microsoft has been getting cooler and cooler each year, I like em now.

you do realize that the original playstation, after adjusting for inflation, cost 500 dollars?

the only company to consistently have consoles that cost the equivalent of $300 2017 dollars is nintendo

my wallet won since im not going to buy any of this garbage

unironically ubisoft

The audience is mostly journalists. They were there for 3 things - God of War, Last of Us/Uncharted, and some spyro cocktease (all 3 = more clicks/views). It's why nothing else was well received, they didn't care.

This is another level of denial. You're outright lying to yourself now and using Nintendo as a shield.

Interesting leftist views?

Like how feminism circa 2017 isn't what we asked for?

Sony "won" just for having exclusives and the biggest reveal.
However, MS had a better conference overall.

>probably just a bunch of brain dead fucks wanting to see the Last of Us 2.
This. The crowd was only excited for COD.

>caring about cheevos

I only have one because I always have run the command "fov 100" to make the game playable,
and using console commands disables achievements.
I have now discovered this mod, so yay I guess: nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/59133/?

And your point is that it's OK for a system to cost that much now because prior mistakes were made...?

I hate that Sup Forums's mentality now is just "Better shit on microsoft for taking away exclusives and giving them to us too! What a shitty company!"

I guess Microsoft could 'win' because they showed good games and gameplay
but none of the good stuff is actually exclusive
Revolver wins in terms of whatthefuck tho

E3 was always an advertisement, its just now people seem to of forgotten how to actually advertise.

No matter what Nintendo shows, Nintendo fanboys will foam at the mouth to say they won.

Look forward to a Nintendo direct that's just 30 minutes of footage of an old plastic bag with some trash in it, followed by EVERYONE ELSE BTFO NINTENDOMINATION

Ah yeah... we wanted Ted Ed at E3 and not video games.

At least you still have that 3DS port, eh?

Try reading his stuff sometime fellow lefty~ :3

>Dev says that modern feminism is shit and losing touch with what equality is about
>this obviously means that he's sticking it to those nasty SJWs and his game is a right wing fantasy

>just for having exclusives
You can't win with "just" exclusives. They need to be good.

I'm moreso saying that $500 2017 dollars is pretty much the baseline for all consoles, in five years or whatever it'll be 600.

There's nothing to suggest a company should, will, or can lower the real price of their console

It was beautiful, but the soundtrack was shit. Unless this was just a special E3 trailer and they have the OST by Kow Otani in the actual game, in which case I'll buy it whenever I get a PS4.

>i can tell you it's going to be shit because i watched a 2 minute trailer that looked gre- I mean shit
It didn't look great, you fucking autist. Have you ever played a MH game? Probably not, since you thing that trash looks good. Shut the fuck up about shit you don't know about.

Before you start saying "n-nintenbro!", I have a PC perfectly able to pirate and play that garbage if i want, I don't even have a switch.

>No matter what Nintendo shows, Nintendo fanboys will foam at the mouth to say they won.
Eh, there's a fanbase foaming at the mouth but it's not the Nintendo fanboys.