Watch E3 videos and come back to Sup Forums

>watch E3 videos and come back to Sup Forums
>learn anti diversity threads have been made since that conference

What's wrong with you people?

I thought you guys had a positive view of dark skinned characters in a video game.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd suck those toes

>those old man hands


Sup Forums infested this website like a mothefucker - and they need to grab attention at any available opportunity

if they didn't exist, Sup Forums would basically just be a hobbyist platform with centrist-tier political views

They are a bit too generic now.

There are more black threads if anything but at least she's not a nigger.

No itd be full of dumb niggers and cucks spamming cuck porn and talking in ebonics.

Four games include the same black woman with afro, utterly identical.
Beyond Good and Evil 2 (which was though to be a sequel and is now a prequel which is bad enough) exchanged the previous main character for that ridicolous stereotype.

>not liking forced "diversity" only in the form of blacks means you're Sup Forums
kill yourself retard

>I thought you guys had a positive view of dark skinned characters in a video game.

Your whole post reads as you being a obsolete shitskin trying to make Whites feel guilty so they don't realise how little your existence is need.

No one complains about QT asians because they're actually civilized.

>if Sup Forums is successful at proving they are right, no one should hold the same views

You are in for a shock when the day comes that you get your arse handed to you for being anti-White.

>be a deadly serious Race of people
>have a history better than anyone else
>non-Whites have never faced Whites in recent time when we are not being cucks
>think that when we say we will be back it's a joke
>non-Whites are genetically too dumb to see the times change before them

stupid sexy pinoys


>I thought you guys had a positive view of dark skinned characters in a video game.
HOT dark skinned character.
Or hot characters in general.

top quality feet

I guess most people don't mind black persons in videogames as long as they aren't everywhere and in litterally every game being pushed in to fulfill the diversity quota

Battlefield 1 demo had the option to choose your race the release doesn't.
Games like Outlast 2 and Far Cry 5 would never be made with an as explicit reference to Islam. If pointing that out offends you, you can go fuck off to your safe space.

How is one Assassins Creed game in ten years with a black guy in it forced? The double think here is insane.

>remove black man bruce
>replace with seanigger

Give me two reasons why developers shouldn't add more black or dark skinned female characters.

Sup Forums didn't infest Sup Forums. A handful of radical right-wingers did, and they just happened to be successful in shilling their views to the sort of highly impressionable, underage losers that already browse Sup Forums.

>It's all Sup Forums's fault, i swear!

If they're well developed or enjoyable? no a single fuck is given however when they're there for the diversity quota and all look the same? yeah I have issues.

only when japan does it

if it's politically and racially motivated to shove history revisionism and multiculti commie degeneracy down our throats I'm out.
I have nothing against people of other races in my vidya if they are properly implemented and feel like the belong into the setting.

This E3 was a politically and racially charged shitshow by mentally ill libshits to propagate their MUH MULTICULTURAL MULTIETHNICAL FUCK DRUMPF FUCK WHITEY agenda. If you don't see it, then there is no hope for you.

Josie is a qt.

You've answered you're own question nigger.

Bruce was boring as fuck
At least Josie is cute

>most powerful race
>not civilized

>implying you can't shill to the left as well.

We're really not. We're just mexicans that try to go to america to steal healthcare jobs.

Can you redditors stop with this shitty ironic DIVERSITY posting. Its old already.


you literally shit this board up. Go back to >>>/beddit/

It's OK when japan does it. whenever a western game does it, you can sense the fakeness.

>Sup Forums


user, entire SEA is like south american of asia
I know because I was born and raised in one of it

>nobody plays Bruce
>turn him into a bear loving hot chick
>everyone plays her
Too bad it didn't work for Raven

This, her footpussy needs a good fucking.



>tfw stuck at Initiate

how git gud

TG is my fetish. Damn right.

you have to go back

Sup Forums is a boogayman I swear guise xD

that's because people actually played Raven

It's two, Liberation exists.
Three if you count the Black Flag DLC about the negro first mate Freedom Cry.

>I thought you guys had a positive view of dark skinned characters in a video game.
I do. I just don't want it so blatantly forced onto me. Pandering to any crowd unrelated to the genre is inexcusable.


Sup Forums didnt invade this board, leftist faggots did

this board wasnt always filled with cock-loving homos and "muh diversity" retards

we've had enough of your shit, and we are you moving you out, back to plebbit where you belong, degenerates

Either SJW and Sup Forums are both boogeymen or they're both real.

>tfw no Josie gf

>I thought you guys had a positive view of dark skinned characters in a video game.
If they looked half as pretty as Josie, I would.

>Sup Forums
>a chaotic site with barely any posting rules, no names, no posting history, no identities and not many rulers turns into a bastion of extreme far-right Nazis

>a site with draconian posting rules, names, posting history, user reputation system, peer pressure and entire hierarchies and cabals of rulers turns into a bastion of extreme far-left SJWs

Fuck off Funnyjunk

>Sup Forums
>a chaotic site with barely any posting rules, no names, no posting history, no identities and not many rulers turns into a bastion of extreme far-right Nazis

fixed that for you.


Its funny how a few years ago nobody gave a shit about black characters and now we have a riot everytime one appears.
Its like we have regeressed instead of progressing.

without Sup Forums, Sup Forums ignores games we dont like.
why didnt the mods purge these flamewar inciting motherfuckers?

The power of memes cannot be stopped.

>I thought you guys had a positive view of dark skinned characters in a video game.
Only when they are done in brown anime style with no negroid facial features

>if they didn't exist, Sup Forums would basically just be a hobbyist platform with centrist-tier political views

Keep dreaming, redditor queer. Take your GRIDS medicine already.

She looks great in 2D yet so shitty in 3D .

it used to be natural and normal, now it's a big deal because it's advertised as such

>Put a dark skinned person in a trailer
>Deliberately make it stick out like a sore thumb
>Some people online say some racist things, as was intended
>Other people defend the game because obviously they don't like racists
>Journos write 17 articles in an hour talking about the negative reaction
>Suddenly a game nobody would have really cared about is the talk of the town, or it gets twice the publicity it would otherwise
This shot was solely constructed so that Sup Forums could say "LOL A MONKEY AND HER BOYFRIEND" and generate a butthurt reaction in potential customers. They were literally part of the plan, and so was this thread.

shut the fuck up white boi

alyx vance, carl johnson, Kratos, rodriguez, Vass arent anime style
fuck off to Sup Forums


Go back to your safe space, redditor.

Too bad her moveshit isn't as cool as Bruce's

b12> Get ready to flyyyyyyy

offtopic flamewars arent an opinion
go kill yourself or fuck off to Sup Forums

She's literally the main character of the game. If she sticks out, that's why

Blender and SFM porn can't come soon enough
But to answer your question, it's underage newfags and Sup Forumstards, which are moot's fault, as always.

What's the issue with that? Altair was a towel head, Ezio was Italian, Connor was a wagon burner, ass creed was always diverse


lol leftists are manbabbies.

Only CJ and Alyx are black tho, and Alyx is mixed

moot specifically ordered the mods to delete and ban all Sup Forums tier flamewar threads on sight hence why the meme fucktards bitch Sup Forums was antiGG.
Hiro seems to encourage them hence the clusterfuck of a board we currently got.

And before someone thinks I'm a schizo, don't forget that marketers have been known to insert subliminal messages into their ads. They're trained manipulators, so don't think for a second that anything you see related to these E3 trailers, including racism, wasn't the intended result.

We're on Sup Forums right now

Can you be middle wing? or no wing? I don't into politics at all and don't know what the wings are

Sup Forums is dead

What negative things did you point out?

Sup Forums didn't infest shit. It has always been an aggregation of Sup Forums's finest.

>muh pol

it's you normie niggers that thought they were here in good company

one of the first words posted on Sup Forums was a nigger spammer

You are shizo and an idiot too. But those two things go well together.

>Sup Forums
This isn't a trap thead

Alex Jewnes is a left-wing nutjob.

being this new
neofags and plebitors have to go back

>tfw I can see the hamplanet wiggling her arms screaming VIDYA GAEMS at the pepe army lead by sargon shitting the board with redpillz
shadilay praise kek amirite my fellow pede

>moot specifically ordered the mods to delete and ban all Sup Forums tier flamewar threads on sight
Yeah, but he already fucked up by creating Sup Forums in the first place.
So it's still all moot's fault.

dark skinned =/= full blown negroid

>anti diversity threads
There is no anti diversity threads, there is only anti "forced diversity" threads, there is only anti "forced blacked" threads.

Maybe because back then it wasn't forced down our fucking throats?

>Its like we have regeressed instead of progressing.

This is exactly why there's so much backlash, because dumb faggots like you think putting black people into video games means progression.

What does that had to do with anything

Sargon and r/The_Dildo are liberals and LITERALLY plebbit, so good job attacking your own team, lefty dumbfuck.

moot planned to make Sup Forums Sup Forums. you can post furry shit and trap shit there and no mods will touch you to make it truly free speech and not a fucking stormfront hugbox

Characters are valued on how unique they are and their personality.

When every character is a black chick with an afro, you can tell they don't care about their characters and that implies they don't care about their game.

No he isn't but ok

You're a fucking retard if you think these SJW bullshits will be stopped just by banning Sup Forumstards, they're never the cause, they're just a bunch of edgy nobody.

Alyx Vance and Eli Vance were forced. You can even see the forced diversity of the rebels in HL2.
Before HL2 everything is white as fuck.
You should bitch about that game.

>shills for poopdick marriage
>associates with trannies
>shills for "le based nationalist jews XDD"

He's leftist as fuck.