What is "bad gunplay"?

What is "bad gunplay"?

Guns that don't work

Guns shoot like bb guns
Recoil isnt good
Aiming is gay

Shooting in games that aren't Destiny

CS series description (not just GO)

Play uncharted series to understand this.

This desu

Fallout meme shotgun

The gunplay in 4 is good though

Thats what he means user

He's implying that uncharted has bad gunplay.
And it does, except 4

Nu-Fallout (3 & 4) comes to mind.

Unsatisfying animations and sound. Overly weak weapons.

post weapons you want to see in vidya, cyberpunk and sci-fi accepted


This. I hate it when guns in game sound like fucking BB guns.


bullets sponge enemies, too

like fallout 3 where the only way to shoot is with vats

That fits in with overly weak weapons.

>multiple shotgun blasts to a human enemy's face
>its a boss so it only did about 1% of its HP in damage

weapons that don't feel powerful at all

Borderlands, for the most part.

Everything you play after STALKER

STALKER with mods*

>using gay like is a way to describe something negative

Why is happy aiming a bad thing?

CS gunplay is not bad.

Why does this board hate CS so much?

Fallout New Vegas.

Bad sound and particle effects, that's it.

Some lost alot of steamshekels through gambling.

no hit reaction, no meaty gun sounds, takes entire mags to drop even trash mobs, gun fires but feels like it has no weight to it in the recoil or movement, no big squishy gore when you crack someone's melon. Rage v some of the new Fallout game combat where a ghoul takes a crazy amount of damage to die is a good comparison.

Everything after you play E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy.

Half-Life 2

wrong. guns are fine, the bulletsponge enemies are the issue is the issue

Sup Forums loves 1.6 and all the crazy mods for CSS.

>not using ballistic fist
