WASD vs arrow keys: What do you prefer for playing?
WASD vs arrow keys: What do you prefer for playing?
is this bait?
No one should use the arrow keys for anything other than flash games. End yourself
I still for some reason like them for strategies map panning. Even though it's not very convenient.
Holy fuck I forgot the arrow keys existed in games. I sometimes use them when coding.
GBA emulators
Childhood is using arrow keys
Adulthood sis when you realize WASD is better in every way
... WASD has been standard since before you were born kiddo.
get a fucking controller
wasd > numpad > arrows
numpad for some vehicle control like helicopters in gta
WASD for everything else
arrow keys for wolf3d, doom and Dpad emulators
arrow keys > d-pad
if you're suggesting that I should use the analog stick on a gba game you're either insane or you have never played a gba game
I use 8456 on the number pad.
Arrows when controlling scheme is around Z, X, C keys
Wasd when it's combined with mouse
this is fucking stupid
wasd if for when you need a mouse
only time I use arrows is in combination with WASD for flying Helicopters in games.
>using 4 keys when you can do it all in 2
Fucking casual plebs don't know how to maximize efficiency.
Arrow keys because arrows+numpad has FAR more keys in immediate access than WASD cluster. The very first thing I do in every game is remap to arrows. WASD is basically gamepad tier (IE literally unplayable). There's just nowhere enough keys to actually do anything with.
Depends on the game. Any FPS will use WASD with mouse aiming, for example. SHMUPs may call for Shift, zxcv and arrow keys. I play fighting games with asdzxc and arrow keys because my right hand is faster than my left for directional inputs like dragon punches and 360s.
Older flash games that use zxc, spacebar, and arrow keys but no form of binding I'll stick with, but sometimes I'll still configure it around if I don't feel comfortable with it.
bruh, there are just as many around the wasd
are you left handed, because being right handed it would be awkward as fuck
>left handed
Being left handed is a nigger meme, I'm right handed user. It's vastly more comfortable on arrow keys as well. You have the entire numpad in direct access, nothing remotely like that at WASD.
I come to Sup Forums just to spot these people
Arrow keys if you're left-handed, WASD if you're right-handed.
It's the same guy. In every thread.
But i play stepmania with arrows
this guy gets it
Punk, most controllers made in the last decade (sans that Steam "Controller") have a hat-switch that function exactly like a d-pad. Too bad they tend to be shit unless you're Nintendo.
It depends on the game, depends on what else you are doing with the keyboard, and depends on the other control methods.
WASD is preferable with a mouse setup, since you have access to a lot more keys nearby the directional buttons. The mouse will (reasonably) only have three buttons plus a scrollbar available, which means anything else need to come from the keyboard. This would be highly unreasonable with arrow keys, since there are no other keys surrounding it, but WASD has a number which can be easily tapped while keeping your fingers on the right buttons.
Other key setups (like ESDF) work just as well.
On the other hand, if you are keeping both hands on the keyboard, then arrow keys (or even the numpad) are generally better. It's easy to get your hand lost in the middle of the keyboard, while it is practically impossible with resting your hand on the arrow keys. Plus, Shift+ZXC+Space generally gives your other hand plenty of options available.
Of course, the REAL answer is just key rebinding and allowing the player to choose which control method they prefer.
or if we go back to like 1999 ERGF
How do you use ERFG? Ring on E, middle on R, index for F and G?
Just placing my hand there, I would assume your fingers should be resting on AERG+Space, with the middle finger switching between R and F. I've never tried that before, but it seems like it should work.
I bet you people hunt & peck too.
>where should I bind my keys?
>how about where my hand naturally would be but move it over so it's unnatural.
I will never understand how this became the standard.
WASD has the benefit of having a blind landmark (the Caps Lock/Shift key for your pinkie finger) which means you can easily locate them without looking, and can be sure of where you are just by feel. With ESDF or similar control schemes, deeper in the keyboard, you can end up one key off left or right and end up mashing the entirely wrong commands as a result.
Like this guy said Turn the keyboard 30ish degrees anticlockwise and mouse in the space between you and the keyboard. I didn't have a lot of sideways space to work with back then.
The F and J keys on your keyboard are different. This is intentional. Not sure if you've ever noticed.
Arrow keys + QWER ASDF
Use that setup all the time for fighters
Arrows ofc. I'm unkillable in Call of Duty.
F has a little nub on it for exactly that reason.
Disgusting. One hand and index is dead, play spread
Any game that uses the mouse or numpad should use WASD.
Everything else uses arrow keys.
I use WASD and UIOJKL. Movement with the right hand keys feels so wrong.
I may try that out, user
Always arrow keys
Had to switch from arrow keys to WASD when Quake came out.
It was really difficult to adjust, since most of the games before were arrows only.
I can't even notice those while resting naturally on the keys. I need to curl my fingers so that the fingertips are pointing downwards to really recognize the difference. Doesn't seem like the best method, if that is your only way to find the keys blind.
always WASD unless it's a roguelike, then i use the numpad instead
It's comfortable, has a nub on f for easy finding, has more nearby keys to bind to than wasd, and getting to shift and ctrl and whatnot is more comfortable because you hand isn't scrunched up (unless of course, you are some 5'2 Manlet with toddler hands)
It's literally the reason they are there. For touch typists.
i've been genuinely considering this option, when i was, like, 10
I guess some autists would still prefer arrow keys, but there ain't much benefit leaving you w/o so many extra keys for quick actions
t. fell for TKL meme
I used arrows when I was 12.