How'd your anniversary go plebs? I got 7/11 event skins without buying a single crate...

How'd your anniversary go plebs? I got 7/11 event skins without buying a single crate, just grinded around 60 loot boxes+weekly boxes and happened to build up 3k to buy power ranger genji.

I got so many duplicates, hell even one box I got 2 of the same fucking voice lines,

Got Genji and Zarya, used credits for Lucio. 50 or so crates opened.
All I wanted was Lucio and the Zenny dance.

I didn't know 7/11 was an overwatch sponsor


played like 3 matches

all i wanted was kamen rider genji. got kamen rider genji.

Every single event related item I got was a voiceline for a character I didn't play

Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week. Try the veal.

>Got Zarya, Pharah, Genji and Tracer's skins
>Bought Mei and Lucio's.
It was alright.

logged in for a free chest
got a spray
>remembering last event
>buy boxes
>get duplicate 3k legendaries that only give you 250 coins
havnt logged back in

Got 3 event skins. Tracer (which might be my favourite skin in the game), Lúcio's (neat) and Hanzo's (which is ok but i don't care for the character and prefer the Wolf one anyway). I was left wanting for the D.Va skin.
I also got like 3 or 4 non event legendaries, which is some bullshit. Not even good ones, to add insult to injury.

I got the only two skins and dances that were good so I'm satisfied

god damn the dance emotes are the worst thing blizz has done since sombra

Spend my coins on Mei. 84/84. As tradition with events. Just buy her new stuff and call it a day

Bastion, genji, hanzo, Lucio, Dva

>legendary cash is objectively worse than any other legendaries

How long did your "grind" take? Still doesn't change the fact that you can just straight up buy loot boxes. Do you not value your time? Are you a manbaby or underage? You should be playing for fun, not "grinding" to get stupid skins that you can't even trade.

Without buying a single crate I got a fairly decent haul. I earned;

>D. Va

Emotes Dances
>D. Va
>Road Hog

Only bought Lucio, Sombra and Reinhardt dances with the coins.

Although I'm not happy that Blizzard is making me wait ~480 minutes to log into my own account.

Out of the 3 skins I actually wanted, I got every other skin that were not those 3.

Christ, all I got were duplicates

I only just started playing this game and I'm kind of disapointed I didn't get it on sale because $40 was pretty steep for what it is. But are there more than one good skin for any given character?

I know that there are plenty of rare, grindy, or expensive skins, but Blizzard being Blizzard, a lot of the art direction is over-designed, and if you want something elegant yet imposing it doesn't feel like you're really hunting for any more than just the one skin.

I was browsing Soldier's skins, for example, and decided russet brown was really the best one. His base color is okay too, but I thought a bit too flashy for an old soldier. Commando or Night Ops might have also been okay.

Had to buy three dance emotes because all I got was sprays, voice lines and a million duplicates. I'm not participating in another one of these events again, loot box drop rates were abysmal along with XP taking forever to accumulate.

Is anyone else getting placed in a queue to login? Its telling me to wait 102 minutes

Got a bunch of dances, and the only skin I got ended up being Mei's. I wanted anyone but Mei. I wanted Dva's, Lucio's, and Bastion's pretty badly but now I never will.

Forgot to get that one Reinhardt voiceline and I would've liked to get Lucio's but I'm still using Andes. Bought Genji's skin even though I'm horrible with him because that's probably the best skin he's ever going to get bar none.

Oh, and speaking of skins, I feel like some of them really fuck with your ability to spot a character at a glance. Like Solider's "strike commander" skin. In the dark it looks kind of like Reaper because of the coat. I suppose your reaction wouldn't be too much changed, but still. People thought hats in TF2 fucked with the silhouettes, but the devs don't seem to give a shit in Overwatch.

I got 8/11 ( for the ones I wanted) and most dances, didn't buy a single box.

I got's skin, bastions skin, soldier's skin. Then I also got mercy, widows, and's dance, and the best dance, Mei's hare hare yukai

Bought 20 bucks worth of loot and after all is said and done after leveling I ended with 10/11 and I don't care about bastions. It was a good event

Is this what overshills only care for?
Skins and hats?
How about some actual gameplay changes, engine fixes and maps that aren´t shitty shoved in "arcade" game modes?

Dumbest complaint about overwatch I have ever read

It's like you want all the characters to have boring and similar skins

I care about that, loot is just icing on the cake desu familiar. The game is decently balanced online, so what am I gonna whine about right now? I'm not like you silver shitters I can actually kill a pharah

>get one dance
>he just taps hit foot and looks around

I sincerely feel cheated

How about they fix the engine-side and client-side delay.
Because the 64 tick servers are bullshit.

None of that shit makes em money, so lol

But they do often look similar at a distance. You've got two characters with long coats on, and then a bunch of skins for other ground-based humans that give them long coats.

There was one game where I saw somebody flashing around and I thought it was Tracer. I was playing Pharah so I was waaay over the map. Turns out there was a Tracer running around, but then there was a Sombra in a similar looking outfit.

It doesn't matter too much to Pharah whether it's Tracer or Sombra down there, but it's definitely confusing. And as for confusing a Soldier for a Reaper, that's actually a bit of an issue when you're Pharah.


after the 10th box of getting nothing I gave up and haven't touched the game since

>still playing overwatch
redit leave

I wanted to get them all ;_;

huh, that's a wellmade graphic

most of my crates had 2-1 blue 3-2 greys.
Most of them already owned
Not a single skin
Got the tracer dance, too bad i hate tracer

Imagine that from the sky you see four characters in long coats running in shadows on one of the darker maps. In the time it takes for the Soldier to see you and shoot you out of the sky as Pharah, tell me which one is Soldier. Because you're a whole lot more obviously Pharah than he is obviously Soldier. You probably have maybe one or two seconds to figure it out.

I got the ones I wanted - DVa, Lucio, Tracer. Everything else is just a bonus.

>all except Zarya and Dva
I sort of feel bad for you.

Got Pharrah's shit dance. The rest was duplicates.

I was playing Quake Champions instead

Only thing I didn't get that I should have bought with credits was the Lucio dance. I got mostly everything else and then some.

>giving a shit about skins
>you barely even see them when playing